Sports Illustrated, a once venerable magazine, is now an online media source only that specializes in “clickbait.” Having said that, the question they raise of why Lindsay Gottlieb had her star player on the court in the 4th qtr of a 50 pt blowout is a legitimate question.
In comparison, UConn just blew out Georgetown by 30+ the other night. In that game, Paige had 24 pts with a couple of minutes remaining in the 3rd qtr, and could easily have reached 30. But Geno subbed in for her before the end of the 3rd qtr, ending Paige’s night.
A few years ago, Geno left Paige in too long in a blowout win, and she was injured. Evidently he has learned from that decision. Hopefully, Lindsay Gottlieb will learn from hers as well.