Strongly worded Big 12 expansion article | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Strongly worded Big 12 expansion article

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Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I can understand why many Big 12 schools would want status quo. Not guaranteed to strike it rich with whoever you add and things are decent as they stand now. However, I can't understand why those schools would not be crapping their pants at the thought of making OU unhappy. Outside of Texas, OU is the biggest name in that conference. I can't imagine that if the Big 12 decides against expansion that OU won't be knocking on the doors of the SEC or B1G the next day. Not saying they'd get in but I can't see why they wouldn't be bolting the second they could.

This isn't a school president from Texas Tech making all this racket. It's the president of OU. Just makes me wonder what the other school think is going to happen if they stay put.

This is also assuming that other schools not named Texas are against expansion.
Dec 25, 2011
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I can understand why many Big 12 schools would want status quo. Not guaranteed to strike it rich with whoever you add and things are decent as they stand now. However, I can't understand why those schools would not be crapping their pants at the thought of making OU unhappy. Outside of Texas, OU is the biggest name in that conference. I can't imagine that if the Big 12 decides against expansion that OU won't be knocking on the doors of the SEC or B1G the next day. Not saying they'd get in but I can't see why they wouldn't be bolting the second they could.

This isn't a school president from Texas Tech making all this racket. It's the president of OU. Just makes me wonder what the other school think is going to happen if they stay put.

This is also assuming that other schools not named Texas are against expansion.

Agree there. Texas will do whatever is in their best interest. Right now, it looks to be to keep the XII in once piece, at least for the short-term. If Oklahoma bolts, that significantly impacts that value that the XII provides U Texas and in turn, the Long Horns bolt. While Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and maybe OK St have landing places outside of the XII, the rest may not. Thus, the other 6 programs, which are a majority, should be supporting with their dying breath Oklahoma's wishes.
Sep 21, 2011
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I can understand why many Big 12 schools would want status quo. Not guaranteed to strike it rich with whoever you add and things are decent as they stand now. However, I can't understand why those schools would not be crapping their pants at the thought of making OU unhappy. Outside of Texas, OU is the biggest name in that conference. I can't imagine that if the Big 12 decides against expansion that OU won't be knocking on the doors of the SEC or B1G the next day. Not saying they'd get in but I can't see why they wouldn't be bolting the second they could.

This isn't a school president from Texas Tech making all this racket. It's the president of OU. Just makes me wonder what the other school think is going to happen if they stay put.

This is also assuming that other schools not named Texas are against expansion.
I've been saying this for 5 years now.
If we get in ,any post CR evaluation of the success or failures of teams, UConn probably won't even be discussed because it will have been accepted as such a no brainer that no one will be able to take credit for us.
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