Some Good Looking Players | The Boneyard

Some Good Looking Players

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Aug 15, 2011
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UConn has lots of those. Players with obvious skills, that is.

And we see some good looks on the court. Open shots, that is.

This is a sports forum. We’re here to discuss the players as athletes, not as glamour girls.

From time to time, we feel the need to repeat that comments about how attractive players are (or are not, for that matter) are out of bounds.

ONO no sooner signed than a thread about how high she can jump turned to how pretty she is. We removed a few such posts to underscore our point.

Another recent thread was locked, predictably, because the original post was about a member’s crush on a former player.

Tongue in cheek? Good natured? Harmless banter?

Probably so, in most cases. Apparent good intentions are one reason this issue has been around so long, with only sporadic enforcement of board policy.

Our occasional censuses have shown the majority of BY members to be older (50+ to ++) men. An analysis of why this is so would be interesting, but if one of the reasons in some cases is that we’re dirty old men, we need to hide the evidence.

Chalk it up to the current anti-harassment climate if you wish. It’s really longstanding board policy that we intend to give renewed emphasis.

Please, no comments about what a nice smile a player has, or her beauty, hair, clothes, etc., or worse, your personal reaction to her.

Be you a benign payer of compliments, or be you a leering old hornball, your cooperation will be appreciated.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Just to chime in, I'm sure most comments are well-intended and are seen as simple compliments. But think for a second - how many comments have you seen about male basketball players' looks? People don't talk about LeBron James' smile; they talk about what a marvelous athlete he is.

I hope we can nudge people away from passing judgement on women's basketball players' looks (any player, any team) and concentrate on their skills. And despite the inevitable protests that no one is "passing judgement"; yes, folks are subconsciously reviewing a picture of a person and making a determination that she's pretty enough to make a comment on her looks. Women have put up with this forever but seem to have hit a wall with tolerance for this casual (and mostly unintended) sexism.

I appreciate everyone's efforts in sticking to discussion of players' basketball skills.
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