Sleeping Cells- how to flush them out! | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Sleeping Cells- how to flush them out!

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Feb 22, 2014
Reaction Score
This is the stupidity that I am disgusted about. Or, maybe the meaning was well beyond any scheme I have to decipher it.

I am actually a fan of Uconn FB (and all other sports and contribute my pennies- not much, but enough to feel good about seeing where we have come by playing by the ethical rules; notwithstanding the singular incidences that are hopefully just that- moments of abberation) going back to the 80's when I stood at the gate watching games because friends and and I came late to get in. We had also losing seasons, but I do not recalled the negativity about coaches, etc. Obviously, there are and will be calls to fire this one or that. And the traffic in coaches never stop. Building a program and a culture is about planning and accepting the pain of losing games/seasons. Yes, UT and others do fire their coaches if the team isn't winning. We are not UT/ND etc. These schools have everything in place: recruitment, fans, money, culture, etc. The thinking there is that they need a captain to steer the ship- not a builder. This year, Uconn played well in the early games against national teams. I was not surprised that the team simply collapsed in the middle of the season. This happens, at times, when players have give their all against superior players. How much can you forced out of a 3.5/4 star recruit against higher level players? Coaches have to coach the players they have and giving 100+% everytime can be draining. This calls for understanding on the part of fans- not 'adolescent' tirade against players, coaches, ADs, or 'if only they had run XXX we would have had ..

So yes, I am a Uconn fan. I think the FB team can get better, but how much more is debateable. They might even be better then BC, SU, etc. But much depends on a broader recruitment area then the NE. Winning would have to be a requirement.
I think the difference between the FB Board and me is that I am old enough not to kick the chair and curse everytime something doesn't go my way. It's all growing pain. MANY OF YOU ARE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY WHO DARE TO ECHO YOUR EVER SAYINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN ALL THE VARIOUS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AT UCONN STARTED AT ZERO. I detest this arrogance of wanting what you want when you want it.

Most posters aren't upset that Uconn Football is not competing for championships. They're upset because after nearly three full seasons in the books the head coach continues to fumble both game and roster management. They're also burned out that he's been unable to put a competent offense on the field, despite nearly every other team in The AAC being able to do so. The fact that he still continues to say and do bat * crazy things on the sidelines and in the media is an embarrassment to many.

Bob's biggest issue is not the losing. Its how he's losing. He has demonstrated little to no growth in his coaching. He's making the same mistakes in regard to clock management in game 10 of year three that he made in game one of year one. Nothing personal against Bob. He might be a great guy, but he has proven to be a poor coach. He gets one more season IMO. If he doesn't win 7 games in 2017, with a team comprised almost entirely of his own players, then he has to go. The program has been better and its fans deserve better.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
This is the stupidity that I am disgusted about. Or, maybe the meaning was well beyond any scheme I have to decipher it.

I am actually a fan of Uconn FB (and all other sports and contribute my pennies- not much, but enough to feel good about seeing where we have come by playing by the ethical rules; notwithstanding the singular incidences that are hopefully just that- moments of abberation) going back to the 80's when I stood at the gate watching games because friends and and I came late to get in. We had also losing seasons, but I do not recalled the negativity about coaches, etc. Obviously, there are and will be calls to fire this one or that. And the traffic in coaches never stop. Building a program and a culture is about planning and accepting the pain of losing games/seasons. Yes, UT and others do fire their coaches if the team isn't winning. We are not UT/ND etc. These schools have everything in place: recruitment, fans, money, culture, etc. The thinking there is that they need a captain to steer the ship- not a builder. This year, Uconn played well in the early games against national teams. I was not surprised that the team simply collapsed in the middle of the season. This happens, at times, when players have give their all against superior players. How much can you forced out of a 3.5/4 star recruit against higher level players? Coaches have to coach the players they have and giving 100+% everytime can be draining. This calls for understanding on the part of fans- not 'adolescent' tirade against players, coaches, ADs, or 'if only they had run XXX we would have had ..

So yes, I am a Uconn fan. I think the FB team can get better, but how much more is debateable. They might even be better then BC, SU, etc. But much depends on a broader recruitment area then the NE. Winning would have to be a requirement.
I think the difference between the FB Board and me is that I am old enough not to kick the chair and curse everytime something doesn't go my way. It's all growing pain. MANY OF YOU ARE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY WHO DARE TO ECHO YOUR EVER SAYINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN ALL THE VARIOUS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AT UCONN STARTED AT ZERO. I detest this arrogance of wanting what you want when you want it.

Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.
<skull emoji> <skull emoji> <skull emoji>
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.

Just quoting this so all of the people that have blocked Whaler get to read what I think is one of the best posts of the year...


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction Score

I really thought this was an islamophobic post about sleeper cells, but this was FAR more entertaining.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.
This post is exhibit A of why I don't ignore Whaler. It may be one of your best.

SMH - Lol, I can't believe you went full Whaler on him.


Feb 19, 2013
Reaction Score
You wanna know something really sad? Our terrible football program will have more "fans", be more nationally relevant, and be more fun to watch when Geno retires. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction Score
This is the stupidity that I am disgusted about. Or, maybe the meaning was well beyond any scheme I have to decipher it.

I am actually a fan of Uconn FB (and all other sports and contribute my pennies- not much, but enough to feel good about seeing where we have come by playing by the ethical rules; notwithstanding the singular incidences that are hopefully just that- moments of abberation) going back to the 80's when I stood at the gate watching games because friends and and I came late to get in. We had also losing seasons, but I do not recalled the negativity about coaches, etc. Obviously, there are and will be calls to fire this one or that. And the traffic in coaches never stop. Building a program and a culture is about planning and accepting the pain of losing games/seasons. Yes, UT and others do fire their coaches if the team isn't winning. We are not UT/ND etc. These schools have everything in place: recruitment, fans, money, culture, etc. The thinking there is that they need a captain to steer the ship- not a builder. This year, Uconn played well in the early games against national teams. I was not surprised that the team simply collapsed in the middle of the season. This happens, at times, when players have give their all against superior players. How much can you forced out of a 3.5/4 star recruit against higher level players? Coaches have to coach the players they have and giving 100+% everytime can be draining. This calls for understanding on the part of fans- not 'adolescent' tirade against players, coaches, ADs, or 'if only they had run XXX we would have had ..

So yes, I am a Uconn fan. I think the FB team can get better, but how much more is debateable. They might even be better then BC, SU, etc. But much depends on a broader recruitment area then the NE. Winning would have to be a requirement.
I think the difference between the FB Board and me is that I am old enough not to kick the chair and curse everytime something doesn't go my way. It's all growing pain. MANY OF YOU ARE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY WHO DARE TO ECHO YOUR EVER SAYINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN ALL THE VARIOUS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AT UCONN STARTED AT ZERO. I detest this arrogance of wanting what you want when you want it.

In the midst of another season in which Uconn FB is underperforming, the school just received another CR kick in the nuts, and the fan base is borderline apathetic after 6 long years, your questions/comments are just untimely.

Nobody on this board has expectations of Uconn competing with Alabama or Texas for national titles. But, we do want to compete with them on a level playing field as a P5 member. If you look back when Uconn was competitive, the fan's showed up. 35-40K for a game against Maine or Towson wasn't unusual.

Sadly, at the program's pinnacle, HCRE left and the program has suffered since. At the same time, CR demoted Uconn to a 2nd tier lot in life. That has taken a huge hit on the casual fan that just wants to see meaningful games.

CT supports a winner. And, just as important, they want to be involved with a program that can impact the national discussion. As of late, that has been the Men's and women's BB. A chance to knock off BC hockey at the XL (people showed up). A chance to beat a program like Michigan FB at the Rent, people show up. A meaningless game against Tulane, not so much (even for Basketball). Like it or not, that's the CT culture.

When the football team starts to turn the corner, eventually challenging for the AAC title and possibly getting a NY6 bowl bid, the fans will be back.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
This post is exhibit A of why I don't ignore Whaler. It may be one of your best.

SMH - Lol, I can't believe you went full Whaler on him.


Whaler must have teenage children ... :cool:
Apr 6, 2014
Reaction Score
Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.
Could this have been said any better? No way!!!


Bringing back the basics
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction Score
This is the stupidity that I am disgusted about. Or, maybe the meaning was well beyond any scheme I have to decipher it.

I am actually a fan of Uconn FB (and all other sports and contribute my pennies- not much, but enough to feel good about seeing where we have come by playing by the ethical rules; notwithstanding the singular incidences that are hopefully just that- moments of abberation) going back to the 80's when I stood at the gate watching games because friends and and I came late to get in. We had also losing seasons, but I do not recalled the negativity about coaches, etc. Obviously, there are and will be calls to fire this one or that. And the traffic in coaches never stop. Building a program and a culture is about planning and accepting the pain of losing games/seasons. Yes, UT and others do fire their coaches if the team isn't winning. We are not UT/ND etc. These schools have everything in place: recruitment, fans, money, culture, etc. The thinking there is that they need a captain to steer the ship- not a builder. This year, Uconn played well in the early games against national teams. I was not surprised that the team simply collapsed in the middle of the season. This happens, at times, when players have give their all against superior players. How much can you forced out of a 3.5/4 star recruit against higher level players? Coaches have to coach the players they have and giving 100+% everytime can be draining. This calls for understanding on the part of fans- not 'adolescent' tirade against players, coaches, ADs, or 'if only they had run XXX we would have had ..

So yes, I am a Uconn fan. I think the FB team can get better, but how much more is debateable. They might even be better then BC, SU, etc. But much depends on a broader recruitment area then the NE. Winning would have to be a requirement.
I think the difference between the FB Board and me is that I am old enough not to kick the chair and curse everytime something doesn't go my way. It's all growing pain. MANY OF YOU ARE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY WHO DARE TO ECHO YOUR EVER SAYINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN ALL THE VARIOUS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AT UCONN STARTED AT ZERO. I detest this arrogance of wanting what you want when you want it.
THOR ????
Is that you ???
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction Score
Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

Really! I mentioned Stanford and ND, but have been or had any assoc. with them; I have however given a talk at the first named. Perhaps that counts in your eyes. My point is that these schools have the money and prestige to call upon when it comes to selling their schools to a recruit.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

If you have read my mentioning of UC-Berkl, UW and UT-Austin as elitism- well sir that is in your own head. Not more to say there.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

Perhaps. But I'm unsure of your thoughts here. There were some incitements on my part to say that Uconn has abided by the rules and not gotten into a lot of the scandals to be found in many top FB (+BB) programs. I might even have questioned whether programs at a certain level can ever be clean. But, I specifically talked about fans and how they experienced home games and the tone after games. It would have naive of me to believe that they were not angry people out there willing to use whatever they had at their disposal to smash anything in their reach. Perhaps for the majority of students and followers their was life outside of FB, etc. What I'm guilty of is to give you guys more importance then you actually have. Thus reducing Uconn FB to what is being said by a few unknowns on a Board. Nevertheless, I really do not know "how things work ...." You are giving me credit for what I have not put forward.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

My reasoning here was simply this: Navy, Houston were not games that most people outside of you guys thought should diff then the outcome. Yes, there was a chance to win the Navy game- but really, they are in a class above Uconn. (Even)SU, Cinn and ECU- while one could have been opt. about a win, it should never be the end of the world that they ended as the did. I am not on the ground to question, AS YOU DO, whether the coaches have 'put the best offense on the field'. There you may know more then me. I assume that they put the best players on the field- if they are not putting out 100% then I would be curious to know how you arrive at this. I am willing to argue whether coaching can take a 3star athl and let them perform at the same level every game as a 5star guy. If one could consistently do so, you should let it me known to all those teams who find themselves at the bottom of their P5 Program. I have been willing to draw upon stress research to expl this suddend collapse (both phy and psy) of the team- it would be arrpgant of me to think that other reasonable and unreasonable expls are not out there.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

I here leave all this alone. There are specifics here tht are beyond any knowledge I have. A muddle that I would rather avoid.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

Better teams then Uconn have been blown out of the water by teams acknowledged to on par or below. But of course those things always (should) happen elsewhere.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

I'm thinking here of a calypso sang I heard on summer vacation in Trinidad with my parents as a young person. The singer had a great calypso name- The Mighty Sparrow. I do not remember the name of the sang, but he was critiquing politics in his country- especially between the 2 pol parties. The gist of it is how imp it is to be careful, because those who dare to say anything that is othering then the accepted norm layed out in advance by the ruling ones will be denounced as a shallot, an ignorant baboon, etc. Better to go with gloom and doom folks.
Heeding the Mighty Sparrow, I now willingly join the rank of the non-speaking pharaohs.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.
Aug 28, 2011
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After years of visiting the FB group of the Boneyard, I still have no clue about who are the members and the occasional visitors (as I am). I'll get to the point, but first this info. I am mainly a reader of both M + W bb. It is clear to me who are those people- they are well informed, Uconn students, alum. or outside visitors. But what about FB? There is a core group- a large group- that is so negative, hostile and operate with the dream that they can make Uconn a power house in FB. Just hire the right coach- perhaps stealing one from Ala. Yes, I have see a post of desired FB coach that the School should pursue. It's not funny; but as the author said, we must think big. It is this will to greatness that has troubled me, because it has the smell of teenage piss. Hence, my question about the writers- are they HS kids, really college kids, lurkers making fun of 'US.' And the running posts from day1 about firing the AD Warde), coach(es), President, qb, on and on. And then those who knew the correct play(s) that should have been called. As some one who have been a student and/or professional at Berkeley, UW, UT-Austin and Uconn, the latter will never be at the level of the former. We do not have the culture, money and recruiting base. These are not things that you can willed yourself in or out. Private and elite schools like Stanford, ND, for ex. have their own shield processes for admitting students athl and they have a well establihed pool of top players that they can dip into because student athletes with high grades are going to select those schools over other schools (A highly ranked HS student with an A-grade and coming from a private school in Conn will 98% of the time select a Stanford/ND over a Uconn, Cinn or a MD. There is little to come after there. Perhaps this is not the same in Ala, etc.
But I have been at UT, Berkeley and UW when they had losing seasons and everybody and their kids were at the games. The stadiums at UCB and UW were filled with students and city residents when the teams were 1-6 or 2-5 and it was raining cats and dogs. There were never talks about firing this one or that one. No depressing talks about the negatives, people went to see a game- win or lose. It was the experience. It was about being there. I have gone to games that I never saw. Indeed, a high pertage of people attend games for every other thing then 'seeing' the game. Until the Uconn Nation can be a part of such a culture it will be a 2nd rate FB school. I believe that the people writing on this Board are trully not representative of Uconn and probably constitute a relic that is self (re-)motivating.
Let me end by saying that the consolidation of schools into P5 entities was a disaster for the student athletes as historically constituted. We now have an industry that have turned students into a new (different) commodity to be basically bought and sold. And we have all participated into this perversion. Perhaps a school like Uconn has no choice but to play the game- or op out and sell itself differently. But let us speak thruthfully, now of these top and middle level FB schools are truly academic institutions for the 'student' athletes. The latter is an entity within an entity- hiding and covering up the latest exposure or leak. Personally, I would get all these revenue sports out of the universities and turn them into semi-professional clubs- where players are paid adequately- free to attend a college on their free time.

Suppose the basketball team had a losing record for four or five straight years. Do you think the posters on the MBB would be negative?
Nov 3, 2016
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Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.
An Author of foolishness. Sad lonely old man eating burnt TV dinners always complaining about your misfortunes and blaming others for it. My Avatar it is metaphor for sad individuals like you. Your incoherent thought process and inability to properly express yourself in written form is laughable no one does the 123 chronological list of stupidity old man. Go volunteer your time and services to a horse farm and pray you don't get kicked in your silly mouth. This new friendship of ours will be very fun. Like I said I am in it for the long haul. I anxiously await your attempt to appear intelligent!


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Few things for you:

1. You've been around such prestigious universities? Mix in a paragraph.

2. The difference between you and the FB board is that we are actually fans of the football program while you just claim to be one.

3. Your analysis of how things work at other schools manages to be completely contradictory and is fully incorrect.

4. Your analysis of what has happened at UConn this season is ridiculous. Played well against national teams? Giving 100% can be draining? This is incoherent blather.

UConn is in the middle of their 6th straight losing season. On top of that fun fact:
  • Bob Diaco is in the running for the worst head coach at the FBS level
  • Recruiting has collapsed to a level that would barely be suitable for a CAA school
  • Attendance is cratering, in a decade attendance has been halved and they probably haven't hit bottom yet
  • The program has become a joke to outsiders, from the ConFLiCT to the Williams debacle
  • As the results deteriorate, Diaco continues to act in a way that makes us question his sanity
  • They probably can't fire the coach because they ineptly handed him an unnecessary contract extension that could have been better negotiated by your average e-bay bidder
We are about to head into an offseason where if Diaco isn't fired the voices demanding that football be sacrificed under the heading of 'saving basketball'. This will become a constant refrain from a too high percentage of the fanbase who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

The one thing you are correct about is that there is a lot of anger on the FB board. Consider it your broken clock moment of excellence. However even in this rare moment of glory you still completely miss the greater point. Almost no one has unrealistic expectations for the program. Granting that this is a challenging job in a southern conference with the loss of the auto BCS bid - there isn't any reason in the world that UConn should have lost their last 10 quarters by the score of 79-3 against UCF, ECU and Temple. There isn't any reason why UConn should play a home game in near perfect conditions and gain only 160 yards. There isn't any reason in the world we should be saddled with a coach who is completely full of garbage and have to sit back and watch his team quit on him twice in three years.

I detest the arrogance of someone coming here and proclaiming their undeserved moral superiority, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Scurry back to the women's basketball board where you can all congratulate each other on what great fans you all are because you jumped on the bandwagon of a team that never loses.

TL,DR? -Go p!ss up a rope.

Well said. The fans who support UConn FB aren't the problem. UConn FB is the problem.

If the OP wants to talk about how do we unite UConn fans (FB, WBB, MBB, Hockey, Soccer, etc) into ONE unified fanbase, then great. I'm all for that discussion. But calling out the fans who have supported and continue to support UConn FB over the years - some for the greater good of the university's P5 quest that will help our basketball programs continue to thrive - is not the right move.

Excellent post, Whaler.
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