Semi-OT: BC article in Globe | The Boneyard

Semi-OT: BC article in Globe

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Jun 17, 2013
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Not directly realignment related, but this is red meat for this forum:

Why Do Boston College Sports Barely Matter Here?

Sure it's red meat and we've known this. But thanks for posting it. Somebody be sure the weasels in Greensboro and Bristol see it. The only BC ripple in the Boston sports scene emanates from its hockey team - its only non-ACC sport. Eventually, when actual viewership begins to matter, UConn will get situated and stride right by the paper tigers already safely ensconced in P-5 conferences.
Jan 15, 2014
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The irony here is that nobody cares about this 3rd rate level sportswriter writing in a newspaper that has lost thousands of readers the last 2 decades, and millions of dollars of financial value in the process. Yes, BC does not get anywhere near the fan interest that 2nd rate fly over towns get that have no pro teams for competition because pro team towns consider those college sports interest towns mostly... well.... fly over towns.
The journalistic gem that " BC football has less interest than Harvard football " is silly nonsense, written by a guy most have never heard of, that tells us he worked in " Cambridge " near Harvard Square. The fact that Harvard Football seasonal attendance has not equalled, let alone surpassed, BC football home season attendance in any year in his lifetime, demonstrates clearly the silliness and the simple factual inaccurate assessment of this.

Its also ironic to read this obligatory drivel hit piece on BC from a guy that says he has never had any interest in BC football . Yet he does a long article on how much he is not interested in BC football, and how in his obsessed assessment, he has personally been watching this " disinterest " with his acknowledged " interest " in it for years and years.

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Me Thinks ( haha!)
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Aug 27, 2011
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The journalistic gem that " BC football has less interest than Harvard football " is silly nonsense, written by a guy most have never heard of, that tells us he worked in " Cambridge " near Harvard Square. T
He actually provides a link to that argument.
Aug 24, 2011
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The irony here is that nobody cares about this 3rd rate level sportswriter writing in a newspaper that has lost thousands of readers the last 2 decades, and millions of dollars of financial value in the process. Yes, BC does not get anywhere near the fan interest that 2nd rate fly over towns get that have no pro teams for competition because pro team towns consider those college sports interest towns mostly... well.... fly over towns.
The journalistic gem that " BC football has less interest than Harvard football " is silly nonsense, written by a guy most have never heard of, that tells us he worked in " Cambridge " near Harvard Square. The fact that Harvard Football seasonal attendance has not equalled, let alone surpassed, BC football home season attendance in any year in his lifetime, demonstrates clearly the silliness and the simple factual inaccurate assessment of this.

Its also ironic to read this obligatory drivel hit piece on BC from a guy that says he has never had any interest in BC football . Yet he does a long article on how much he is not interested in BC football, and how in his obsessed assessment, he has personally been watching this " disinterest " with his acknowledged " interest " in it for years and years.

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Me Thinks ( haha!)

Please tell me you have a life beyond posting on this site. duck*ing amazing to me that the first post on BC and quite some time and your on it in about 30 minutes. Not sure if it's scary or just sad.
Jan 15, 2014
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Casual sports in Greater Boston care once a year about Harvard football.. the Harvard- Yale Game. Beyond that, I've never met anyone unconnected to the school in Greater Boston that cares about Harvard Football. Their football games have such a non interest level for Greater Boston casual football games, that you can't find Harvard Football games on TV anywhere in Massachusetts... not even in this 3rd rate sportswriters former bar dives that he worked right outside the gates of Harvard U. in Cambridge. That non televised nature of Harvard Football tells us all we need to know about his snipe of BC Football, by injecting his hollow claim re. Harvard football. Its just silly and ridiculous, and the article thus falls into the realm of annual obligatory false tag that " nobody cares about BC football " in Greater Boston. Few care about College Sports in Greater Boston period... BC or otherwise. Most casual sports fans in Greater Boston, rightly or wrongly, consider College Sports as nothing more than farm team , minor league, feeder systems for their town's Pro Teams. Most are not interested in what the 20 year older Winston is doing for his FSU football team...nor could tell you who the football coach is at Alabama, LSU, Oregon, nor their best players names. But they can tell who whats going on with the Pro's, and the key players, coaches. And front page is the offseason doings with the Red Sox. It is what it is, and thats probably not going to change any time soon, no matter what a newspaper thats been losing former readers each year by the thousands might write.
Sep 17, 2011
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Sure it's red meat and we've known this. But thanks for posting it. Somebody be sure the weasels in Greensboro and Bristol see it. The only BC ripple in the Boston sports scene emanates from its hockey team - its only non-ACC sport. Eventually, when actual viewership begins to matter, UConn will get situated and stride right by the paper tigers already safely ensconced in P-5 conferences.
Only one problem. TV ratings for BC games (Football) are not out of line with the rest of the conference or P5. The counter to that is the quality of their opponent and the times that they play. Their ratings this year have been a low of 0.3 (Lville) to a high of 1.1 (USC). FSU number not yet posted. Their average number (on ABC/ESPN broadcast) are consistent with most of the rest of the ACC and most P5 teams outisde of the top of each conference and of course the SEC for the outlet they were broadcast on. The average number of viewers is around 1.1 million for their broadcasts. Compare that to any AAC broadcast and specifically to the Uconn numbers (average is under 500k).


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Casual sports in Greater Boston care once a year about Harvard football.. the Harvard- Yale Game. Beyond that, I've never met anyone unconnected to the school in Greater Boston that cares about Harvard Football. Their football games have such a non interest level for Greater Boston casual football games, that you can't find Harvard Football games on TV anywhere in Massachusetts... not even in this 3rd rate sportswriters former bar dives that he worked right outside the gates of Harvard U. in Cambridge. That non televised nature of Harvard Football tells us all we need to know about his snipe of BC Football, by injecting his hollow claim re. Harvard football. Its just silly and ridiculous, and the article thus falls into the realm of annual obligatory false tag that " nobody cares about BC football " in Greater Boston. Few care about College Sports in Greater Boston period... BC or otherwise. Most casual sports fans in Greater Boston, rightly or wrongly, consider College Sports as nothing more than farm team , minor league, feeder systems for their town's Pro Teams. Most are not interested in what the 20 year older Winston is doing for his FSU football team...nor could tell you who the football coach is at Alabama, LSU, Oregon, nor their best players names. But they can tell who whats going on with the Pro's, and the key players, coaches. And front page is the offseason doings with the Red Sox. It is what it is, and thats probably not going to change any time soon, no matter what a newspaper thats been losing former readers each year by the thousands might write.

So, to summarize, no one cares about BC football.
Jan 15, 2014
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Please tell me you have a life beyond posting on this site. duck*ing amazing to me that the first post on BC and quite some time and your on it in about 30 minutes. Not sure if it's scary or just sad.
Yes, I have a life ouside of posting. I will assume that you do as well. This is a thread that was started about Boston Newspaper and it pertains to BC. As someone that has lived in Greater Boston perhaps longer that the person who wrote this article has, I thought I would respond to this Boston Globe article, his take on BC ( and Harvard ) and college sports vs Pro Sports interest in Greater Boston. Do you work or live in Boston, or read with regularity, the Boston Globe, or follow BC ? Just asking why you get profane with me on what posts I choose to respond to here, when the subject matter is something that peaked my interest, a well as the apparent interest of the poster here who started this new thread in the first place.
Jan 15, 2014
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So, to summarize, no one cares about BC football.

No school's fanbase however should bring up the false caricature that " nobody cares about BC football " when BC football has a larger home attendance and twice as many TV viewers for their games than the school's fanbase that wants to bring up that comment... a false caricature at that... about the other. Look, I get that Uconn is in football transition now. And we've already read on here about the legions of Uconn football fans telling us they don't care anymore about Uconn football and won't be going to Uconn football games again anytime soon. As such, with timing being everything, do you really believe that this is the time to be responding now with the false caricature that " nobody cares about BC football " ?


Mar 30, 2012
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I live in Cambridge, am an active Catholic, and have been to games at Conte Forum. It is weird to say that Harvard football is more popular than BC football -- Harvard must have cleaned up on social media mentions because no way do they win at the most obvious dimensions. Apart from that, it's a generally accurate article. Interest in BC football has declined since they moved to the ACC and lost all their regional rivals. They have loyal alumni fans and that is it; they don't penetrate the larger community.

Nor do you get the impression that BC wants to penetrate the local community. They seem to be happy catering to their own alumni and Jesuit community, picking up $20 mn a year from the ACC, and separating themselves a bit from non-alumni residents. There is hardly any local PR from BC. They don't represent themselves as "Boston's sports school". Personally, I'm glad of that - they should emphasize a Catholic, global identity, not a local parochial one. But, that makes it difficult for them to build a large local non-alumni athletics fan base. And they haven't.
Sep 18, 2011
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There are many truths in the article. I do believe Harvard football could be as popular or more popular than BC football because Harvard plays primarily Ivy league schools. Lots of tradition, true rivals, and lots of alums of their Ivy League opponents in the Boston area. The football games are mini reunion events for the local alums and many alums will attend once every few years especially in the years after they just graduate. A big difference if you go to Harvard and BC football games is that the Harvard games probably have more one game attending fans and BC has more BC fans that are season ticket holders. (And. it's much easier to get to and tailgate at Harvard Stadium than at BC!) Neither school attracts the general Boston sports fan except when they are playing a big game.

As for team performance, BC had a bad AD, DeFilippo, who made bad coaching firings/hirings. Fired the successful women's basketball coach and the program tanked with his hire. Fired the men's basketball coach who was successful and his replacement tanked the program. In football, he pushed out a successful coach, Jags, and promoted an older lifetime defensive coordinator who tanked the program. He wasn't allowed to touch BC hockey and it has flourished.

Not only did he tank three athletic programs with bad hires, he instituted things like seat licenses, high priced tailgating,... that turned off the casual fan and angered the loyal fans.

One last point. It is hard to go to games at BC as there is little parking and they really don't cater to the casual Boston sports fan. Combine lousy teams with difficult to get to venues, with limited opportunity to tailgate at Football games unless you are a wealthy alum, and you are not going to attract fans.
Aug 24, 2011
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Just asking why you get profane with me on what posts I choose to respond to here, when the subject matter is something that peaked my interest, a well as the apparent interest of the poster here who started this new thread in the first place.

Because it's been very nice not having to read threads inundated with BC promotion. I hope I didn't offend your duck*ing sensibilities.
Aug 26, 2011
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Comparing bc and uconn football popularity - particularly measured by national ratings and attendance - is apples v oranges. BC has a long history in D1a, is in a stable conference and has a competitive schedule. Uconn is still a young grape on the vine, perhaps it isn't allowed to develop. We'll see. But that we are having the argument about football says more about the limits of bc's ceiling than anything about uconn.

Comparing basketball programs that are both established with a long history at the highest levels. That is apples v apples. Notice how nobody ever tries to have that discussion? Even when BC was reasonably competitive, Conte was a uconn home game.
Jan 15, 2014
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Because it's been very nice not having to read threads inundated with BC promotion. I hope I didn't offend your duck*ing sensibilities.
No I havn't found your profanity laced comments an offense to " my sensibilities " in the least. Its a message board for discussion. If one's sensibilities are easily offended to the point of frustration or anger, then they probably shouldn't be in a place that invites discussion, news, insights, banter, responses, etc and rational thoughts from posters.
Jan 15, 2014
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Comparing bc and uconn football popularity - particularly measured by national ratings and attendance - is apples v oranges. BC has a long history in D1a, is in a stable conference and has a competitive schedule. Uconn is still a young grape on the vine, perhaps it isn't allowed to develop. We'll see. But that we are having the argument about football says more about the limits of bc's ceiling than anything about uconn.

Comparing basketball programs that are both established with a long history at the highest levels. That is apples v apples. Notice how nobody ever tries to have that discussion? Even when BC was reasonably competitive, Conte was a uconn home game.

No disagreement with this from me. Uconn is primarily a Basketball School. Thats how its viewed by just about everyone from outside the state of Connecticut. As such, it undeniably has the number 1 College Basketball program in all of New England... and with perhaps just a year or two of exception... it has remained the number 1 College Basketball School in New England for decades. I don't see that changing any time soon. As for Football, BC is undeniably the number 1 college football program in all of New England... and with perhaps just a year or two of exception... it has remained the number 1 College Football program in New England for decades. I don't see that changing any time soon either.

As for fans, Uconn will probably always have a more rapid and engaged fan base, as it is a public Univ in Connecticut.. a state that has no MLB, NFL, NBA, playing Pro games in their state. So if the disussion is who will continue to have a more engaged fan base in football, I believe Uconn will always be afforded that courtesy as a School when the discussion turns to that ( although despite this, BC football will continue to outdraw Uconn football attendance at home games, now and for years to come, imo )
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Jan 15, 2014
Reaction Score
There are many truths in the article. I do believe Harvard football could be as popular or more popular than BC football because Harvard plays primarily Ivy league schools. Lots of tradition, true rivals, and lots of alums of their Ivy League opponents in the Boston area. The football games are mini reunion events for the local alums and many alums will attend once every few years especially in the years after they just graduate. A big difference if you go to Harvard and BC football games is that the Harvard games probably have more one game attending fans and BC has more BC fans that are season ticket holders. (And. it's much easier to get to and tailgate at Harvard Stadium than at BC!) Neither school attracts the general Boston sports fan except when they are playing a big game.

As for team performance, BC had a bad AD, DeFilippo, who made bad coaching firings/hirings. Fired the successful women's basketball coach and the program tanked with his hire. Fired the men's basketball coach who was successful and his replacement tanked the program. In football, he pushed out a successful coach, Jags, and promoted an older lifetime defensive coordinator who tanked the program. He wasn't allowed to touch BC hockey and it has flourished.

Not only did he tank three athletic programs with bad hires, he instituted things like seat licenses, high priced tailgating,... that turned off the casual fan and angered the loyal fans.

One last point. It is hard to go to games at BC as there is little parking and they really don't cater to the casual Boston sports fan. Combine lousy teams with difficult to get to venues, with limited opportunity to tailgate at Football games unless you are a wealthy alum, and you are not going to attract fans.

Good post.. good observations too. BC is fraught with challenging issues, much of it of their own making. They do a lousy job marketing their teams, the student body is increasingly out of state, their former AD was a jerk, and tailgating at BC is problematic. Donor based seating thats been instituted has turned off a lot of former loyal fans too. Supposedly the new AD over there( Bates ) is aware of the issues, and is committed to improving things. I'll believe it when I see it.
Mar 19, 2013
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No I havn't found your profanity laced comments an offense to " my sensibilities " in the least. Its a message board for discussion. If one's sensibilities are easily offended to the point of frustration or anger, then they probably shouldn't be in a place that invites discussion, news, insights, banter, responses, etc and rational thoughts from posters.
I think BC has demonstrated to UConn it's devious and deceptive nature plenty in its actions to warrant offending your sensibilities.
Jan 15, 2014
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I think BC has demonstrated to UConn it's devious and deceptive nature plenty in its actions to warrant offending your sensibilities.
But thats a different question ( and comment ). You originally asked me if my "sensibilities were offended" by your comments. Without being redundant, I simply responded... :"no "(, my sensibilities are not offended by your comments above to me.)
Jan 15, 2014
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I live in Cambridge, am an active Catholic, and have been to games at Conte Forum. It is weird to say that Harvard football is more popular than BC football -- Harvard must have cleaned up on social media mentions because no way do they win at the most obvious dimensions. Apart from that, it's a generally accurate article. Interest in BC football has declined since they moved to the ACC and lost all their regional rivals. They have loyal alumni fans and that is it; they don't penetrate the larger community.

Nor do you get the impression that BC wants to penetrate the local community. They seem to be happy catering to their own alumni and Jesuit community, picking up $20 mn a year from the ACC, and separating themselves a bit from non-alumni residents. There is hardly any local PR from BC. They don't represent themselves as "Boston's sports school". Personally, I'm glad of that - they should emphasize a Catholic, global identity, not a local parochial one. But, that makes it difficult for them to build a large local non-alumni athletics fan base. And they haven't.

Also, an assessment of things over at BC that I would tend to agree with on the whole.... I don't think interest in BC football has " declined since they moved to the ACC " however . I'd say its flatlined. Their football attendance is about on par with attendance when they were in the BE. BC has never really had a rival in football. ND comes closest, but ND is in a world of their own and think only Touchdown Jesus and / or St. Peter is their rival. BC Basketball has had some good years under Skinner, but few cared in the Greater Boston region about BC,( or any college basketball for that matter). When it comes to Basketball, only the C's matter to 95% of casual sports fans within a 30 mile radius of Boston. Panda just signed with the Red Sox. The Red Sox will get more coverage in the Boston region for this offseason signing than anything any college team in New England will do in anything at all. Turn on Sports radio in Boston and its 24-7 Pro sports talk among the hosts and callers. Few care about college sports in Greater Boston. Its just the way it is.
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Sep 18, 2011
Reaction Score
No disagreement with this from me. Uconn is primarily a Basketball School. Thats how its viewed by just about everyone from outside the state of Connecticut. As such, it undeniably has the number 1 College Basketball program in all of New England... and with perhaps just a year or two of exception... it has remained the number 1 College Basketball School in New England for decades. I don't see that changing any time soon. As for Football, BC is undeniably the number 1 college football program in all of New England... and with perhaps just a year or two of exception... it has remained the number 1 College Football program in New England for decades. I don't see that changing any time soon either.

As for fans, Uconn will probably always have a more rapid and engaged fan base, as it is a public Univ in Connecticut.. a state that has no MLB, NFL, NBA, playing Pro games in their state. So if the disussion is who will continue to have a more engaged fan base in football, I believe Uconn will always be afforded that courtesy as a School when the discussion turns to that ( although despite this, BC football will continue to outdraw Uconn football attendance at home games, now and for years to come, imo )

I disagree with many of your observations.

In basketball, moving to the ACC really did kill the basketball program. I should know as I was part of a group of long term season ticket holders who gave up our seats with the move to the ACC. Why? We had friends who went to Big East schools such as UConn, Georgetown, PC, Syracuse, St. John's, Villanova, Notre Dame. We never had a problem finding people to go to games. And, we went to the Big East tourney in NYC every year. When BC joined the ACC, we couldn't find anyone to go to the games except UNC and Duke. Nobody wanted to see Miami and VT when they were in the Big East and they didn't want to go in the ACC. The move of Syracuse and ND to the ACC should help BC somewhat.

As for football, if UConn played BC's schedule, UConn would outdraw BC. Heck, switch BC and UConn's conferences and UConn would double BC's attendance. If UConn gets a P5 invite, the football program will far surpass BC. How can you compare a state flagship university with a small religious private college?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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But thats a different question ( and comment ). You originally asked me if my "sensibilities were offended" by your comments. Without being redundant, I simply responded... :"no "(, my sensibilities are not offended by your comments above to me.)
Yawkey, I'm curious about his original thought, which was how'd you find out about a BC thread on the board within 30 minutes of it being posted? I didn't realize that you are that frequent a visitor to our board. I can't remember the last time I visited a BC board.

FWIW I have no problem with your posting. You have your own world view, as do we all, but you are typically reasonably polite. I think you have to expect some Eagle posters on this board if you put BC ( or BCU ) in the title. If people don't like BC posters on our board don't post a thread about their university.
Jan 15, 2014
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I disagree with many of your observations.

In basketball, moving to the ACC really did kill the basketball program. I should know as I was part of a group of long term season ticket holders who gave up our seats with the move to the ACC. Why? We had friends who went to Big East schools such as UConn, Georgetown, PC, Syracuse, St. John's, Villanova, Notre Dame. We never had a problem finding people to go to games. And, we went to the Big East tourney in NYC every year. When BC joined the ACC, we couldn't find anyone to go to the games except UNC and Duke. Nobody wanted to see Miami and VT when they were in the Big East and they didn't want to go in the ACC. The move of Syracuse and ND to the ACC should help BC somewhat.

As for football, if UConn played BC's schedule, UConn would outdraw BC. Heck, switch BC and UConn's conferences and UConn would double BC's attendance. If UConn gets a P5 invite, the football program will far surpass BC. How can you compare a state flagship university with a small religious private college?

Perhaps you inadvertantly misread my comments. I did not comment above regarding the effect of BC Basketball program in the ACC. BC did win 2 regular season ACC Basketball Titles in the ACC, and in 2006 went to the ACC Tournament Basketball Finals, had the lead with 30 seconds to go by 1, before losing by 2 at the buzzer ( 78-76 ). But BC has never really brought the fans of Greater Boston into its interest level in any major way, except for a few years where it got as far as the Final Four. So even in its BE days, BC never really cranked out much interest among Greater Boston Fans. This was afterall, years when the Celtics were on top in the NBA, so they got just about all the interest anong the casual sports fans within a 40-50 mile radius of Boston.

As for " ifs " on college football , I suppose its possible to create a sceanario where Uconn gets more fans than BC at home games.( I suppose it'd be just as easy to likewise create a scenario where BC increases that too, of course). But in the real world, BC does have more football home attendance at their games now, and its believed that this will continue into the foreseeable future it would seem to me. In my perfect world, I'd create a northeast football and basketball league that would have the Penn States, BC's, Uconn, Syracuse, Rutgers, Maryland, Virginia, Pittsburgh, Navy, Army, etc... some such. But that ship has sailed, and those " what -ifs " are no longer in the cards. But sure, Uconn can be expected as a public Univ ( with no pro teams nearby ) to have a more rabid and interested fan base than a school that is more national in its student body, Private, and Catholic. I would not attempt to compare a large public and a smaller private in so many areas where the two are different.. with different callings. So I agree with you that some people DO attempt to compare the two as if they are the same... when indeed they are not.


Aug 26, 2011
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Yawkey, I'm curious about his original thought, which was how'd you find out about a BC thread on the board within 30 minutes of it being posted? I didn't realize that you are that frequent a visitor to our board. I can't remember the last time I visited a BC board.

FWIW I have no problem with your posting. You have your own world view, as do we all, but you are typically reasonably polite. I think you have to expect some Eagle posters on this board if you put BC ( or BCU ) in the title. If people don't like BC posters on our board don't post a thread about their university.
The last time I looked, maybe in the spring, the BC boards seem to have become ghost towns. The rivals board was deserted for some private board, which then was deserted for another private board. So BC fans who want to engage anyone about college sports are forced to come here and other places, like CSNBBS.
Jan 15, 2014
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Yawkey, I'm curious about his original thought, which was how'd you find out about a BC thread on the board within 30 minutes of it being posted? I didn't realize that you are that frequent a visitor to our board. I can't remember the last time I visited a BC board.

FWIW I have no problem with your posting. You have your own world view, as do we all, but you are typically reasonably polite. I think you have to expect some Eagle posters on this board if you put BC ( or BCU ) in the title. If people don't like BC posters on our board don't post a thread about their university.
I think it was a mere coincidence that I found a post about the Boston Globe, BC, Harvard, etc within 30 minutes of his posting the new thread. I don't park myself here I assure you. And have not posted on here in... well.. I don't recal the last timel. I suppose I might check in here once a,month now that you've become curious on this.. Usually I'll read for a few minutes of posts that might interest me, not post, then leave. I did not ask you how often you visit a BC Board, but nonetheless, thank you for sharing that info anyway.
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