Sleeping Cells- how to flush them out! | The Boneyard

Sleeping Cells- how to flush them out!

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Apr 25, 2013
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After years of visiting the FB group of the Boneyard, I still have no clue about who are the members and the occasional visitors (as I am). I'll get to the point, but first this info. I am mainly a reader of both M + W bb. It is clear to me who are those people- they are well informed, Uconn students, alum. or outside visitors. But what about FB? There is a core group- a large group- that is so negative, hostile and operate with the dream that they can make Uconn a power house in FB. Just hire the right coach- perhaps stealing one from Ala. Yes, I have see a post of desired FB coach that the School should pursue. It's not funny; but as the author said, we must think big. It is this will to greatness that has troubled me, because it has the smell of teenage piss. Hence, my question about the writers- are they HS kids, really college kids, lurkers making fun of 'US.' And the running posts from day1 about firing the AD Warde), coach(es), President, qb, on and on. And then those who knew the correct play(s) that should have been called. As some one who have been a student and/or professional at Berkeley, UW, UT-Austin and Uconn, the latter will never be at the level of the former. We do not have the culture, money and recruiting base. These are not things that you can willed yourself in or out. Private and elite schools like Stanford, ND, for ex. have their own shield processes for admitting students athl and they have a well establihed pool of top players that they can dip into because student athletes with high grades are going to select those schools over other schools (A highly ranked HS student with an A-grade and coming from a private school in Conn will 98% of the time select a Stanford/ND over a Uconn, Cinn or a MD. There is little to come after there. Perhaps this is not the same in Ala, etc.
But I have been at UT, Berkeley and UW when they had losing seasons and everybody and their kids were at the games. The stadiums at UCB and UW were filled with students and city residents when the teams were 1-6 or 2-5 and it was raining cats and dogs. There were never talks about firing this one or that one. No depressing talks about the negatives, people went to see a game- win or lose. It was the experience. It was about being there. I have gone to games that I never saw. Indeed, a high pertage of people attend games for every other thing then 'seeing' the game. Until the Uconn Nation can be a part of such a culture it will be a 2nd rate FB school. I believe that the people writing on this Board are trully not representative of Uconn and probably constitute a relic that is self (re-)motivating.
Let me end by saying that the consolidation of schools into P5 entities was a disaster for the student athletes as historically constituted. We now have an industry that have turned students into a new (different) commodity to be basically bought and sold. And we have all participated into this perversion. Perhaps a school like Uconn has no choice but to play the game- or op out and sell itself differently. But let us speak thruthfully, now of these top and middle level FB schools are truly academic institutions for the 'student' athletes. The latter is an entity within an entity- hiding and covering up the latest exposure or leak. Personally, I would get all these revenue sports out of the universities and turn them into semi-professional clubs- where players are paid adequately- free to attend a college on their free time.
Jan 12, 2013
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Yes, I was a student at UConn in 1987, WBB played in the field house in front of 50 people and it was free admission. What was said back then? Not the right coach, poor recruiting base, lack of facilities, Northeast WBB is not relevant, fans at places like Tennessee and Stanford fill their arena even during losing seasons.

You have a choice, relegate yourself to being a small fish in a big pond or become a shark. I choose to be a winner.

By they way, same could be said for Baseball, Hockey, MBB.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Summary: A WBB fan from Denmark suggests
  • UConn is unlike UT, Cal or Washington, and that Connecticut doesn't have a culture that will support a losing football team. It will never compete at that level.
  • BY FB fans who think UConn can be a "power" and hire somebody like Saban are delusional
  • UConn can't out-recruit Stanford of Notre Dame for the really smart and good football players.
  • BY posters are bigger fans than the population at large
  • P5 was bad for student athletes and turned the big schools into semi-pro sports franchises
My take: except for the fact that Cal doesn't really get great support for losing teams and isn't usually very good, it's not far off. I reject the implied conclusion though. Those points remain true for many schools that are P5 and are reasonably successful at football. Very few if any FB fans on the BY think that UConn can be, in football, what it is in basketball. But we think we can be better than we are now...and know it's true, because it has been done.
Aug 26, 2011
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Husky .jpg
Apr 6, 2014
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After years of visiting the FB group of the Boneyard, I still have no clue about who are the members and the occasional visitors (as I am). I'll get to the point, but first this info. I am mainly a reader of both M + W bb. It is clear to me who are those people- they are well informed, Uconn students, alum. or outside visitors. But what about FB? There is a core group- a large group- that is so negative, hostile and operate with the dream that they can make Uconn a power house in FB. Just hire the right coach- perhaps stealing one from Ala. Yes, I have see a post of desired FB coach that the School should pursue. It's not funny; but as the author said, we must think big. It is this will to greatness that has troubled me, because it has the smell of teenage piss. Hence, my question about the writers- are they HS kids, really college kids, lurkers making fun of 'US.' And the running posts from day1 about firing the AD Warde), coach(es), President, qb, on and on. And then those who knew the correct play(s) that should have been called. As some one who have been a student and/or professional at Berkeley, UW, UT-Austin and Uconn, the latter will never be at the level of the former. We do not have the culture, money and recruiting base. These are not things that you can willed yourself in or out. Private and elite schools like Stanford, ND, for ex. have their own shield processes for admitting students athl and they have a well establihed pool of top players that they can dip into because student athletes with high grades are going to select those schools over other schools (A highly ranked HS student with an A-grade and coming from a private school in Conn will 98% of the time select a Stanford/ND over a Uconn, Cinn or a MD. There is little to come after there. Perhaps this is not the same in Ala, etc.
But I have been at UT, Berkeley and UW when they had losing seasons and everybody and their kids were at the games. The stadiums at UCB and UW were filled with students and city residents when the teams were 1-6 or 2-5 and it was raining cats and dogs. There were never talks about firing this one or that one. No depressing talks about the negatives, people went to see a game- win or lose. It was the experience. It was about being there. I have gone to games that I never saw. Indeed, a high pertage of people attend games for every other thing then 'seeing' the game. Until the Uconn Nation can be a part of such a culture it will be a 2nd rate FB school. I believe that the people writing on this Board are trully not representative of Uconn and probably constitute a relic that is self (re-)motivating.
Let me end by saying that the consolidation of schools into P5 entities was a disaster for the student athletes as historically constituted. We now have an industry that have turned students into a new (different) commodity to be basically bought and sold. And we have all participated into this perversion. Perhaps a school like Uconn has no choice but to play the game- or op out and sell itself differently. But let us speak thruthfully, now of these top and middle level FB schools are truly academic institutions for the 'student' athletes. The latter is an entity within an entity- hiding and covering up the latest exposure or leak. Personally, I would get all these revenue sports out of the universities and turn them into semi-professional clubs- where players are paid adequately- free to attend a college on their free time.
It seems as tho' some of us have very short memories. It really wasn't that long ago that we were told by "outsiders" that UConn is a " cow pasture school" and one that will never attract "top" BASKETBALL
talent. Now as they count the National Championship banners they're singing a different tune!
Granted that our football team hasn't had the success we've hoped for and granted that, that's frustating to many of us.....but that doesn't stop us from voicing our opinion pro and con as to what we feel the current problems may be. Isn't that what forums such as the Boneyard are for? Do we expect overnight success? By no means...but our basketball success didn't arrive overnight either!
I doubt that there are many Uconn football fans who expect, at least at this point, to compete with the top football schools. Bear in mind, however, that despite schools like Notre Dame attracting, as cited, "highly ranked HS students with A grades" that, in the past, our football team BEAT Notre Dame and fellow AAC team, Navy, very recently did so!
Like all avid fans, there are, at times, "negative, hostile and operate with a dream" posters visiting here on the Boneyard. As to the question asked " who are they?" I'd identify them as loyal UConn football fans, UConn Aumni, UConn advocates , Uconn financial backers...and, yes, maybe UConn football "dreamers". But I'm not sure that's so far different from the UConn basketball fans way back when....before our successes... and, for that matter, even now! Criticize us for being overzealous! For being impatient! For being , at times, harsh! We gladly plead guilty. Don't, however, call us "..truly not representative of Uconn and probably constitute a relic"! Nothing could be farther from the truth whether it's recognize or not!!
Enjoy the basketball season ...and Go Huskies!!
Sep 17, 2011
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I thought this thread would be about a new weight loss program just in time for the holidays.

My disappointment was compounded when I actually read it.
Nov 2, 2011
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Summary: A WBB fan from Denmark suggests
  • UConn is unlike UT, Cal or Washington, and that Connecticut doesn't have a culture that will support a losing football team. It will never compete at that level.
  • BY FB fans who think UConn can be a "power" and hire somebody like Saban are delusional
  • UConn can't out-recruit Stanford of Notre Dame for the really smart and good football players.
  • BY posters are bigger fans than the population at large
  • P5 was bad for student athletes and turned the big schools into semi-pro sports franchises
My take: except for the fact that Cal doesn't really get great support for losing teams and isn't usually very good, it's not far off. I reject the implied conclusion though. Those points remain true for many schools that are P5 and are reasonably successful at football. Very few if any FB fans on the BY think that UConn can be, in football, what it is in basketball. But we think we can be better than we are now...and know it's true, because it has been done.
You forgot there is NEVER talk about firing a coach at Texas, Cal, or Washington. That made me laugh.

Mack Brown was forced to "retire" after a number of sub-par seasons. Charlie Strong has been on the hot seat since he was hired at Texas. Jeff Tedford was fired at Cal amidst his worst season as head coach and a 48% graduation rate among football players and a continued decline in athletes academic performance. Tyrone Willingham was fired after an 0-12 season at Washington. He was followed by Steve Sarkisian, who left Washington for Stanford where he was fired. You may have read about it.....but it NEVER happens.
Aug 26, 2011
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That was a long self-absorbed conclusion based on the flawed premise that we expect to be what very few other schools can ever be - Historic Football Powers. However if this BB fan had any sense of our own history in BB he/she would remember the days of playing in the Field House when we were good but far from a national program. That actually turned around fairly quickly after the arrival of - wait a minute - A REALLY GOOD COACH!

Apparently the lesson here is not to aim too high unless you are a basketball fan because, well you aren't really convinced we can ever be good (accept that we were not very long ago) or you're just not into it. Anyway I hope you feel better making the case to just let the program die when it's at a very low point. That takes real courage.
Sep 17, 2011
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. He was followed by Steve Sarkisian, who left Washington for Stanford where he was fired. You may have read about it.....but it NEVER happens.
Except it was USC and it wasn't for performance but because he was a drunk, great rant.
Sep 23, 2011
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After years of visiting the FB group of the Boneyard, I still have no clue about who are the members and the occasional visitors (as I am). I'll get to the point, but first this info. I am mainly a reader of both M + W bb. It is clear to me who are those people- they are well informed, Uconn students, alum. or outside visitors. But what about FB? There is a core group- a large group- that is so negative, hostile and operate with the dream that they can make Uconn a power house in FB. Just hire the right coach- perhaps stealing one from Ala. Yes, I have see a post of desired FB coach that the School should pursue. It's not funny; but as the author said, we must think big. It is this will to greatness that has troubled me, because it has the smell of teenage piss. Hence, my question about the writers- are they HS kids, really college kids, lurkers making fun of 'US.' And the running posts from day1 about firing the AD Warde), coach(es), President, qb, on and on. And then those who knew the correct play(s) that should have been called. As some one who have been a student and/or professional at Berkeley, UW, UT-Austin and Uconn, the latter will never be at the level of the former. We do not have the culture, money and recruiting base. These are not things that you can willed yourself in or out. Private and elite schools like Stanford, ND, for ex. have their own shield processes for admitting students athl and they have a well establihed pool of top players that they can dip into because student athletes with high grades are going to select those schools over other schools (A highly ranked HS student with an A-grade and coming from a private school in Conn will 98% of the time select a Stanford/ND over a Uconn, Cinn or a MD. There is little to come after there. Perhaps this is not the same in Ala, etc.
But I have been at UT, Berkeley and UW when they had losing seasons and everybody and their kids were at the games. The stadiums at UCB and UW were filled with students and city residents when the teams were 1-6 or 2-5 and it was raining cats and dogs. There were never talks about firing this one or that one. No depressing talks about the negatives, people went to see a game- win or lose. It was the experience. It was about being there. I have gone to games that I never saw. Indeed, a high pertage of people attend games for every other thing then 'seeing' the game. Until the Uconn Nation can be a part of such a culture it will be a 2nd rate FB school. I believe that the people writing on this Board are trully not representative of Uconn and probably constitute a relic that is self (re-)motivating.
Let me end by saying that the consolidation of schools into P5 entities was a disaster for the student athletes as historically constituted. We now have an industry that have turned students into a new (different) commodity to be basically bought and sold. And we have all participated into this perversion. Perhaps a school like Uconn has no choice but to play the game- or op out and sell itself differently. But let us speak thruthfully, now of these top and middle level FB schools are truly academic institutions for the 'student' athletes. The latter is an entity within an entity- hiding and covering up the latest exposure or leak. Personally, I would get all these revenue sports out of the universities and turn them into semi-professional clubs- where players are paid adequately- free to attend a college on their free time.

Time to drain the swamp!
Apr 25, 2013
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That's funny. I don't recall any poster calling for the QB to be fired.

This is the stupidity that I am disgusted about. Or, maybe the meaning was well beyond any scheme I have to decipher it.

I am actually a fan of Uconn FB (and all other sports and contribute my pennies- not much, but enough to feel good about seeing where we have come by playing by the ethical rules; notwithstanding the singular incidences that are hopefully just that- moments of abberation) going back to the 80's when I stood at the gate watching games because friends and and I came late to get in. We had also losing seasons, but I do not recalled the negativity about coaches, etc. Obviously, there are and will be calls to fire this one or that. And the traffic in coaches never stop. Building a program and a culture is about planning and accepting the pain of losing games/seasons. Yes, UT and others do fire their coaches if the team isn't winning. We are not UT/ND etc. These schools have everything in place: recruitment, fans, money, culture, etc. The thinking there is that they need a captain to steer the ship- not a builder. This year, Uconn played well in the early games against national teams. I was not surprised that the team simply collapsed in the middle of the season. This happens, at times, when players have give their all against superior players. How much can you forced out of a 3.5/4 star recruit against higher level players? Coaches have to coach the players they have and giving 100+% everytime can be draining. This calls for understanding on the part of fans- not 'adolescent' tirade against players, coaches, ADs, or 'if only they had run XXX we would have had .......

So yes, I am a Uconn fan. I think the FB team can get better, but how much more is debateable. They might even be better then BC, SU, etc. But much depends on a broader recruitment area then the NE. Winning would have to be a requirement.
I think the difference between the FB Board and me is that I am old enough not to kick the chair and curse everytime something doesn't go my way. It's all growing pain. MANY OF YOU ARE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY WHO DARE TO ECHO YOUR EVER SAYINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN ALL THE VARIOUS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS AT UCONN STARTED AT ZERO. I detest this arrogance of wanting what you want when you want it.
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