Stats comparison of Paige, Hailey, & Caitlin | The Boneyard

Stats comparison of Paige, Hailey, & Caitlin


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Thought I'd compare these three since there was talk about them competing for ROY. Although Caitlin has the highest PPG, her efficiency trails Paige and Hailey respectively by a 1/4 and 1/5 of a point per FGA. Caitlin may be out scoring Paige and Hailey but she has taken almost twice as many field goal attempts at a lower percentage made. Just out of curiosity I included their national rank for a given statistic. The three periods (...) indicate insufficient numbers to be ranked or they were so far behind they received no ranking. Efficiency (PPFGA) is points per field goal attempt (total points - free throws made) / field goal attempts). Geno says rebounding is effort. Must be true. Van Hailey at 5'7" is averaging 6.8 rebounds per game. Paige has only 12 3PT attempts. But I don't have a problem with this, since Geno tells the freshmen to focus on what they do well. She manages the team's offense well which is far more imporant than dropping threes for now. They will happen naturally. No need to force the threes. Paige may not be your "normal" freshman but she is a freshman. Remember Stewie started her freshman year explosively. But then Oops! the dreaded freshman wall rose up. The tough teams played her tough and her confidence flagged ... until tournament time.:) We will have to see how Paige plays against the big dogs, Stanford, Baylor, South Carolina, etc. Hopefully her freshman wall will be just a low hurdle.
Natl Rank  Player / Position  PPG   Natl Rank  Player / Position  PPFGA
     4     Caitlin Clark-G    27.0      NA     Paige Bueckers-G    1.25
    79     Paige Bueckers-G   18.2      NA     Hailey Van Lith-G   1.20
   204     Hailey Van Lith-G  15.6      NA     Caitlin Clark-G     1.06
Natl Rank  Player / Position  FG%   Natl Rank  Player / Position  FGA
    42     Paige Bueckers-G   58.7      13     Caitlin Clark-G    122
   136     Hailey Van Lith-G  50.0       …     Paige Bueckers-G    63
   237     Caitlin Clark-G    45.1       …     Hailey Van Lith-G   56
Natl Rank  Player / Position  3FG%  Natl Rank  Player / Position  3FGA
    46     Hailey Van Lith-G  47.8      18     Caitlin Clark-G      55
     …     Paige Bueckers-G   41.7       …     Hailey Van Lith-G    23
   180     Caitlin Clark-G    34.6       …     Paige Bueckers-G     12
Natl Rank  Player / Position  FT%   Natl Rank  Player / Position   FTA
    85     Caitlin Clark-G    86.8      54     Caitlin Clark-G      38
     …     Paige Bueckers-G   80.0       …     Paige Bueckers-G     15
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G  78.6       …     Hailey Van Lith-G    14
Natl Rank  Player / Position  A/G   Natl Rank  Player / Position   A/TO
     6     Caitlin Clark-G    7.0      185     Paige Bueckers -G    1.6
    18     Paige Bueckers -G  5.8      200     Caitlin Clark-G      1.5
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G  1.8        …     Hailey Van Lith-G    1.3
Natl Rank  Player / Position  Reb/G 
     …     Caitlin Clark-G      7.2 
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G    6.8 
     …     Paige Bueckers -G    6.0
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Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Good stuff. People often point to PPG as the holy grail of comparisons, but Clark has taken 122 shots so far, to Paige's 63. If Paige took twice as many shots a game, she could average 36 PPG (double her average now).

Regardless, 3 terrific freshmen who will do great things for their teams. So glad we have who we do!
Sep 12, 2011
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No attack SVC but really early for this type of comparison in such a weird season. Frosh grow as the season goes and so many things can change after only 5 games. Which one has the most responsibility with the least supporting cast? Each was the best on their high school team and had nowhere near the competition or responsibility they have now, that and under an extremely trying season for freshman.

All three are exceptional players, young and obviously resilient. My hope for now is Paige continues to develop and stays injury free and helps some upperclassmen to expect the unexpected pass or two. ROY will shake out after the season gets deeper or like everything else lately it does not.
Jan 13, 2014
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No attack SVC but really early for this type of comparison in such a weird season. Frosh grow as the season goes and so many things can change after only 5 games. Which one has the most responsibility with the least supporting cast? Each was the best on their high school team and had nowhere near the competition or responsibility they have now, that and under an extremely trying season for freshman.

All three are exceptional players, young and obviously resilient. My hope for now is Paige continues to develop and stays injury free and helps some upperclassmen to expect the unexpected pass or two. ROY will shake out after the season gets deeper or like everything else lately it does not.
I think 5 games is enough to show that Caitlin is a chucker :D :D :D
Dec 4, 2020
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Haven't see the other two, but that PB kid is incredibly AA good and this year.

She will get even better very soon as he mid-range shots start to drop more consistently. From what I have seen thus far and yes the competition hasn't been great, but that has to be measured against her being a Freshie in her first 5 games.....she can get her shot any time she wants. She doesn't need a pick or a play. She can get into the lane and use her length to score. This is what I think will make her great, along with her great vision and passing.

Defensively, she has been ok. Good at getting in the passing lanes by using her length to disrupt the other team. Has been ok at best at perimeter defense and moving her feet...will get better at it, maybe not great but better...


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Paige's brilliance is hard to capture by stats alone. I think it is clear we have the pick of the litter but national prominence will only be assured if she does well on the big stage games Baylor, SC and TN. Something tells me she will shine when the lights are brightest.
Dec 4, 2020
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Paige's brilliance is hard to capture by stats alone. I think it is clear we have the pick of the litter but national prominence will only be assured if she does well on the big stage games Baylor, SC and TN. Something tells me she will shine when the lights are brightest.
Very well said eeb! It is great that PB is doing so well now, but the only thing that really matters is how she does in big games, in the final 4.

But, if she plays really well in those big games, it probably means we will win the guard play and then we only need average to good games out of the rest of the team.

If PB dominates, it means she has gotten her teammates involved with great passing and therefore easier scoring chances for them. That means the rest of the team will play well and we win!

So it is a domino effect in my mind and it starts with PB. This could be a season we remember for years with a freshie bringing it home. It is going to be exciting and I'm really looking forward to it.

I've only had this feeling with D, Maya and Stewie and I feel even stronger with PB then I did with those players! :)
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Jan 26, 2016
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I doubt Burckers will ever win in terms of statistics as UConn's style of play is not that conducive to collecting the biggest numbers, especially points per many UConn players have even won an NCAA scoring, rebounding or assists title under Geno? Discerning AA voters will hopefully appreciate her powerful impact on the rest of the team and that should be what counts the most........actually the one stat that PB might win is the free throw shooting average.........she's only at 80% right now after a couple of rare misses in the Villanova game but is historically a 90% free throw shooter.......


Aug 18, 2020
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I just don't think you can compare stats alone. Clark is not on the same caliber of team as UConn and Lville so she has to do more. Van Lith is also a 2G so her stats will be different too.
DEpup, I would change your statement gets to do more, she controls the play, has the ball in her hands and I dare say she thinks she is the teams best option. Looks like she is right. As a floor general I would take Paige any day. I remember watching AAU games and National U17 & U19 games with Hailey Van Lith and Paige playing, thinking that Paige was quicker and a more natural player. In any event I believe all three teams are very happy to have them.
Dec 6, 2020
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Thought I'd compare these three since there was talk about them competing for ROY. Although Caitlin has the highest PPG, her efficiency trails Paige and Hailey respectively by a 1/4 and 1/5 of a point per FGA. Caitlin may be out scoring Paige and Hailey but she has taken almost twice as many field goal attempts at a lower percentage made. Just out of curiosity I included their national rank for a given statistic. The three periods (...) indicate insufficient numbers to be ranked or they were so far behind they received no ranking. Efficiency (PPFGA) is points per field goal attempt (total points - free throws made) / field goal attempts). Geno says rebounding is effort. Must be true. Van Hailey at 5'7" is averaging 6.8 rebounds per game. Paige has only 12 3PT attempts. But I don't have a problem with this, since Geno tells the freshmen to focus on what they do well. She manages the team's offense well which is far more imporant than dropping threes for now. They will happen naturally. No need to force the threes. Paige may not be your "normal" freshman but she is a freshman. Remember Stewie started her freshman year explosively. But then Oops! the dreaded freshman wall rose up. The tough teams played her tough and her confidence flagged ... until tournament time.:) We will have to see how Paige plays against the big dogs, Stanford, Baylor, South Carolina, etc. Hopefully her freshman wall will be just a low hurdle.
Natl Rank  Player / Position  PPG   Natl Rank  Player / Position  PPFGA
     4     Caitlin Clark-G    27.0      NA     Paige Bueckers-G    1.25
    79     Paige Bueckers-G   18.2      NA     Hailey Van Lith-G   1.20
   204     Hailey Van Lith-G  15.6      NA     Caitlin Clark-G     1.06
Natl Rank  Player / Position  FG%   Natl Rank  Player / Position  FGA
    42     Paige Bueckers-G   58.7      13     Caitlin Clark-G    122
   136     Hailey Van Lith-G  50.0       …     Paige Bueckers-G    63
   237     Caitlin Clark-G    45.1       …     Hailey Van Lith-G   56
Natl Rank  Player / Position  3FG%  Natl Rank  Player / Position  3FGA
    46     Hailey Van Lith-G  47.8      18     Caitlin Clark-G      55
     …     Paige Bueckers-G   41.7       …     Hailey Van Lith-G    23
   180     Caitlin Clark-G    34.6       …     Paige Bueckers-G     12
Natl Rank  Player / Position  FT%   Natl Rank  Player / Position   FTA
    85     Caitlin Clark-G    86.8      54     Caitlin Clark-G      38
     …     Paige Bueckers-G   80.0       …     Paige Bueckers-G     15
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G  78.6       …     Hailey Van Lith-G    14
Natl Rank  Player / Position  A/G   Natl Rank  Player / Position   A/TO
     6     Caitlin Clark-G    7.0      185     Paige Bueckers -G    1.6
    18     Paige Bueckers -G  5.8      200     Caitlin Clark-G      1.5
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G  1.8        …     Hailey Van Lith-G    1.3
Natl Rank  Player / Position  Reb/G
     …     Caitlin Clark-G      7.2
     …     Hailey Van Lith-G    6.8
     …     Paige Bueckers -G    6.0
you forgot turnovers. Clark leads the Nation. her own media pointed that out during her last home game.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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you forgot turnovers. Clark leads the Nation. her own media pointed that out during her last home game.
Actually I did not forget turnovers. For guards I find the assists to turnovers ratio to be the important statistic. A/TO is included.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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I haven't seen Clark play. Saw a couple of Louisville games so I have an idea of what Van Lith brings to the table. Obviously I know what Paige brings.

Van Lith is not really a point guard but more of a shooting guard. She's good but sometimes inconsistent. Louisville is a talented team and she seems to have found her place in the line-up.

Regardless of the stats, I'll take Paige anyday.
Nov 22, 2017
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The missing thing that would have helped me digest all that info would have been to include games played. Any stat increases in value (and likely closer to a real season stat) with the number of games played. One bad game more strongly affects a stat if you have only played a few.

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