OK, I figured out where to go, how to create an account, saved the login, and loaded the avatar.
Next up: create the tab and lurk a bit to see how this works, basic "old dog new tricks stuff." If you like this setup, keep mentioning that. It'll help me through the learning curve to know that trusted colleagues are saying, "C'mon in, the water's fine." The YouTube how to video sounded like a good idea to me.
Most years, I'm on post-season vacation from the Boneyard between NBA Draft day until, say, late September and the Midnight Madness run up. Must be the afterglow of the NC, but my summer check-ins have increased from once weekly and yielded Daniels/Drummond/Dunn (3-D?), Herbst/Hathaway/History of message boards/Hurricane Irene, aka mother death storm summer division (4-H), and now this.
A good time to pause and say THANK YOU to the moderators who do their best to stay one step ahead of whatever, or at least somewhere interesting off the beat.