Soccer Loses on PK's | The Boneyard

Soccer Loses on PK's

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Aug 27, 2011
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Tough game. Charlotte was very good. We took the lead 1-0 with 7 minutes left in the game and they scored to tie it about 2 minutes later. Nothing in the 2 OT's.

For us, the PK thing was awful. It was 4-2.

We lost last year in PK's I think.

Sold out by Friday. Great crowd of 5,100. Everybody into it this week. Not an Ambien Conference this week.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tough game. Charlotte was very good. We took the lead 1-0 with 7 minutes left in the game and they scored to tie it about 2 minutes later. Nothing in the 2 OT's.

For us, the PK thing was awful. It was 4-2.

We lost last year in PK's I think.

Sold out by Friday. Great crowd of 5,100. Everybody into it this week. Not an Ambien Conference this week.
It would drive me crazy to be very invested in that soccer team. Make a season based on defense, and blow up in BE title game and this one. Sometimes you need to score.
Aug 28, 2011
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I agree, soccer season was a disaster. Ranked #1 most of year, lose BE final and lose at home on PKs.

I monitored it via Twitter and all, but yes, always expected an epic meltdown which they gave us.

It would drive me crazy to be very invested in that soccer team. Make a season based on defense, and blow up in BE title game and this one. Sometimes you need to score.
Aug 27, 2011
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Shame on them :( I was really looking forward to the College Cup this season, but they blew it, proud of our seniors though. Cascio was a freakin animal this season, and next season will be even better :)
Aug 27, 2011
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This was no disaster. No meltdown. Can't figure out why anybody could think that. It was a very good game. In fact a great game. Make no mistake the other team was very good - have to figure that they were to come this far. They applied great pressure on the ball hoping for a mistake in front of the net. They kept playing the long ball just hoping.

Losing in PK's happens to good teams. The goal that tied it was difficult to stomach.
Nov 19, 2011
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This was no disaster. No meltdown. Can't figure out why anybody could think that. It was a very good game. In fact a great game. Make no mistake the other team was very good - have to figure that they were to come this far. They applied great pressure on the ball hoping for a mistake in front of the net. They kept playing the long ball just hoping.

Losing in PK's happens to good teams. The goal that tied it was difficult to stomach.

Did you read the Hartford Courant wrap up with the quotes from Ray Reid? All but called out his team for not being able to handle pressure or work hard in these playoff tough situations. He and Carlos Alvarez said the team was asleep at the wheel on the game tying goal.

"We had the game won, it's unconscionable that we're home, up a goal with eight minutes to go and we blow it," Reid said.

On the game-tying free kick, UConn dropped back and got too compact in its own box and it paid for it.

"We did enough to win the match — it wasn't one of our better performances but it was enough — and we just squander it away," Reid said.

I'd call that a disaster/meltdown. And unfortunately it was and has been too common with this team the past decade.
Aug 27, 2011
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Did you read the Hartford Courant wrap up with the quotes from Ray Reid? All but called out his team for not being able to handle pressure or work hard in these playoff tough situations. He and Carlos Alvarez said the team was asleep at the wheel on the game tying goal.

"We had the game won, it's unconscionable that we're home, up a goal with eight minutes to go and we blow it," Reid said.

On the game-tying free kick, UConn dropped back and got too compact in its own box and it paid for it.

"We did enough to win the match — it wasn't one of our better performances but it was enough — and we just squander it away," Reid said.

I'd call that a disaster/meltdown. And unfortunately it was and has been too common with this team the past decade.
I guess we differ on the meaning of the word word meltdown. Did we have the game -yes. Did we stupidly give it away. Did we do poorly in PK's - yes. Is everybody disappointed - sure, even Ray Reid.

On the other hand this was a pretty good game against a pretty good team. I watch tons of soccer. I have been to many UCONN games - and you? You would expect that in a Final 8 game. Meltdown to me means that they came and had a terrible game, did not prepare and did not play hard. This was not the case. It was really a great match. This was no disaster.

They have tons over returnees next year. Should be good.
Nov 19, 2011
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Well I would argue stupidly giving away leads on your homefield with a trip to the College Cup on the line is a meltdown. UConn's season has ended 3 straight years in PK's so clearly there is an issue dealing with pressure and Reid basically said so in the Courant. He said a lot of other things to. You should read it. He suggested the team doesn't work hard enough when it's not easy for them- like in a playoff game where things don't come easy. He said his top 7 players need to play better.

The quality of the game means nothing in the grand scheme of things. The Rutgers-UConn football game 2 years ago was a good game. And we played hard. And the result was a disaster. We allowed an 81 yard TD after we took the lead with 30 secs left. UConn's soccer defense had a shut out streak early this season that reached double digit games, something like 12 games in a row of shut outs. The defense is what made them succesful. They need to shut out Charlotte for 8:45 to go to the College Cup. And they gave the lead up 2 minutes later due to a defensive breakdown. That's a meltdown in my book.

Having a ton of returnees doesn't mean much if your can't deal with PK's and play tight and not to lose in the postseason. Which they have for a while now.

And I've been to about 25 home games at Morrone the last 7 or 8 years.
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