Some Perspective | The Boneyard

Some Perspective

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I wonder at times what game you are watching.

They moved the ball? They had 212 total yards.

The running game was much improved? They gained 76 yards total on the ground and Newsome averaged 3.6 ypc.

Here is a gem from the coach:

"I heard a bizarre stat coming up as a coach, for every freshmen you have to play, count it as a loss.”

What's the translation for freshmen you don't have to play?
Aug 27, 2011
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I think Matt is a bit over the top with his analysis of the team, and Diaco in particular. Too much fanboy for my taste, but too each their own.

I also recognize that Matt has press credentials and has to ask Diaco questions, but a little dose of reality here and there wouldn't hurt.
Dec 9, 2013
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I agree with most of what was stated in the perspective. However, the play calling last night was terrible. If anyone watched SMU last week play Eastern Carolina you would have notice that their offensive is very young and almost as bad as ours. Yet, thy spread the field out and threw short passes everywhere ( the line did not allow then to throw deep) and manage to score 21 points against ECU. SMU's offensive was very limited but the offensive coordinator got the most he was going to get out of those players. Why this coaching staff insists on lining up with 2 tight ends( neither who can't block) and running the ball is beyond me. It is just an invitation for the opposing defense to bring everyone closer to the line of scrimmage. The plays that work last night were short passes to Fox and Bradley and pitches to Newsome all out of spread formations with our qb in the shotgun. Time after time, after gaining 6 yards on a play, the the next play that was called was a basic run to the left or right with two tight ends and our qb under center. Predictably, the Tulane's defense defense sniffs out the play and we lose the 6 yards we gain in the previous play. Some of Newsome's and Johnson's best runs were out of a spread formation. Keeping the other teams defense off balance and guessing is the only way UConn is going to be able to move the ball. On the safety play everyone in the stadium knew what we were going to run on that play. My guess is more than a few UConn fans were thinking to themselves HERE COMES A SAFETY!!! In time when the line improves the coaches can run some of those IN YOUR FACE type run plays but not now. The head coach has to understand the skill set and experience of his players and run plays design to best utilize those talents. I do believe Diaco is on the right path in building and program here but no one can argue that he is getting the most out of his offense today.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Wow! We had a few drives that crossed into Tulane territory?

Again, UConn sucked. Grasping at straws over a 3 point output is never going to be acceptable.
Sep 15, 2013
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Two weeks of preparation for a 1-4 opponent and that's what you come up with? Really embarrassing from an offensive standpoint. The safety was particularly embarrassing. Tough to take when teams across the country are putting up 50 points against good teams.
Aug 26, 2011
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Glad you took the torch in football, Matt. Made my life easier. You are doing well.
Aug 26, 2011
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offensive ineptitude isn't a defensive battle in my book. 212yds with about forty coming on the last drive? There is no ammount of positive spin.

I really thought coming off a bye week, we would beat Tulane. Tulane.

This season can't end soon enough, so we can get on to year two of the rebuild. Next year I just want to see something that resmbles a competent offense on the field. Someway, when you're getting paid nearly two million a year, that isn't a huge expectation to put on a coach.
Aug 26, 2011
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@TDdaley, 100 percent agree. The hardest part to understand to date is why every slow developing play, be it pass or run hasn't been scrapped. The only reason I can think of, is that Diaco is married to the ball control offense/bend but don't break defense/field position antiquated way of football. When you are at talent disadavantage, that has to be worst approach possible. The spread gives you a chance, but it does lead to faster three and outs, but what the heck is the difference. Coming into the year Foxx and Davis were our most proven players and REALLY shined at the end of the year. Diaco has basically shut them down with his style of offense and game planning.
Aug 27, 2011
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The spin is bad here. We are not progressing. Maybe we can't IDK. USF lost to ECU sure. But they looked like a different team than the one we played. We have regressed since BYU and Boise and we just can't blame Whitmer. We are a worse team and you can blame the coaches for that.
Aug 27, 2011
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offensive ineptitude isn't a defensive battle in my book. 212yds with about forty coming on the last drive? There is no ammount of positive spin.

I really thought coming off a bye week, we would beat Tulane. Tulane.

This season can't end soon enough, so we can get on to year two of the rebuild. Next year I just want to see something that resmbles a competent offense on the field. Someway, when you're getting paid nearly two million a year, that isn't a huge expectation to put on a coach.
seems like years since we've seen the semblance of a competent offense. Even 2010, our Fiesta Bowl season, the offense was only "competent." Nothing special, but competent. That Temple game that year was a disaster. I know we got on a roll, but we didn't roll anyone along the way. L'ville shut us out. We desperately need a creative offensive mind. I liked Cochrane. He got it. But, whatever.
Aug 26, 2011
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We need to run every play assuming no one gets blocked. Not sure how many of those we have in the playbook. I'm sick of the 2 tight ends especially when they don't block either. But Coach seems to be in love with them. 2nd and long we don't have a clue what to call and that only leads to third and fuggetaboutit. We are at an alltime low and everyone is accountable but you have to question decisions that led up to getting thumped by Tulane in front of about 10k at a glorified HS stadium.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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in short yardage packages I wish HCBD would use a jumbo package with two more offensive lineman for blocking.

The swing pass worked once and then Tulane stiffed it out. Why not go back to it or a screen pass when they are blitzing or crowding the line as Tulane did most of the game
Aug 24, 2011
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I think you have to give Diaco time (through next season). This team is young and so is he with his first HC gig. He is going to make mistakes. Putting Max in on that package in our own end zone was just about insane.

It's hard to be optimistic about any of this, but here are just some simple observations, good and bad:
  • Newsome is definitely talented. I don't think he's physically ready and he needs to know when to get down. But, he will be one of the better backs to ever come out of UCONN before he's done. He and Johnson give some reason to be optimistic about the running game for the future.
  • The defense is pretty good and big chunks of it come back next season. There is not the talent of prior years, but it's a good defense given the level of competition we now play.
  • Over the last 3 games we have completed one pass to at TE. ONE! Seems to me that with all the blitzing teams are throwing at us that we might go to those guys after they chip someone. Makes me wonder about Cummings and Diaco.
  • The OL is showing some signs of improvement to my eye, but opponents are dialing up one blitz after another knowing we don't have the play calling in place to address it. I actually thought Whitmer made good decisions last night.
  • The turnovers are absolute killers.
Aug 26, 2011
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Was at the game. Things that stood out;

1. Having 2 weeks to prepare for 1st defensive series and have Tulane go 80 yards on 6 plays suggests to me the coaches just don't get what is effective at this level of college play. The no rush, guard the line of scrimmage and contain does not work when you leave a big donut hole between DL/LB's and DBacks. Can't get pressure on QB, can't cover quick over the middle passes, can't cover sweeps, just waiting to get picked apart. Was only series Tulane ran that actually looked like they were a football team. Key to me was "this was what our coaches thought the 1st 6 best defensive sets should be after having 2 weeks to look at Tulane offense" - wow.

2. Teams run off tackle and wide much to easily and watched #2 on defense in particular; either he is being instructed to line up where it's impossible for him to be effective, he reacts too slow or is just too slow. On several wide runs and passes he seemed to be responsible for an area that was too big for him to cover.

3. UConn receivers very seldom get open. G Davis does the 8-9 yard out and even those are contested. The Boyle interception looked like a perfect pass, no way that Tulane kid should have been able to jump that route if he had any concerns about the pass pattern being run; there is no deception. On one early 4th qtrs. play where Whitmer was sacked was sitting where could see him and also what he was seeing; neither Davis or Fox were open and if he passes its likely a interception.

4. Tulane punter was terrible and yet Foxx let balls hit ground numerous time, must have cost 75 yards of field position. On one play coaches made good call to put 2 punt receivers back and Foxx was exactly in the spot where a short punt would come, it lands a few feet in front of him and rolls another 20 plus yards.

5. Pitch to running backs seemed to gain better angles as RB's were in motion, could see blocks and confused defense as they were expecting runs only off handoffs.

6. Late motion and slants by DL seemed effective.

7 Whitmer moved around and got several decent runs, still looks uncomfortable and don't think he can see over rushing linemen and blockers in the 5 to 12 yards deep area, maybe at 20 yards.

8. Whitmer dropping the ball while scrambling one time was just indicative of type of risk he presents as a QB under pressure.

9. Arkeel had early 1st qtr run where he looked like he was one slip from going all the way. He is better on running with pitch than Johnson. Can't fumble like that.

10. Wasted very good field position on 3 straight possessions in 1st half.

11. On tight formation the line of scrimmage is so crowed with players there is no room to run, seemed like this formation with Davis wide is a time to throw, don't think we did even once.

12. Not sure what the TE's usefulness is as don't remember any passes to them other than a real late in game heave.

13. Make no mistake, this was a very bad FBS opponent.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm glad someone mentioned it. For a bad team Tulane has a terrible punter.
Sep 2, 2011
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All good points and that is my problem with this coaching staff. Where are the adjustments after having 2 weeks off to prepare. We are so predictable. He obviously sees something in McQuillan at TE to keep playing him week to week, but I am not seeing it. Not seeing anything that our FB's are bringing to keep using them.
And week after week Foxx costs us many, many yards by letting the ball fall rather than come up and call fair catch. What does the coaching staff see that they continue to keep him in there. What ever happened to Brian Lemelle? He is not being used at all.
Aug 28, 2011
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"the Huskies had runs of 6, 6, 10, and 13"

"A 13-play, 48-yard drive to open the game"
"7-play, 52-yard drive"
"5-play, 32-yard drive"
"9-play, 36-yard drive'
"7-plays, 53-yards"

When you have to resort to pretending runs of 6, 6, 10, and 13 are highlight worthy. When you pretend the fact the offense had 5 drives where they managed 221 yards is a good thing because you don't care it only resulted in 3 points.

Then it's not your reader who needs "some perspective". It's you.

For cripes sake, the first drive was 13 plays, and under 50 yards. The 5 drives average 44 yards per drive.

WE need perspective?
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