SI Article on Coach Openings - Painful to read - How far the UConn Brand has fallen | The Boneyard

SI Article on Coach Openings - Painful to read - How far the UConn Brand has fallen

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Dec 2, 2012
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Open: Connecticut. This isn't an especially attractive job, and many consider it to be one of the three least sought-after jobs in the AAC. The Huskies lack an established identity, tradition and a solid recruiting base. Recruiting against Boston College, Syracuse or Rutgers is an uphill battle because of league affiliation. AD Warde Manuel hired the firm Parker Executive Search to help.
As for potential candidates, could a Michigan grad (Manuel) hire a Michigan State assistant (Narduzzi)? Narduzzi would certainly give the Huskies an identity. Towson's Rob Ambrose pummeled UConn on Aug. 29. Was that a possible audition? UConn is still an upgrade from many MAC jobs, so one of the hot coaches there could decide to jump. Fordham's Joe Morehead should get a long look as well. Boston College defensive coordinator Don Brown deserves a look for his work this season, but the Huskies will likely opt to go younger.

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Dec 25, 2011
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I believe that Yoda said it best, “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future..”
I wonder what SI said about the UConn basketball coaching opportunity than opened in 1986 that some mid-major coach named Jim Calhoun took?
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Aug 5, 2013
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This isn't an especially attractive job, and many consider it to be one of the three least sought-after jobs in the AAC.

I'll bite. Who, Pete, says that it's one of the three least sought-after jobs in the AAC? Name one person, and then we'll talk about getting to "many"?

That was a b.s., baseless, unsupportable, Tim McCarver-esque comment from a Syracuse alum. I am not concerned.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thamel is a UCONN hater...the guy who went to the ends of the earth to break the Miles story while at Yahoo. As I put in another thread he is a complete A_S_S_H_A_T !


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Aside from the fact that the writer hasn't interviewed all people looking to be a head coach, he overlooks one sort of important variable. Salary. Often an inducement to lots of applicants, not to mention probably more breathing room than PP had, given the the current situation.
Sep 18, 2011
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If you look at head coaching salaries, there is some truth to the statement. In 2013, USF, SMU, and Cincinnati paid more than UCONN and Navy and UCF paid about the same. Tulsa, Temple, Tulane, Memphis, East Carolina, and Houston paid less. East Carolina and Houston could pay in line with UCONN, but both hired young and unproven coaches, so they are paid less today. Fan support, being the state flagship university, and football facilities are positives for UCONN, but recruiting territory is somewhat of a negative as the perception of the recruiting area is worse than the reality. If UCONN is willing to pay a head coach >$2 mill per year, this is a top 4 job in the AAC.
Oct 1, 2011
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It's "not an especially attractive job" to someone who has a pick of them. Show me the "I'll pass" list. Bet it's not as long as Mr. Feldman believes.

Also it would seem Mr. Feldman is unaware of the existence of the Burton. Generally a fan of his work but it does have the feel of Syracuse bias creeping in.

We'll see how much Warde has bought into the idea of a "splash" hire. Moorehead and Ambrose don't exactly scream "a new era for Uconn football". Not that they don't deserve a chance, and if it turned out they were second coming of Edsall production wise that's OK. But a fresh face would be preferable this time.
May 23, 2013
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Aside from the fact that the writer hasn't interviewed all people looking to be a head coach, he overlooks one sort of important variable. Salary. Often an inducement to lots of applicants, not to mention probably more breathing room than PP had, given the the current situation.
UConn has everything a young,aspiring HC could want...salary,opportunity,winning tradition and media exposure!!Obvious hater!!!


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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No Identity or tradition are as much positives as they are negatives. The new coach is able to come in and establish his the money, as you say. I had the feeling that past regimes did not take the opportunity to establish traditions because they always had one foot out the door. The only tradition came about because of a tragedy.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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It's "not an especially attractive job" to someone who has a pick of them. Show me the "I'll pass" list. Bet it's not as long as Mr. Feldman believes.

Also it would seem Mr. Feldman is unaware of the existence of the Burton. Generally a fan of his work but it does have the feel of Syracuse bias creeping in.

We'll see how much Warde has bought into the idea of a "splash" hire. Moorehead and Ambrose don't exactly scream "a new era for Uconn football". Not that they don't deserve a chance, and if it turned out they were second coming of Edsall production wise that's OK. But a fresh face would be preferable this time.

Feldman..or Thamel?

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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Thamel is a UCONN hater...the guy who went to the ends of the earth to break the Miles story while at Yahoo. As I put in another thread he is a complete A_S_S_H_A_T !
I 1000% agree with you that Thamel is a UConn hater and I can't stand that guy... but the Yahoo story was by the two as shat douches known as Adrian Wojnarowski and Dan Wetzel.
Aug 29, 2011
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I think this really understates UConn's position too. If you have a choice of Texas or UConn, its easy, but that won't be the choice. I have serious doubts that we're going to look at Joe Morehead and probably not Ambrose in any serious way either. In many ways this is not a bad gig. Decent fan base. Excellent facilities, willingness to spend money (remember Pasqualoni was in the top half of coaches, more highly paid than some ACC, SEC and Big X and XII coaches). If you win, there will be solid support. And it is a better gig than a number of P5 jobs in many respects. Wake is darned near impossible. Small fan base, small stadium, higher academic standards. Franklin has probably done as much at Vandy as anyone ever will. they aren't competing with Alabama any time soon. If he goes that will be a tough job to replace and have comparable success. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa State, those will always be limited upside situations. Have to believe its an upgrade not just over most but over all MAC jobs, given that the average MAC salary is $500,000 or so. So if you are a Lembo and you can have Wake or UConn, if your goal is to make a program a modest success you take Wake. If you want a chance to win your conference and move up, you take UConn. Same with any of these guys really though I do think it will be tough to compete with a Big 10 job, even a bad one like Illinois or Indiana. Final note, he throws around Narduzzi who is supposed to be one of the hot coordinators. If UConn's such a bad gig, why would he ever consider it?


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Final note, he throws around Narduzzi who is supposed to be one of the hot coordinators. If UConn's such a bad gig, why would he ever consider it?

All things being equal, if Narduzzi turned down Texas A&M, he is turning down UConn. Alas all things are not equal.

We have to consider why he turned down A&M (which is unknown, but Parker can find out). Too much pressure? Not the case at UConn, unless you don't win. Too much competition/limited opportunity to succeed in the SEC? UConn doesn't play 'Bama, LSU, Georgia, Florida every single week. Not enough $$ or asst coach support? Warde is allowed to open up the purse for that (remember Edsall was always critical of what his was allowed to pay his assistants). Did he just feel that he wasn't ready? The A&M offer was 2 years ago. He may be ready to be the lead dog now. These are the questions that Parker can answer. It is their job to sell UConn as much as it is to vet candidates to fit at UConn. The SI article leaves all this out.
Sep 5, 2011
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I really don't know. Even if I was a top MAC coach, to increase his "resume"and coaching experience, I'd think they'd go for a coordinator position at a P-5 conference, and if that program is successful in P-5 league or national basis, they could really move up the ladder. Why move from one conference that is basically in a "dream situation" to get to a national playoff bowl, to a team in a similar conference with limited possibilities to get to a national playoff bowl?

As much as I hate to think of 1-aa coaches moving up to UConn, unless Warde is able to provide an unprecedented miracle, I'm afraid that is the most likely origination of a new coach. In my opinion, the writer makes good points. How can a team that is one of the worst in BCS category, and a sub 0.500 overall BCS record be such a great attraction. The better schools don't have to point to "great facilities" to get high quality coaches or recruits.

Aug 27, 2011
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All things being equal, if Narduzzi turned down Texas A&M, he is turning down UConn. Alas all things are not equal.

We have to consider why he turned down A&M (which is unknown, but Parker can find out). Too much pressure? Not the case at UConn, unless you don't win. Too much competition/limited opportunity to succeed in the SEC? UConn doesn't play 'Bama, LSU, Georgia, Florida every single week. Not enough or asst coach support? Warde is allowed to open up the purse for that (remember Edsall was always critical of what his was allowed to pay his assistants). Did he just feel that he wasn't ready? The A&M offer was 2 years ago. He may be ready to be the lead dog now. These are the questions that Parker can answer. It is their job to sell UConn as much as it is to vet candidates to fit at UConn. The SI article leaves all this out.
He turned down the DC job at A&M in return for a raise, more responsibility and the Asst HC tag to stay at MSU. He never was offered the HC job at A&M.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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He turned down the DC job at A&M in return for a raise, more responsibility and the Asst HC tag to stay at MSU. He never was offered the HC job at A&M.
You are right. It was DC at A&M, but HC jobs elsewhere. He still turned them all down for just over $1/2 Mil. Truth is he is probably in line to secede Dantonio at MSU.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I really don't know. Even if I was a top MAC coach, to increase his "resume"and coaching experience, I'd think they'd go for a coordinator position at a P-5 conference, and if that program is successful in P-5 league or national basis, they could really move up the ladder. Why move from one conference that is basically in a "dream situation" to get to a national playoff bowl, to a team in a similar conference with limited possibilities to get to a national playoff bowl?

As much as I hate to think of 1-aa coaches moving up to UConn, unless Warde is able to provide an unprecedented miracle, I'm afraid that is the most likely origination of a new coach. In my opinion, the writer makes good points. How can a team that is one of the worst in BCS category, and a sub 0.500 overall BCS record be such a great attraction. The better schools don't have to point to "great facilities" to get high quality coaches or recruits.


That's not the way college football works. What's past is prologue. Given the resources, a coach should (not saying they do) look at UConn as an opportunity to turn "the worst in BCS" around. UConn Has the aforementioned great facilities, solid fan support. superior state support, salary and asst. coach $ pool, and a president who is actively focused on endowment growth and academic prestige. If we were talking about a school like a directional Michigan school, Akron, or Miami (OH), then I agree 100% with your 1-AA assessment.

I know it's hard considering the insane lemmings at the helm over the past 22 months, but keep in mind that these guys are typically the definition of type A personality. They want the challenge if only for the potential to set them up for more exposure further down the line.
Sep 18, 2011
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I really don't know. Even if I was a top MAC coach, to increase his "resume"and coaching experience, I'd think they'd go for a coordinator position at a P-5 conference, and if that program is successful in P-5 league or national basis, they could really move up the ladder. Why move from one conference that is basically in a "dream situation" to get to a national playoff bowl, to a team in a similar conference with limited possibilities to get to a national playoff bowl?

As much as I hate to think of 1-aa coaches moving up to UConn, unless Warde is able to provide an unprecedented miracle, I'm afraid that is the most likely origination of a new coach. In my opinion, the writer makes good points. How can a team that is one of the worst in BCS category, and a sub 0.500 overall BCS record be such a great attraction. The better schools don't have to point to "great facilities" to get high quality coaches or recruits.


Any MAC coach would jump at the chance to coach at UCONN. MAC coaches make $250k to $525k per year. UCONN is probably going to offer up to $2 million +. Who wouldn't take a job for 5 to 8x their current salary?

Also, most P5 coordinators would jump at the chance to run their own show for 3 to 5x their current salary. UCONN offers a chance for someone to come in, win almost immediately in the AAC, compete for the championship, and, if successful, move on to a high profile P5 job down the road if they want. Look at Cinci. Their last 3 head coaches went to Michigan St., Notre Dame, and Tennessee after success in the Big East. Brian Kelly was not getting hired by Notre Dame if he was still the coach of Central Michigan.

And, coaches can come from anywhere! Chip Kelly was an assistant at New Hampshire for 13 years before he was hired as OC at Oregon. Brian Kelly was at Grand Valley St. for 17 years before he was hired at Central Michigan. Guz Malzahn, now head coach at Auburn, was a high school coach for 15 years before he was hired as OC at Arkansas.

UCONN needs to hire a good coach over a "name" coach no matter where they come from.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Any MAC coach would jump at the chance to coach at UCONN. MAC coaches make $250k to $525k per year. UCONN is probably going to offer up to $2 million +. Who wouldn't take a job for 5 to 8x their current salary?

Also, most P5 coordinators would jump at the chance to run their own show for 3 to 5x their current salary. UCONN offers a chance for someone to come in, win almost immediately in the AAC, compete for the championship, and, if successful, move on to a high profile P5 job down the road if they want. Look at Cinci. Their last 3 head coaches went to Michigan St., Notre Dame, and Tennessee after success in the Big East. Brian Kelly was not getting hired by Notre Dame if he was still the coach of Central Michigan.

And, coaches can come from anywhere! Chip Kelly was an assistant at New Hampshire for 13 years before he was hired as OC at Oregon. Brian Kelly was at Grand Valley St. for 17 years before he was hired at Central Michigan. Guz Malzahn, now head coach at Auburn, was a high school coach for 15 years before he was hired as OC at Arkansas.

UCONN needs to hire a good coach over a "name" coach no matter where they come from.

I don't think UConn is giving out $2+ million to just anyone. Louisville had to give Strong all that cash to get him away from Florida. He's an outlier and they are in the ACC next year. Tuberville is next at $2.3m, followed by June Jones and Skip Holtz at $2.0. My guess is we see salaries in the $1.25-1.33 million range with escalators and incentives plus benefits and perks. We could very well see north of $2Mil if UConn has their heart set on a Narduzzi type (especially now that it is a floated rumor).

At the end of the day no truer words can be spoken than, "UCONN needs to hire a good coach over a "name" coach no matter where they come from."
Aug 29, 2011
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You are right. It was DC at A&M, but HC jobs elsewhere. He still turned them all down for just over $1/2 Mil. Truth is he is probably in line to secede Dantonio at MSU.
The problem with turning too many jobs down is that you suddenly aren't the hot young propect any more. You're the career assistant. And it doesn't take more than an off year or two to change perceptions either. A new AD comes in at Michigan State and suddenly you're not Dantonio's successor, you're moving to Indiana as DC for the Hoosiers.
I really don't know. Even if I was a top MAC coach, to increase his "resume"and coaching experience, I'd think they'd go for a coordinator position at a P-5 conference, and if that program is successful in P-5 league or national basis, they could really move up the ladder. Why move from one conference that is basically in a "dream situation" to get to a national playoff bowl, to a team in a similar conference with limited possibilities to get to a national playoff bowl?

As much as I hate to think of 1-aa coaches moving up to UConn, unless Warde is able to provide an unprecedented miracle, I'm afraid that is the most likely origination of a new coach. In my opinion, the writer makes good points. How can a team that is one of the worst in BCS category, and a sub 0.500 overall BCS record be such a great attraction. The better schools don't have to point to "great facilities" to get high quality coaches or recruits.

I think you are wrong about this. MAC coaches get hired all the time and not as coordinators. Brian Kelley, Butch Jones, the current Illinois head coach, the NC State coach there is a long list of guys who coached in the MAC as their first head coaching or 1st 1A head coaching job. These guys get tested each week, they put run programs, they manage staffs, develop recruiting plans, and the successful ones have a track record of doing it. That's why they get hired. They don't all succeed, but lots do especially in the right situations. And as UCONNJim points out these guys aren't getting hired for the high profile job from the MAC. I suspect you can from UConn though.
Sep 18, 2011
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I don't think UConn is giving out $2+ million to just anyone. Louisville had to give Strong all that cash to get him away from Florida. He's an outlier and they are in the ACC next year. Tuberville is next at $2.3m, followed by June Jones and Skip Holtz at $2.0. My guess is we see salaries in the $1.25-1.33 million range with escalators and incentives plus benefits and perks. We could very well see north of $2Mil if UConn has their heart set on a Narduzzi type (especially now that it is a floated rumor).

At the end of the day no truer words can be spoken than, "UCONN needs to hire a good coach over a "name" coach no matter where they come from."

Skip Holtz does not coach in the AAC, but he is the answer to a great trivia question. Who has been the head coach of the most current and future AAC schools? Skip Holtz with 3: UCONN, ECU, and USF.

Here are the approximate salaries of the AAC coaches by school according to coaches hot seat:

Cincinnati: $2 mill.
USF: $2 mill.
SMU: $2 mill.
Navy: $1.65 mill.
UCF: $1.5 mill.
Temple: $1.2 mill.
ECU: $1.1 mill.
Houston $1 mill.
Memphis: $925k
Tulsa: $800k
Tulane: $500k

Remember, ECU and Houston hired young unproven coaches who are in line for raises.

UCONN could get lucky and hire on the cheap as you suggest, and that is an option and if you find a great coach then it is the best option, but you won't be able to hire a top P5 coordinator or a current P5 head coach. If the UCONN coaching job pays ~$1.3 mill., then it is a mid to low tier AAC job. Fortunately, I think you are wrong and I think the budget is $2 mill. +.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I'm willing to bet that a power 5 head coach is not take a job at UConn. Regarding P-5 Coordinators: Gotta stand before you can walk. A $1.3 million first year salary becomes $1.6 in year 2, 1.9 in year 3. You want to throw $2+ million at a unproven commodity? That's almost as bad as paying $million to an "experienced" coach you're sure is more than likely not going to work out like the head of the most recent former regime.

Re-read the last line of the first paragraph again. I said, "We could very well see north of $2Mil if UConn has their heart set on a Narduzzi type (especially now that it is a floated rumor)."
Skip Holtz does not coach in the AAC, but he is the answer to a great trivia question. Who has been the head coach of the most current and future AAC schools? Skip Holtz with 3: UCONN, ECU, and USF.

Here are the approximate salaries of the AAC coaches by school according to coaches hot seat:

Cincinnati: $2 mill.
USF: $2 mill.
SMU: $2 mill.
Navy: $1.65 mill.
UCF: $1.5 mill.
Temple: $1.2 mill.
ECU: $1.1 mill.
Houston $1 mill.
Memphis: $925k
Tulsa: $800k
Tulane: $500k

Remember, ECU and Houston hired young unproven coaches who are in line for raises.

UCONN could get lucky and hire on the cheap as you suggest, and that is an option and if you find a great coach then it is the best option, but you won't be able to hire a top P5 coordinator or a current P5 head coach. If the UCONN coaching job pays ~$1.3 mill., then it is a mid to low tier AAC job. Fortunately, I think you are wrong and I think the budget is $2 mill. +.
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