Season Retrospective | The Boneyard

Season Retrospective

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Aug 26, 2011
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Defense : Consistently good enough for us to have a chance to win most games. There's not much more to say than that. We can pick nits about soft coverages and tackling, but for the most part they did their job. Keep getting better, but keep up the good work.

Offense : Marginally better. Shirreffs was more productive than anyone we've had since the far-too-short career of Cochran, but Whitmer and Boyle did not exactly set a high bar. O-line play barely improved during the year which is a real problem - they need so much more consistency for us to be successful. At the same time, Diaco has shown a stubborn reliance on establishing a physical, running offense- despite not having all the pieces to do it, and with minimal consideration for exploiting opponent weaknesses or showing different looks. To a certain extent, it is chicken and egg - can we play-action or probe downfield with mediocre blocking and an average QB? More often than not, the play will be unsuccessful. But to consistently stick to one method of moving the football makes the job of opposing defenses far too easy and compounds our inefficiencies. Playing as conservative as we do can win - we've done it - but at times it leaves too much to other factors such as playing mistake free football and winning the turnover battle. In the end, I do think it is worse not to try. You only need open things up to the point where you can keep defenses honest. I hope to see this and clock management improve in 2016. Side note : before yesterday, we were out scored 95-48 in the 4th quarter. Yuck.

Special Teams : We still have a top-to-bottom roster depth problem on our hands. It manifests itself most in our special teams, where the decision was made to return kicks only when stars align perfectly. Perhaps to avoid further injury? I'm not sure. But the complete avoidance of this phase of the game needs to change in 2016. Puyol was very good all season in place kicking duty - both he and Wain return for 2016. Tarbutt saw duty a little prematurely but it will be interesting to see his development with a year's worth of S&C.

Turnover Margin: There is another thread on this topic, but I'll mention it again here. Far and away, the number one reason that we are 6-7 this year instead of 2-10 is that we managed to be +9 instead of -13 (if my math is right) in turnover differential. Period. We can talk of S&C improvements - which are there, and to a small extent contributed to our turnover improvement. Perhaps coaching improved a bit, but it's hard to say with so many variables at play. I just find it interesting to note that the biggest cause of improvement this year was, in good part, due to luck. I'll take it, but I'd rather not have to rely on luck.

Coaching : Head scratching, sometimes infuriating, occasionally successful... I don't know what the hell to make of them. Diaco has the energy, the personality, the smarts - but he's risk averse to the point of it sometimes being a detriment (I believe this true despite him reaching in to his bag of tricks on several occasions this season). I believe - I hope - that if he were to put his DC hat back on and game plan as if he were going against our offense this bowl game - he'd have to conclude this offense was one dimensional and predictable, yes? He'd have to thank his lucky stars to go up against an offense so... Straightforward. People have commented that he's a DC so he doesn't get offense - I say that with a DC background, he should know how the opponent will game plan against us and how to counteract it. That it doesn't seem to happen is mystifying... Aggravating, even. For us to win, things either need to be executed perfectly, or we need to win the turnover battle. Sometimes both. It leaves too much to chance. It is hard to say where things change here - Diaco seems to be very clear on the style of offense he will run, so the only hope is that as more of his players gain more experience, they will improve. But I do hope that Diaco takes a long hard look at the approach and the staff and determines that there is room for all to be improved on. Clock management, we've beaten ad nauseum. Study it and fix it this offseason.

Overall: Bottom line, few here expected 6 wins and a bowl game this year - in that sense, the season was a success. Our trajectory is trending up for the first time in years. And yet there is still so much to improve upon in 2016 if we want to keep raising the bar. Frankly, if our turnover differential ends up even, we need to improve in many areas just to tread water. It's time to play 300 level football and beyond. I believe Diaco can do it, but I fully acknowledge that's based on faith more than evidence. 2016 will be a very big "show me" year. To all our seniors, thank you for all you've had to endure during your tenure here - you can look back proudly that we are in a better place.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Well said, CTMike!

Turnover margin was by far the most significant factor to us reaching a bowl. Part of that is defensive scheme, running back ball discipline, and a conservative offensive style. And the other part of it, as you mentioned, is sheer dumb luck. Right place at the right time, or a bad throw by the opposition. We hope to continue all parts of that equation in 2016, and hopefully will not have to rely on the luck part.

Also, I agree 100% with your assessment of not being able to assess Diaco. Some things seem to be better. He still has his charisma and high energy for the team to feed off of. But my goodness, we still get plays into the QB with 4 seconds left on the play clock. We still get dominated at the end of games, as you mentioned. Those are things that fall on coaching.

There is still quite a bit of room to grow for 2016. But we are going to have many of our starters back, with some nice additions (ex., Levenberry). Let's hope the entire team and coaching staff does the growing, because it would be super-sweet to lay a nice fat "L" on Syrapuke and that irrelevant team from Beantown... :cool:
Aug 26, 2011
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Excellent synopsis. I think you nailed all the main points. I believe next year is the year we will know what we got with this coach. Forget wins and losses. If we see improvement in clock management, some semblance of an improvement on special teams, and ability to counter a defensive game plan, and with the way he is recruiting, he will challenge for division titles in the near future.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nice summary. I am not quite sure what we have in Diaco either. He has excellent qualities in areas of motivation and seems to be doing a heck of a job recruiting. On the other hand, he has shown himself to be a poor tactician and poor game manager. His staff's ability to coach up is not obvious to me. I fear BD might be one of those HCs that can recruit and motivate, but doesn't have the advanced X&Os chops to scheme against more sophisticated opponents. He definitely lacks the ability to adjust in game. I am more than fine (actually prefer smash mouth, power football) but that does not mean one dimensional, no risk play by any stretch.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Good points Mike.

I gave Diaco a W/L pass Year 1 and this year I just wanted to see improvement across the board. It's a mixed bag. While we overachieved record wise and were in most games, to end the season the way we did against Marshall all feels like there wasn't much improvement over the course of this season.

The bar has certainly been raised and while the AAC isn't the dump it's made out to be, it's not the SEC West either. I want us to be able to legitimately compete for an AAC East division title sooner, rather than later.

All comes back to not getting man handled up front and keeping Shirreffs healthy and maybe, just maybe not getting delay of game penalties every dam game.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well thought out overview.
It is absolutely crucial that offensive line play improves by leaps & bounds next season. Smash mouth football suits our climate conditions, but in order for it to be successful the line MUST establish dominance at the point of attack. This was too inconsistent this season. AND, pass protection is light years away from being acceptable. Sherriffs may not be Sonny Jurgenson in the pocket, but he should be allowed time to scan the field for receivers before making the split decision to gain yardage with his feet in order to avoid being sacked.
Coach Diaco was quoted over the weekend that UConn will never run a high powered passing offense during his tenure as he prefers a ball control offense. That's fine but, as others have said, a balance must be achieved offensively. The opposition MUST respect UConn's ability to pass the ball, or the Huskies will be facing defenses with 8 in the box all season.
As I stated in other threads, I'm happy that UConn improved to the point of making the post-season. Now, this improvement must continue to the point of UConn pointing toward conference championships. UConn athletics has a proud history of excellence in most sports. We alums, football season ticket holders, & football fans desperately want that for UConn Football. It's up to Coach Diaco to figure out how to make it happen & get there.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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It is absolutely crucial that offensive line play improves by leaps & bounds next season. Smash mouth football suits our climate conditions, but in order for it to be successful the line MUST establish dominance at the point of attack.

I agree with this 1000%. The defense will be good, sure they lose pieces but the depth and growth will show. I can't wait to see Levenberry suit up! The skill positions on offense should improve with age and experiences. I wish the same could be said of the offensive line, but there was not as much growth from last year as I had hoped. Maybe the need another year with Bialis to strengthen up in the trenches? I hope that's the answer.

It is absolutely crucial that offensive line play improves by leaps & bounds next season. Smash mouth football suits our climate conditions, but in order for it to be successful the line MUST establish dominance at the point of attack.

The play calling reminds me of 'Edsall 2.0'. The general play calling has changed a little bit, but the overall mix is the same. Instead of only running HB off-tackle, it's now QB draws and HB/WR sweeps. Sure, I guess it's a little more exciting and imaginative, but it's just as predictable to the defense. I guess we need to add the wrinkles to compensate for our poor O-Line play.

It's really hard to control the ball and the game clock when they can't control the line of scrimmage... the offense will struggle to find consistency until the HB gets holes and the QB gets protection.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with this 1000%. The defense will be good, sure they lose pieces but the depth and growth will show. I can't wait to see Levenberry suit up! The skill positions on offense should improve with age and experiences. I wish the same could be said of the offensive line, but there was not as much growth from last year as I had hoped. Maybe the need another year with Bialis to strengthen up in the trenches? I hope that's the answer.

They also need to get faster on the offensive line. Actually, team speed in general needs to improve.
Aug 27, 2011
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Pretty solid analysis. There's a few things I'm looking for next year in order to take the next step.

1. Captain Obvious is improved OL play. Getting Crozier back will help. I think it's dangerous to expect the RS Frosh next year to come in and be that upgrade (Peart). You just have to hope that another year's worth of experience and S&C shows on the field.

2. We relied on A LOT of true freshmen WR's. Beals, Mayala, McLean, and I believe Battle all saw time this year. Thomas was our only upperclassman at the position. I think they struggled to get open as they learned the college game. Hopefully they get to the 200 or 300 level that Diaco talks about.

3. Defensively, I think the biggest loss will be Adeyemi. I'm comfortable playing with Foley and Myers up the middle (replacing Campenni). If Levenberry turns out to be great we won't skip a beat at LB despite losing Vann and Stewart. I've never been a fan of Adams (on the field), but the unknown behind him is worrisome. Who's going to replace Adeyemi on the edge?


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Pretty solid analysis. There's a few things I'm looking for next year in order to take the next step.

1. Captain Obvious is improved OL play. Getting Crozier back will help. I think it's dangerous to expect the RS Frosh next year to come in and be that upgrade (Peart). You just have to hope that another year's worth of experience and S&C shows on the field.

2. We relied on A LOT of true freshmen WR's. Beals, Mayala, McLean, and I believe Battle all saw time this year. Thomas was our only upperclassman at the position. I think they struggled to get open as they learned the college game. Hopefully they get to the 200 or 300 level that Diaco talks about.

3. Defensively, I think the biggest loss will be Adeyemi. I'm comfortable playing with Foley and Myers up the middle (replacing Campenni). If Levenberry turns out to be great we won't skip a beat at LB despite losing Vann and Stewart. I've never been a fan of Adams (on the field), but the unknown behind him is worrisome. Who's going to replace Adeyemi on the edge?

I believe that Cole Ormsby is the next man up to replace Adeyemi. I'm personally most worried about safety, but I think you're right in that d end may be a weak spot as well
Aug 27, 2011
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I believe that Cole Ormsby is the next man up to replace Adeyemi. I'm personally most worried about safety, but I think you're right in that d end may be a weak spot as well

Ormsby is not the same type of player that Adeyemi is. Ormsby is more of a hybrid pass rusher. Who on the roster has the size and quickness that Kenton has?
Aug 29, 2011
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Nice observations mike

I watched a recording of the bowl game a few hours ago. As always, its never as bad as it seemed and never as good.

I thank #22 on defense for a great career and leadership this season after a very tumultuous time in the program. But I won't miss the arm tackles thst fail when filling the holes. We'll need a new leader for the secondary, and we'll need a starting safety who doesn't arm tackle. We'll need somebody to step up leadership in the big guy's shoes up front on the DL. I hope that the LB's coming in to the starting lineup are a step up in pass defense. All else staying level, we have good captains step up, and improve pass D from the LBs and tackling from that second safety position and our D for 2016 has potential to be very, very good.

I thank #22 on offense for being the little engine that could. An absolute rock on offense and by far our most productive and reliable player. We still got 2 years with him, and I hope in the offseason, he can be a leader by example and get the entire team out running -everyday-hills, endurance -especially the big guys on offense. They're better conditioned thsn before, but they got to run.

Its telling on offense, when you need to create misdirection and down and distance guesswork from defense to get a decent running game going from a standard QB RB exchange, including read/option stuff. It was crystsl clear watching the replay that to generate any sort of running game behind the OL, we needed to run the QB directly and use 10 blockers.

If we're not a fast team on offense, we have to be a powerful team. We're certainly big enough across the OL. But we're not. It's maddening.

These OL's, TE's have got to know the offense pretty well now. These guys need to hit sleds. Practice engaging contact by moving their heads properly to get the right leverage. Keep their butts down and feet moving. Heavier and heavier sleds. Til they hate them more than anything.

Receivers too.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ormsby is not the same type of player that Adeyemi is. Ormsby is more of a hybrid pass rusher. Who on the roster has the size and quickness that Kenton has?
I don't know about quickness matching Adeyemis, (thought he was a step slow myself but was a max effort guy, think Foley is quicker for example) but they guys on the roster with similar size for his position would seem to be Sheridan Lawley, and Phillipe Okunam.

Agree with you on Adams, but CFB always leaves you with unknowns AR key spots every year. I think Ellis Marder probably slides in on that spot almost smoothly. He is for sure faster.
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
Well thought out overview.
It is absolutely crucial that offensive line play improves by leaps & bounds next season. Smash mouth football suits our climate conditions, but in order for it to be successful the line MUST establish dominance at the point of attack. This was too inconsistent this season. AND, pass protection is light years away from being acceptable. Sherriffs may not be Sonny Jurgenson in the pocket, but he should be allowed time to scan the field for receivers before making the split decision to gain yardage with his feet in order to avoid being sacked.
Coach Diaco was quoted over the weekend that UConn will never run a high powered passing offense during his tenure as he prefers a ball control offense. That's fine but, as others have said, a balance must be achieved offensively. The opposition MUST respect UConn's ability to pass the ball, or the Huskies will be facing defenses with 8 in the box all season.
As I stated in other threads, I'm happy that UConn improved to the point of making the post-season. Now, this improvement must continue to the point of UConn pointing toward conference championships. UConn athletics has a proud history of excellence in most sports. We alums, football season ticket holders, & football fans desperately want that for UConn Football. It's up to Coach Diaco to figure out how to make it happen & get there.

I disagree slightly with pass protection. I think they are better this year by far than last year. Their physical limitations individually are what they are. Sacks are a good measure of course, but not the best. They are generating enough time for a passing game to work. We need opposing linebackers and safeties, to be thinking run first when facing our offense, and they don't need to.

I agree on the power aspect 200%. Its frustrating to watch. I wrote what I'd do. Sleds. Single, double 5 and 7. Load them up progressivley. Hit and drive. Getting Head positioning right with angles. Angles. Hit and drive them.

We play with enough height and mass on the OL and TE's that we should not get pushed back in a straight up match up with a defensive front 7.

If we're not fast, we need to be powerful and force a D to do something different.
May 22, 2012
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Coaching: Overall improved, especially in focusing on winning games, lot less crazy talk. Defensive got good results and did much better on outside containment as that was an issue last year, still more pressure would be nice instead of bend and break all the time. Offense, Verducci had his moments but not sure if his choice or Diaco but game plan too often smacked of GDL, especially in Marshall and Temple game as kept trying to run against a stacked box. Teams need to respect passing game, Marshall game, especially on first down there were times when Marshall had ten guys at line or three yards back with just a safety only 10 yards back and we kept trying to run. When you have more targets to a lineman playing tight end out of desperation than your top receiver that is a problem. If you are going to run a power game, besides better blocking, need to develop a fullback who can lead back through hole, occasionally run ball or sneak out on routes to keep defense honest. Tying into the game plan the in-game strategy needs to improve, we need to adapt and take advantage of what the defense gives us an opportunity to exploit, not just what we want from a philosophy level.

Offense: This was a young unit with different OC and position coaches three years in a row so experience and continuity will help going into next season.

Line obviously needs better play but was better than last year and while a major issue as we all know, it is an over simplification that it is the only issue. Whereas last year were often manhandled at LOS, that was not the case this year, biggest problem this season were lack of push not creating holes and missed assignments, so better but still more growth is needed. No coincidence the line looked their worse were ones where teams stacked box and we kept running straight into it. Did not seem to make any difference when Rutherford was in for Samra as when teams load up box it is more often a numbers issue. Good news is that young, gained experience, another off season of Balis and having same position coach in place for two years in row will benefit. QB play much better as Sherreffs did very well for first year starter and was big reason for being bowl eligible. Where improvement is needed, is keeping eyes down field, better accuracy and quicker release as often held on to ball too long, not sure if due to lack of separation or did not like throwing into tight spaces and even if had time seemed to look for running lane before looking downfield. Hope Davis is solid #2 next year, ready to step in if needed due to injury with shot of competing the following year as looks like has strong arm and is athletic. Running back, Newsome had a strong year, quick and tougher than people thought and will only be better. Need to see much more from Johnson as he regressed and seemed slow, plus need another back to step up. Not sure why Max was not used as he can get that tough yard and was a decent blocker in pass protection and could also catch out of backfield. From watching lot of the bowl games and our game against Marshall other teams backs seem to break lot more tackles, were our backs seem to go down at first contact. One adjustment for next year is not to have Newsome so far back in short yardage as teams especially Temple exploited that as couple of times while O line was engaged with front seven, a DB would come off edge and get to Newsome before he reached LOS. Tight ends were solid with Meyers and Bloom. Meyers was solid both blocking and receiving, Bloom while more dynamic needs to block better and reduce drops. Excited about Williams as he looks like he will help. Receivers, Thomas had a great year so mystery why not utilized more in Marshall game, he can go up and get it, solid on the receiver screens as him and Meyers are only guys who catch the ball that can break a tackle and is an excellent blocker. Need other guys to step up and not sure what happened to Beals as he looked special and then was not that involved in offense second half of season, would like to see him used in jet sweeps like we used to do with Foxx. Would like to see different looks from unit as seemed did not line them up in slot enough and need more crossing routes as most throws to receivers were outside the hash marks.

Defense: not much issue here as very solid, just need to attack more.

The line is stout against the run. Losing Campenni will be a big hit as while Meyers has done well, not an every down player Fatusaki is a beast and will be first team all conference next year. If Ornsby is healthy will improve the best rush. Question is who will step up, Ryslik sounds like most ready. Linebackers Levenberry will help with loss of Vann and Stewart. Carrezola and Joseph are very good and Walsh and Diggs will be coming back with experience. DB’s were solid, have three good corners coming back with Summers, Williams and Hadley, plus Obi as one of safeties and Marder is decent but need more depth here next year.

Special teams: Kicking game is strong as Puyol and Wain had very good season. Burning Tarbutt redshirt was bit of a waste, need to redshirt him next year. On punt return we need to put more pressure as other teams know we do not go after punter so that allows punter to take their time get off a good kick which is part of reason we fair catch so much. We do need a more dynamic return man back there as can make a difference and offense comes on field fired up after good return.

Overall pointing up and the experience the young guys got cannot be under estimated. Can be in 8-9 win range next year if offense improves across the board especially with coaching strategy and line play, along with modest improvements in the other positions.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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My future assessment:

QB - love Shireffs grit but he digressed as the year moved on. He needs to work on his pass accuracy- hitting people in stride at chest level. If he can't get the ball into the right spots, he limits the explosiveness of the offense.

RB - I have no problem with Arkeel, RJ or Marriner. We could use a FB and not always have to slide different people in there.

WR - with the Freshman and Red Shirts, we will be fine- Thomas should be playing on Sundays. Got to get them the ball with a chance to make a play.

TE - the bodies will be there next year with Myers, Bloom, Lee, Zordan, Williams and more. Each person needs to improve their blocking and catching - too many drops killed us this year.

OL - No more about Balis. This is about line intelligence and execution. Too many breakdowns, not enough line coordination. Too many DL in the back field, blitz not being picked up. Has nothing to do with strength. My hope is a year of teaching, some new blood(Crozier) and understanding the offense will help make this line better. This group will never be the like the lines we had under RE, but it has a chance to be at least competant.

DL - we have the bodies and more are taking off the Red Shirt. I like the players and their motors and they will stack the line and get to the QB!

LB - I worry a little bit about the OLB but that is due to Stewart being there for the last few years. Can't wait to see Levenberry and I hope this unit improves its tackling ability and speed.

DB - no problem with starting corners. Would like to see 3rd and 4th corners grow up and be effective. I expect OBI to continue to grow and wonder if it is Marder, Terry or anyone else to replace Adams. I think this unit will be just as good if not a little better.

Kicking game - Puyol has matured nicely and is a really good college kicker. Wain doesn't hit bombs and shanks at inopportune times, but he is effective for what Diaco wants. Kick coverage is ok, nothing special, but we HAVE TO IMPROVE RETURN YARDAGE ON KICKS AND PUNTS!!

Coaching - I will admit I am a RE apologist and not a fan of BD, but in year 3, we have to get plays in on time, not become more conservative as the year rolls on and get the oline up to at least competant. Winning sells tickets, next year we play the two schools that gets a UCONN fans blood pumping(not Tulane and Memphis - but Cuse and BC. Win those games, win the AAC East and get to another good bowl game and this program will rocket.
Aug 26, 2011
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The offensive line needs a few of the wrong kind of guys.
Yeah like Charles Baldwin(6'5" 315lbs) from Windsor CT that played JUCO ball for ASA college and instead of coming to UConn next season he's going to.....ALABAMA!!!! Grrr....... :(
Jan 29, 2012
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Yeah like Charles Baldwin(6'5" 315lbs) from Windsor CT that played JUCO ball for ASA college and instead of coming to UConn next season he's going to.....ALABAMA!!!! Grrr.. :(
We have size and power just need attitude!!


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Ormsby is not the same type of player that Adeyemi is. Ormsby is more of a hybrid pass rusher. Who on the roster has the size and quickness that Kenton has?

Totally agree. Just saying he's the guy who will replace him, but you're right in that Adeyemi's frame will be tough to replicate. Pretty sure that Ormsby is about 25-30 lbs lighter. Always thought Adeyemi was our most underrated player this year.
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