Should we give up ? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Should we give up ?

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Aug 31, 2011
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I think it's a fair question. I began attending Uconn in 1960 and have two degrees - BA and MBA so I have been around for a long time. Uconn has never been a good football school. Even when we were in the weak Yankee Conference, we were basically a .500 team. We have had many coaches some of whom looked promising but in the end all either failed or left for greener pastures. The Edsall years looked promising but when he built his resume, he left for Maryland.
Uconn, even before Calhoun, was a solid basketball program with a good following.
The football program sits on the bottom of a weak conference and I don't see anything getting better. If I were reading about top recruits coming or even considering coming to Uconn I might feel differently. The bottom line is that football is expensive and is not contributing to the University.
Sep 20, 2014
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30 - 40 million shortfall a year and asking students and taxpayers to shoulder is a big ask with no guarantee. Big 12 dissolving could be ACC + B1G plus 2. AAC needs to get us around 15-20m a year.

I know it's not big time but I liked playing Yankee league teams. Driving around NE is easy and fun state rivalries. I dont ever see UConn fans rolling 20000+ deep to conference away games regardless of conference.
Oct 13, 2012
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#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Honest question here- are there any other P5 caliber (because we are) schools that have a divide as big as we do with our Football and Basketball fan bases? I can't really think of one. Is it this way at Duke, UNC, Kentucky?
Feb 13, 2014
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Honest question here- are there any other P5 caliber (because we are) schools that have a divide as big as we do with our Football and Basketball fan bases? I can't really think of one. Is it this way at Duke, UNC, Kentucky?
No because every other P5 caliber school (Cincy, BYU) is generally good at football or already P5 so it doesn't matter. We're on the outside looking in with a dookie level football program and a nationally ranked basketball program. Completely unique
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it's a fair question. I began attending Uconn in 1960 and have two degrees - BA and MBA so I have been around for a long time. Uconn has never been a good football school. Even when we were in the weak Yankee Conference, we were basically a .500 team. We have had many coaches some of whom looked promising but in the end all either failed or left for greener pastures. The Edsall years looked promising but when he built his resume, he left for Maryland.
Uconn, even before Calhoun, was a solid basketball program with a good following.
The football program sits on the bottom of a weak conference and I don't see anything getting better. If I were reading about top recruits coming or even considering coming to Uconn I might feel differently. The bottom line is that football is expensive and is not contributing to the University.

Never? You lost me at never. Go back to the 60's.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think it's a fair question. I began attending Uconn in 1960 and have two degrees - BA and MBA so I have been around for a long time. Uconn has never been a good football school. Even when we were in the weak Yankee Conference, we were basically a .500 team. We have had many coaches some of whom looked promising but in the end all either failed or left for greener pastures. The Edsall years looked promising but when he built his resume, he left for Maryland.
Uconn, even before Calhoun, was a solid basketball program with a good following.
The football program sits on the bottom of a weak conference and I don't see anything getting better. If I were reading about top recruits coming or even considering coming to Uconn I might feel differently. The bottom line is that football is expensive and is not contributing to the University.
If you are gonna rant like this here get your facts straight! Edsall didn't leave after building up his resume...he left because he absolutely HATED Jeff Hathaway's guts.
Sep 12, 2011
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Hey Woof... for a $25 donation to the The Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center @ UConn in the Boneyard's name I can make the post above (and those that follow it) go away :D...
Love your generosity and the fact you want to turn my toe stubbing into a charitable situation! :) I'm fine with anything said toward me, stand behind anything I say and the first to admit if I made a mistake. I am not and have never been a movie buff, I thank CT Mike for his post. Although I have seen some movies that was not one of them. I do enjoy the arts but much more to the musical side rather than film. The rest of my entertainment time is taken up with sports.
I like a lot of what you bring to this forum but have to turn down the Pat and Jim thing for now. I consider myself relatively benevolent and donate to multiple charities that can show that most of the funds go to the cause.
As for UConn they have gotten a lot of my money over the years and when it is all said and done they will get me. :D I'm going to med school! Will not be the typical graduation but a good cause just the same! For those that may not know about the program.
Body Donation Program | School of Medicine
Keep up the good work medic!


Respect All, Fear None.
Sep 22, 2012
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Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” Sir Winston Churchill


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Love your generosity and the fact you want to turn my toe stubbing into a charitable situation! :) I'm fine with anything said toward me, stand behind anything I say and the first to admit if I made a mistake. I am not and have never been a movie buff, I thank CT Mike for his post. Although I have seen some movies that was not one of them. I do enjoy the arts but much more to the musical side rather than film. The rest of my entertainment time is taken up with sports.
I like a lot of what you bring to this forum but have to turn down the Pat and Jim thing for now. I consider myself relatively benevolent and donate to multiple charities that can show that most of the funds go to the cause.
As for UConn they have gotten a lot of my money over the years and when it is all said and done they will get me. :D I'm going to med school! Will not be the typical graduation but a good cause just the same! For those that may not know about the program.
Body Donation Program | School of Medicine
Keep up the good work medic!

A word of caution about the UCONN med school body donation program. My father was a huge UCONN fan, and he donated his body to the med school. The problem was he died in February, 1981. If you die at a time of the year which isn't particularly close to September, your remains hang around until then, when they use the cadavers in Anatomy 101 classes. By the time they were through with his body and returned his remains, it was the summer of 1983. Your loved ones are left with this sort of non-closure regarding internment of the remains, and in our case it went on for well over two years. It kind of sucks for the surviving family members.
Sep 5, 2011
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I think it's a fair question. I began attending Uconn in 1960 and have two degrees - BA and MBA so I have been around for a long time. Uconn has never been a good football school. Even when we were in the weak Yankee Conference, we were basically a .500 team. We have had many coaches some of whom looked promising but in the end all either failed or left for greener pastures. The Edsall years looked promising but when he built his resume, he left for Maryland.
Uconn, even before Calhoun, was a solid basketball program with a good following.

The football program sits on the bottom of a weak conference and I don't see anything getting better. If I were reading about top recruits coming or even considering coming to Uconn I might feel differently. The bottom line is that football is expensive and is not contributing to the University.

Disagree:........Under Tom Jackson and Skip Holtz, the teams were always competitive.......even in a "wide open Yankee Conference" there was plenty of excitement into the final minutes under these two coaches........and they had two things the FBS team doesn't.......a skilled QB and a team that could put a lot of points on the board.

10- 13,000 at Memorial Stadium was a very good crowd during those years.
Sep 12, 2011
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A word of caution about the UCONN med school body donation program. My father was a huge UCONN fan, and he donated his body to the med school. The problem was he died in February, 1981. If you die at a time of the year which isn't particularly close to September, your remains hang around until then, when they use the cadavers in Anatomy 101 classes. By the time they were through with his body and returned his remains, it was the summer of 1983. Your loved ones are left with this sort of non-closure regarding internment of the remains, and in our case it went on for well over two years. It kind of sucks for the surviving family members.
Thank you Nick for this...I get your point and appreciate what you brought up here. I probably should have provided more details as this is a sensitive topic. This is why I provided the link to get info, like anything in life there is really no schedule. Family that sign off on the deal should understand the variables. I can tell you things are a lot different now than when your dad passed. Having said that there is only a need for X amount of bodies each year. If I have to wait to make the starting lineup I have no problem.
As for closure I can not rave enough about the ceremony I attended two years ago that a very good friend was one of the honored. The program was beyond belief and so appreciated by the student body and all families and friends attending. The program is world class. One gentleman that spoke had two relatives that had previously gone on to the University of Texas program. He literally could not believe how UConn put to shame what was done for his relatives in his home state.
Sep 4, 2011
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I think it's a fair question. I began attending Uconn in 1960 and have two degrees - BA and MBA so I have been around for a long time. Uconn has never been a good football school. Even when we were in the weak Yankee Conference, we were basically a .500 team. We have had many coaches some of whom looked promising but in the end all either failed or left for greener pastures. The Edsall years looked promising but when he built his resume, he left for Maryland.
Uconn, even before Calhoun, was a solid basketball program with a good following.
The football program sits on the bottom of a weak conference and I don't see anything getting better. If I were reading about top recruits coming or even considering coming to Uconn I might feel differently. The bottom line is that football is expensive and is not contributing to the University.
Sep 4, 2011
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AAC Football Ratings: UConn Moves One Step Closer To Cellar

That about sums it up. Have to agree with CTrefugee, and 60's fan. I realize you die hards continue to support the program with your money, and attendance, but if they continue to disappoint, and show no improvement, when do you say ENOUGH. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Would I like to see UC in a big time bowl, in a big time conference, and successful ? Yes. With the same type of talent, coaching, and past results, is that going to happen? Not bloody likely. The issue is, when do you stop pouring good money into the program? When will enough be enough for you? For some of us, ENOUGH has come and gone.


Respect All, Fear None.
Sep 22, 2012
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AAC Football Ratings: UConn Moves One Step Closer To Cellar

That about sums it up. Have to agree with CTrefugee, and 60's fan. I realize you die hards continue to support the program with your money, and attendance, but if they continue to disappoint, and show no improvement, when do you say ENOUGH. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Would I like to see UC in a big time bowl, in a big time conference, and successful ? Yes. With the same type of talent, coaching, and past results, is that going to happen? Not bloody likely. The issue is, when do you stop pouring good money into the program? When will enough be enough for you? For some of us, ENOUGH has come and gone.
Plenty of schools have been where we are and turned it around. Plenty also haven't turned it around, but are still playing football. This is only a few years in our very short history as a 1A program. No need to throw out the baby with the bath water. Hell, the Cubs waited 108 yrs, didn't they?


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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AAC Football Ratings: UConn Moves One Step Closer To Cellar

That about sums it up. Have to agree with CTrefugee, and 60's fan. I realize you die hards continue to support the program with your money, and attendance, but if they continue to disappoint, and show no improvement, when do you say ENOUGH. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Would I like to see UC in a big time bowl, in a big time conference, and successful ? Yes. With the same type of talent, coaching, and past results, is that going to happen? Not bloody likely. The issue is, when do you stop pouring good money into the program? When will enough be enough for you? For some of us, ENOUGH has come and gone.
We say enough when Kansas says enough - good comparison, no?

Kansas Football record below:

Aug 26, 2011
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We're better than Kansas. Just gotta boot out Diaco ASAP and hire someone who is competent.
Aug 26, 2011
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AAC Football Ratings: UConn Moves One Step Closer To Cellar

That about sums it up. Have to agree with CTrefugee, and 60's fan. I realize you die hards continue to support the program with your money, and attendance, but if they continue to disappoint, and show no improvement, when do you say ENOUGH. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Would I like to see UC in a big time bowl, in a big time conference, and successful ? Yes. With the same type of talent, coaching, and past results, is that going to happen? Not bloody likely. The issue is, when do you stop pouring good money into the program? When will enough be enough for you? For some of us, ENOUGH has come and gone.
#1, we've been saying enough for quite a while.

#2, in business, you don't invest over a hundred million dollars into a venture that actually does have hope (notice we were just considered by the Big 12 and are widely considered a shoo-in if the ACC ever goes to 16 and they will; no one said expansion is over) and dump it. The business apitude of this message board is not strong amongst some.
Aug 27, 2011
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AAC Football Ratings: UConn Moves One Step Closer To Cellar

That about sums it up. Have to agree with CTrefugee, and 60's fan. I realize you die hards continue to support the program with your money, and attendance, but if they continue to disappoint, and show no improvement, when do you say ENOUGH. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Would I like to see UC in a big time bowl, in a big time conference, and successful ? Yes. With the same type of talent, coaching, and past results, is that going to happen? Not bloody likely. The issue is, when do you stop pouring good money into the program? When will enough be enough for you? For some of us, ENOUGH has come and gone.

Another guy searching for a clue. Keep looking.


Block C Bozo
Aug 30, 2011
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I need to give up paying attention BB-only fans whose understanding of college athletics hasn't changed since 1990.
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