I get concerned when folks throw out statements like this without substantiation. Without it, such statements - "little interest in watching .. female sports.", "..spent a small portion of ...annual outlay in beauty products", added to the original posts' opinion that women aren't as interested in statistics, all this smacks of the cultural/historical sexism that I referred to in my original post. It's not quite "a women's place is in the kitchen", or "barefoot and pregnant", but it still alludes to stereotypes about women as being poor in math, not interested in sports, but fixated on looking pretty. I'd a-thought, here in 2016, that we'd be past that sort of thing - particularly fans of a program that celebrates women for whom athletics, impressive numbers, and the value of work over appearance matter a great deal.
Pinot, the substantiation is reality, look around. My opinion is formed by a lifetime of observation. Why is it so difficult to accept that men and women may have different interests? The real point is that there should be no gender barriers, but you can't blame sports inequities on sexism - male dominance.
During my time in the military(20+ years) there was huge shift in the role that women played. For the 1st time women were allowed to serve at sea and not just in non combat vessels but also in warships. "Non traditional" jobs became open to women. The military actively encouraged women to migrate into those positions. While some took advantage of the new opportunities, most women still chose (and it was a choice) to serve in administrative, medical and support roles. That does not mean that there were not women that did great jobs in non traditional jobs - only that they were in the minority.
After I retired from the military I worked for an engineering company. My department employed about 250 engineers in several disciplines. How many do you think were female? We had 5, despite the fact that the company actively pursued hiring female engineers as part of their EO/diversity program. There just were not that many candidates available. IIRC at the time (just 10 years ago +/-) female engineers numbered less than 15% of BE grads.
If sexism is what's limiting women's sports opportunities, why don't women simply rise up and demand a fair opportunity in the marketplace? They control a significant portion of the the economy. I'll answer that from my perspective - because most simply don't care. It's not on their radar. They have other concerns. Competitive sports and all the baggage attached that males find so compelling just isn't very high on their interest list.
A test - what percentage of your female friends have a high interest in female sports? Or any sports for that matter. I don't have enough female friends to provide an answer, but my wife does and so does my daughter. Their opinion - female sports fans of female sports are few and far between.
BTW your comment about "women's place in the kitchen" and "barefoot and pregnant" could not be further off base. I found it offensive. You don't know squat about me. Just another example of a knee jerk intellectually brainwashed response.