So two wins by less than a TD against teams we should beat. How do you feel about the 2015 Huskies? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

So two wins by less than a TD against teams we should beat. How do you feel about the 2015 Huskies?

How do you feel about the 2015 Huskies?

  • 2-0 What's not to love?

    Votes: 47 33.8%
  • Good so far, too early to tell.

    Votes: 52 37.4%
  • Happy for the wins but worried that we couldn't get separation from Nova and Army.

    Votes: 28 20.1%
  • Enjoy it while it lasts, wins are going to hard to find from here on out.

    Votes: 12 8.6%

  • Total voters
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Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Maybe (10% odds) we win or perhaps, if there is such a thing, have a good loss.
There is absolutely a Good Loss! It's what we've been missing for multiple years now. Just staying competitive and not coming out of the halftime locker room looking like you'd rather be back at your dorm then playing a game is a step up for this team! It's a decent chance that they are down by 2+ touchdowns coming out of the half. I want to see them be able to come out and show signs of fight in them. THAT would be a HUGE upgrade for this team. Show the fans that you are fighting with everything you can!
Aug 27, 2011
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Happy to see the crowd as well. Almost 30K - 28.5K I think The place looked, at least, somewhat full and the crowd was into it.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I would do a backflip if I was in better shape! 2-0 is exactly where I was hoping to be after our first two games. No, our games weren't blowout wins but I'm okay with that for a number of reasons.

We knew Nova was a good FCS opponent and would give us a good game. The total yards were about even and if not for a ridiculously stupid personal foul penalty, UConn wins 20-9. Sure, Nova made some mistakes but we capitalized like a winning team should. We made our fair share of mistakes too. Good win any way you slice it.

The Army game scared me before kickoff. Triple option offenses scare me. A lot. We have never historically defended them well, but we sure did yesterday. We dominated the total yardage 415-265 and if you take out the two big scoring plays that Army got, you're looking at low/mid 100 yards for the game. VERY impressive. While I know Navy is much better than Army and will run the triple option better, I now have a bit of hope for September 26th.

This team is still learning how to win, which it has now done twice. Like @Jax Husky said, I'll begin to worry about "style points" later. But what I've seen (and liked) so far includes:

1. MUCH better QB play - Shirreffs' decision making is lightyears ahead of Whitmer (I'm not trying to bash just is what it is). I do think Shirreffs is getting slightly better support from his OL, but it just seems to me that Bryant is able to go through his progressions quicker and come to a run vs pass decision quicker. It's exciting to have a D-1 level QB again.

2. OC play calling. We have spent YEARS complaining about play-calling here. I don't think we can complain any more. It seems like there is a much better run/pass mix this season, probably largely because we have a D-1 level QB again. If we have any trick plays in our playbook, we haven't seen them yet...and that's good. We've gotten through our easier portion of the schedule without showing anything on film, just basic offense. I'm excited to see some of the gameplans and play-calling in our beefy part of the schedule.

3. Youth. Hot damn, we have some SERIOUS talent in their 1st or 2nd seasons. Looking ahead towards 2016 for a quick second, it will be very difficult to not have high expectations entering the year if we can avoid injuries and this team continues to learn how to win difficult games. We have talented youth at QB, OL, RB, TE, WR, DL, and LB. We are recruiting pretty well against our demographic r1vals despite our conference and W/L record handicaps. I know, and can accept, that at some points in our season, our youth will make some mistakes that may cost us wins. But as long as they learn from them as the season progresses, I can't help getting excited for our program's future - including this season.

The team has done its part. We're 2-0 and actually have reason for a tiny shred of cautious optimism heading into our game against Mizzou this weekend (I can't believe I just said that!). We are on bowl eligibility schedule (I can't believe I said that too!)...the time is now for our casual fans and anyone who has ever complained about the AAC in the past 5 years to support football again. This program, our beloved school, and this state needs its residents to come back to the Rent now. I would love to see a nice big crowd for Navy - our guys will need the help from our stadium to beat the Midshipmen.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I thought the first two games would answer some questions - but beyond the QB situation - nothing else has really changed and questions abound. I suppose you could say the defense as a whole has played better too - still concerned about team speed all the way around.

UConn played the first two games not to lose which brings a certain stress which is difficult to overcome when expectations are high but results (looking back at least year) have fallen way short. Mizzu should be telling as the quality of the opponent will increase and the team may benefit from the freedom of low expectations. They also get a rest from defending against the mobile qb which may benefit our D.

Hard to believe, but yes I am actually looking forward to next week. Maybe (10% odds) we win or perhaps, if there is such a thing, have a good loss.

Agree, there are "good losses" this season. We're young and still learning how to win. This team will surely make mistakes that may cost us wins but as long as the guys learn from them, and it looks like there has been considerable learning from 2014 to 2015!, then I'm okay with it. Covering the spread against Mizzou would be a "good loss" for this year's team at this time of year.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The team is competent offensively this year, which feels like a huge improvement. The huge, head shaking, screwups are down to once a quarter instead of every 3-4 plays. UConn would have definitely lost both games last year.

That said, let's not get too celebratory yet. Villanova is an FCS school and Army is one of the worst teams in FBS. UConn needed these two to get to 4-5 wins. Navy will be the next big test. They are a lot better than UConn, but not so far ahead that UConn has no chance.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The team is competent offensively this year, which feels like a huge improvement. The huge, head shaking, screwups are down to once a quarter instead of every 3-4 plays. UConn would have definitely lost both games last year.

That said, let's not get too celebratory yet. Villanova is an FCS school and Army is one of the worst teams in FBS. UConn needed these two to get to 4-5 wins. Navy will be the next big test. They are a lot better than UConn, but not so far ahead that UConn has no chance.

I understand the overall tone of your post - you want to see how the team fares against "better" teams before doing backflips. Completely acceptable.

Me? I think wins are wins. Ask Arkansas fans how they feel today or Auburn fans how they felt yesterday afternoon when they had to pull one out of their magic hat to tie and then beat Jacksonville St. Maryland fans can't be feeling too excited after being doubled up by Bowling Green at home either. After spending the last few years watching our teams find new ways to lose games...or not getting off the bus in other games whatsoever...I am very excited for the 2-0 start.

But you're right - we'll learn a lot more about this team and what kind of energy buzz will be around this program in the next 3 weeks. Murderer's row of our schedule: Mizzou, Navy, BYU. If we can pick off 1 of these games and play competitively in the other 2, then I think there is VERY good reason for optimism for this season and beyond.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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26,113 - nova
28,260 - army (+2147)
30,xxx- Navy

If we can get (+2000) each game that would be great

Anything less than 30K will be unacceptable, even if we get plastered by Mizzou. 1/3 of the way towards bowl eligibility in September. The time is now for our fans to come back to the Rent.
Aug 31, 2011
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In preseason most predicted a Nova loss. We are 2-0 and as was said earlier, we are learning to win. That may seem silly, but these kids have NEVER won at UConn, instead typically finding ways to lose. I like how this team responds to adversity, makes plays when needed, and runs to the ball on D. I understand we have not beaten top 10 teams, but when you have been a bottom 10 team, learning to beat anybody is good. Let's see how they do on the road. I am happy with where we are.
Feb 10, 2012
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Aug 28, 2011
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I am ecstatic that UCONN is 2-0 because it shows me progress. This team needs to win the "winnable" games and they have. The next step is showing they can hang, even for a little while against Mizzou and BYU.

Last year, it was tough to find any positives, now I see a team with a lot of very good athletes who I expect to continue to get better. The only position that has appeared to regress (and that is scary) is the O Line.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm happy for the wins. I think there is plenty of young talent on this team. They should keep improving this season and next. I'm glad to have a team with ability to make plays and I like Shirreffs, Newsome, Johnson and Myers a lot.

So how are you feeling?
I am very pleased with the two wins; the clear improvements on Defense, at Quarterback and in the play calling on offense. Also, there are glimmerings of improvement in the offensive line, at running back and with the receivers Bottomline, I see improvement and feel that the team is moving in the right direction.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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To those that look at the 2-0 start and think to themselves that we still have no chance against Mizzou, or that 6 wins is still our ceiling, I would offer the following statement:

Of course we are going to be underdogs for many of the upcoming games. Rightfully so. But what team on our schedule has looked unbeatable for us? I would have said Missouri two weeks ago, but then Arkansas State happened. I would have said possibly UCF, but then FIU happened. I would have said BYU (and maybe still should), but then Taysom Hill happened. Ironically, Temple looks like the best team on our schedule at this point.

We haven't played error-free ball yet. Not even close. We've been gashed for big plays. We've missed 3rd and long stops. We've turned the ball over. What happens if we play close to an error-free game? What happens if we go into Mizzou and play our A+ game? And what happens if they don't? In the immortal words of Journey, "Don't stop believin'..."


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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There was a definite buzz in the stadium after the game on Saturday.

I still think we're using our playbook conservatively, and Sherriffs has noted that there are some real good plays in there. We're going to need them to beat Missouri. 11:00am central time zone start and with SEC playing opening up next week, Mizzou might have themselves a trap game. Also this is our Super Bowl this year (outside of the bowl game we play in ;)).


Aug 26, 2011
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My heart is thrilled with two wins. My mind is more logical and is more concerned with the how, not just the end result.

There are mistakes and breakdowns... Things that will cause losing against better teams. That said, we've made mistakes, had breakdowns... And won. That right there is much better than last year.

So, I feel ok. Pretty good even. We've got a ways to go but we are pointing in the right direction.

HCBD put it well :
"We have a long way to go," Diaco said. "We're not even close to being what we're going to be. But the production is on the rise for sure."

Let's go punch Mizzou in 'n mouth!


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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There are mistakes and breakdowns... Things that will cause losing against better teams. That said, we've made mistakes, had breakdowns... And won. That right there is much better than last year.

What makes me feel much better about this team vs. ohhh any in the last 5 years... is that mistakes haven't snowballed. Last year something like the Ron Johnson taunting call or the even the Bryant Sherriffs fumble would have been the beginning of a series of awful mistakes. Bad things happen and they work their way out of them. Sherriffs has a lot to do with that, but the defense does too.
Aug 27, 2011
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I feel great...we were losing these games recently. Wins right now are all that matters, even if they "should" have been by more. If they can pull 6 wins out with this young team, I'll be very confident in the next few seasons.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Wins are nice but more to the point for me is that I'm seeing what I'd hoped to see which is glimpses of what the finished product will look like. Better conditioning, better organization, better play calling, and a 'games matter' attitude. Two and oh is a nice reward but I'm resisting the urge to let this season be about wins - I think we get a lot of those in '16 and '17 and beyond.
Aug 26, 2011
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After the first play on offense, I yelled, "we're playing normal football again!" It's just nice to be doing that right now. We should have beaten Villanova and Army by more, obviously, but had defensive breakdowns.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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After the first play on offense, I yelled, "we're playing normal football again!" It's just nice to be doing that right now. We should have beaten Villanova and Army by more, obviously, but had defensive breakdowns.
offense left pts on the field too vs army, cud've been 31-10...


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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What's not to like about 2 - 0? Better than 0 - 2.

We are a work in progress. That means we are going to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. But in reality, this team is way ahead of last year's. The offense shows great promise and you have to like the fact that many of the playmakers are sophomores and freshman! The O line is better and will continue to improve. There is an improvement in how to use the weapons they have and in what situations demand. Kudos to Verducci and his offenseive planning.

Like the offense, the defense has shown the "bend but don't break" mentality. They too will improve. Neither Villanova or Army shredded the defense. They were contained.

Remember, this is a team that has to learn how to win. There hasn't been much of that in the last few years. This team has not collapsed when a team scores or they make mistakes. They get back to business. There is mental toughness there.

They are also better conditioned. The players even say this.

And I will say kudos to Diaco. He inherited a mess - basically a gut job. He has had to rebuild the team - entally and physically. And he is using the those players who "get it." Whether we win 4, 5 or 6 games, we are headed in the right direction. I'm hoping for 6 wins and any bowl game!
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