Rumblings and Musings | The Boneyard

Rumblings and Musings

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May 1, 2014
Reaction Score
Me: Still hungover. I'm too old for this, but have a wee bit of a drinking problem. First thread start of this sort. Read, but stayed away from responding to the stupidity posted this week. Not a basketball mind by any means but pragmatic and long time husky fan and yard lurker and optimistic.

College Basketball: Kentucky looked like chumps against UCLA, UNC has dropped 2, with and without Paige. Why are people always flipping out about early season basketball?

Boneyarders: Flipping out all week with stupid posts.

OSU: Very young, very athletic, plethora of 5 & 4 star players, solid coach. Can shoot the long 2. Lots of solid wings, lacking a solid center. Giddens is green and coming off injury, he will fill the hole. First true test for a young team on the road. This was not a win against Sacred Heart. This was a dismantling of a storied program.

Omar: Good for you buddy. You deserved this. Well spoken post game interview. Couldn't be more happy for you. Talked more about "us" than "me". Questioned that with some of the non ball sharing you have done in the past but you have added that to your game this year for sure. Ollie is molding you into a fine young man. Avoided Raftery's questions about your struggles and not becoming the nasty baller you were out of Christ. Flashbacks of who you were your as a freshman. Loved your drive to the rim. Wish you could get your hands on a few more of those long rebounds, but did grab a nice one on the O. As fun as it is to say, make me forget about Omar coming. With you deep in the bench doing that, forget about it. You just "stuck up" OSU Wire style.

Gibbs: Averaged 16 something ppg last year. Don't put Gibbs in the corner. Can play. Had some nice takes to the hoop with dishes that didn't pan out. Loved his dangerous cross court passes that weren't so dangerous. Playing well with a very different role than last year. Lets start stroking more of those 3's. 5 assists last night. Yard, what really is your problem? You are a steady hand that helps with all these anxious ballers.

Adams: Ball son. So quick, all over the place. Wants to be the man, Now! Take your time son, Ollie will keep you on a leash and roll you out as you're ready. It is not in our nature to rely on newbies. Not even Rip or Ray. You've tried to put your self in the position late in the game when your elders should be in those rolls. You've taken some ill advised shots early in the clock. You don't need to be the mega star you were at Cushing yet, other people can ball too. But man can you ball, and you will not be a let down of the second coming of Shabazz from Roxbury. Your hometown will be happy. Broke down Lyle (who had 0 points), glad we got you over him. Love the local boys.

Brimah: Think about where the ball is likely to come off the rim. If Purvis is driving to one side of the rim and throwing up a wild layup, why are you not on the weak side? Why are you not getting that first step in front of your man for positioning. I see you getting your hands on some of those balls off the rim, but you're a very tall dude that can swat any shot, well why not grab them? Lock them in. Maybe crazy glue or wide receiver gloves? Ask your mates not to dish low. Love your energy and attitude and make sure the boys are finishing their suicides hard while you are already back at the line. Nice turn around jumper. You've got a sweet stroke at the line, so why can't you get there more often. Talk to Diamond Stone about that from the first 10 minutes of the game against him.

Facey: Wish I saw you more Saturday. Loved your post move. Like what you've become this year. Get out there more.

Enoch: You are a grow man, get in the game more when we're up 20. Listen to Ollie about defense and X's and O's. We need your post offense and beast mode that I know you have.

Miller: Looked good buddy. Like your post moves that we so desperately need. Ollie needed to emphasize scoring low and you missed a few along with Brimah early in the 2nd have that closed the gap a little but it was good to do because if we're going to trim the net we need an inside game desperately. We've got perimeter shooting and slashing covered.

DHam: Only one assist this game and Ollie let some over people play. But the scouts got enough time to see what you can do offensively. If we were at Ruckers I'd pick you first, but thats becaus defense and off the ball movement doesn't matter. Lets think about those things but definitely still sniff out those rebounds and keep bringing them the other way quickly. Your mid game shots are falling better than last year. if you didn't have such a good team you could drop 40 night to night.

Phil: I'll always remember your solid defense in the past. Wish you limited the boneheadedness but your a funny dude and problem cool as hell to hang out with in the clubhouse. You should have picked up more tips from Coach K than just the charge take.

SCjr: Your dad was fun to watch on FSU. Unfortunately your mom has a slower step. Wish this team wasn't so deep. Hit those 3's on your night like Omar just did.

Ollie: Haters gonna hate. I like your deep bench. Yes sometimes you need to step on the neck and let the A team ride. But man the way you are throwing out different defensive looks with he presses and letting this team run like the wind, with the much needed deep bench for all these stupid falls called you've got a nice luxury deep in the game. Like Will Smith's parents, yarders just don't understand, despite '11 and '14, you've got to cultivate a team. Look what you just did for Omar. But why didn't you get the front court more burn? Facey looked nice, big Steve wants to play. That's our week spot. And get angry before the final minute of the game. That's too late. I know your nice unlike Jim, but damn people think you're just about to cry all the time and smell weakness.

Not too distant future: This team is really good. Lots of pieces that aren't playing selfish. 5 guys in double figures including one with nine and one who everaged 16 last year. Just hope those 3 early solid losses and our terrible conference (no thanks to Cincy, but damn I don't want to see Xavier) doesn't but us too far behind the eightball.
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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Lot's of stuff there to comment on. I'll keep it brief chief:

As fun as it is to say, make me forget about Omar coming. With you deep in the bench doing that, forget about it. You just "stuck up" OSU Wire style.

I reserve the right to say 'Omar Comin'! every time Omar does something good. It's good mojo for me.

Adams: Ball son. So quick, all over the place. Wants to be the man, Now! Take your time son, Ollie will keep you on a leash and roll you out as you're ready. It is not in our nature to rely on newbies. Not even Rip or Ray. You've tried to put your self in the position late in the game when your elders should be in those rolls.

We rely on newbies sometimes. Doron. KEA. Lamb/Shabazz. Caron. Some notables. If no one else is stepping up in crunch time, I say Adams ball on.

Brimah: I see you getting your hands on some of those balls off the rim, but you're a very tall dude that can swat any shot, well why not grab them? Lock them in. Maybe crazy glue or wide receiver gloves? Ask your mates not to dish low.

Brimah has hockey sticks for hands. No way around it, probably his biggest flaw. He's just got to keep working on the mental things, and we can live with it.

Phil: your a funny dude and problem cool as hell to hang out with in the clubhouse.

Last edited:
May 1, 2014
Reaction Score
More contemplated redux as I went verbal diarrhea and that's not my typical fashion. Lots of grammar mistakes. I swear I'm not Chap though.

Me: Still hungover. I'm too old for this, but have a wee bit of a drinking problem. First thread start of this sort. Read, but stayed away from responding to the stupidity posted this week. Not a basketball mind by any means but pragmatic, long time husky fan and yard lurker and optimistic.

College Basketball: Kentucky looked like chumps against UCLA, UNC has dropped 2, with and without Paige. Why are people always flipping out about early season basketball?

Boneyarders: Flipping out all week with stupid posts.

OSU: Very young, very athletic, plethora of 5 & 4 star players, solid coach. They always recruit very well, just lose players early. Imagine if Russell was still there? Flawed and disjointed. Can shoot the long 2. Lots of solid wings, lacking a solid center and point guard at this point. Giddens and Lyle are green and Giddens is coming off injury, but they will fill the hole. Look out in a few years! First true test for a young team on the road. Played close with Memphis and UVA. This was not a win against Sacred Heart, this was a dismantling of a storied program.

Omar: Good for you buddy, you deserved this. Well spoken post game interview. Couldn't be more happy for you. Talked more about "us" than "me". I questioned you with some of the non ball sharing you have done in the past but you have added that to your game this year for sure. Ollie is molding you into a fine young man. Avoided Raftery's questions about your struggles and not becoming the nasty baller you were out of Christ. Flashbacks of who you were your as a freshman. Loved your drive to the rim. Wish you could get your hands on a few more of those long rebounds, but did grab a nice one on the O, and close out the perimeter quicker. As fun as it is to say, make me forget about Omar coming. With you deep in the bench doing that, forget about it. You just "stuck up" OSU Wire style. Glad you stayed with us.

Gibbs: Averaged 16 something ppg last year. Don't put Gibbs in the corner. Figuratively speaking....literally, you should play off the ball more and sit in the corner waiting too spot up. Can play. Had some nice takes to the hoop with dishes that didn't pan out. Loved his dangerous cross court passes that weren't so dangerous. Playing well with a very different role than last year. Lets start stroking more of those 3's. 5 assists last night. Yard, what really is your problem? You are a steady hand that helps pacify and temper all these anxious ballers.

Adams: Ball son. So quick, all over the place. Wants to be the man, Now! Take your time son, Ollie will keep you on a leash and roll you out as you're ready. It is not in our nature to rely on newbies. Not even Rip or Ray. You've tried to put your self in the position late in the game when your elders should be in those rolls. You've taken some ill advised shots early in the clock. You don't need to be the mega star you were at Cushing yet, other people can ball too. But man can you ball, and you will not be a let down of the second coming of Shabazz from Roxbury. Your hometown will be happy. Broke down Lyle (who had 0 points), glad we got you over him. Love the local boys.

Brimah: Think about where the ball is likely to come off the rim. If Purvis is driving to one side of the rim and throwing up a wild layup, why are you not on the weak side? Why are you not getting that first step in front of your man for positioning. Anticipate! I see you getting your hands on some of those balls off the rim, but you're a very tall dude that can swat any shot, well why not grab them? Lock them in. Maybe crazy glue or wide receiver gloves? Ask your mates not to dish low. Love your energy and attitude and make sure the boys are finishing their suicides hard while you are already back at the line. Nice turn around jumper. You've got a sweet stroke at the line, so why can't you get there more often. Talk to Diamond Stone about that from the first 10 minutes of the game against him. Also, like another poster said, don't paint a masterpiece when you get the ball on the block, move quickly.

Facey: Wish I saw you more Saturday. Loved your post move. Like what you've become this year. Get out there more.

Enoch: You are a grown man, get in the game more when we're up 20. Listen to Ollie about defense and X's and O's. We need your post offense and beast mode that I know you have.

Miller: Looked good buddy. Like your post moves that we so desperately need. Ollie needed to emphasize scoring low and you missed a few along with Brimah early in the 2nd have that closed the gap a little but it was good to do because if we're going to trim the net we need an inside game desperately. We've got perimeter shooting and slashing covered. Love that you play up your size like Adrien and Barkley. Watch those shoulder bumps though.

DHam: Only one assist this game and Ollie let some over people play. Rode Omar's hot hand which was the right call. But the scouts got enough time to see what you can do offensively. If we were at Ruckers I'd pick you first, but that's because defense and off the ball movement doesn't matter. Lets think about those things, but definitely still sniff out those rebounds and keep bringing them the other way quickly. Your mid game shots are falling better than last year. If you didn't have such a good team you could drop 40 night to night.

Phil: I'll always remember your solid defense in the past. Wish you limited the bone-headed-ness, but you're a funny dude and probably cool as hell to hang out with in the clubhouse. You should have picked up more tips from Coach K than just the charge take.

SCjr: Your dad was fun to watch on FSU. Unfortunately your mom must have a slower step. Wished for you this team wasn't so deep. Hit those 3's on your night like Omar just did. Keep smiling.

Ollie: Haters gonna hate. I like your deep bench. Yes sometimes you need to step on the neck and let the A team ride. But man the way you are throwing out different defensive looks with the presses and letting this team run like the wind, with the much needed deep bench for all these stupid fouls called, you've got a nice luxury deep in the game. Like Will Smith's parents, yarders just don't understand, just like '11 and '14, you've got to cultivate a team. Look what you just did for Omar. But why didn't you get the front court more burn? Facey looked nice, big Steve wants to play. That's our weak spot. And get angry before the final minute of the game, that's too late. I know you're nice unlike Jim, but damn people think you're just about to cry all the time and smell weakness.

Not too distant future: This team is really good. Maryland shat their pants from fear during one stretch of that game, and they're really good. Lots of pieces that aren't playing selfish. 5 guys in double figures including one with nine and one who averaged 16 last year but only had 4. I just hope those 3 early solid losses and our terrible conference (no thanks to Cincy, but damn I don't want to see Xavier) doesn't put us too far behind the eight ball.

Distant future: Where is Uconn going? Nowhere. Why can't Ollie recruit? Yes he can. Can Durham still play after injury and be Ollie's first 5 star destructive big man? Can he reel in Brown? Looks bright!
Last edited:
May 1, 2014
Reaction Score
Forgot Purvis: Please don't become "Against big comp Nervous-Purvis". Not a jalopy like early last year, not quite a Ferrari, but more like a corvette. How many times has he stepped out of bounds this year? Kudos. Did you see that drive and dish yesterday? Kudos. This is my favorite part of the game that's been lacking for some time. And I'm not referring to the Amidah-oop, which is dope but easily contested by a good frontcourt. JA does it, even Omar had a sweet one yesterday that was dropped. Thank you Shonn for being able to catch. Back to Purvis. You've won my "anytime beyond the arc green light". Well, just about anytime. You have not garnered my "get to the foul line green light". Keep locking down offenders, even when giving a few inches like yesterday. Is it possible for you to get a floater a la KEA? The world would be yours if you could. Lydon would not have stopped that.

Ok, now I'm done.
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Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
More contemplated redux as I went verbal diarrhea and that's not my typical fashion. Lots of grammar mistakes. I swear I'm not Chap though.

Me: Still hungover. I'm too old for this, but have a wee bit of a drinking problem. First thread start of this sort. Read, but stayed away from responding to the stupidity posted this week. Not a basketball mind by any means but pragmatic, long time husky fan and yard lurker and optimistic.

College Basketball: Kentucky looked like chumps against UCLA, UNC has dropped 2, with and without Paige. Why are people always flipping out about early season basketball?

Boneyarders: Flipping out all week with stupid posts.

OSU: Very young, very athletic, plethora of 5 & 4 star players, solid coach. They always recruit very well, just lose players early. Imagine if Russell was still there? Flawed and disjointed. Can shoot the long 2. Lots of solid wings, lacking a solid center and point guard at this point. Giddens and Lyle are green and Giddens is coming off injury, but they will fill the hole. Look out in a few years! First true test for a young team on the road. Played close with Memphis and UVA. This was not a win against Sacred Heart, this was a dismantling of a storied program.

Omar: Good for you buddy, you deserved this. Well spoken post game interview. Couldn't be more happy for you. Talked more about "us" than "me". I questioned you with some of the non ball sharing you have done in the past but you have added that to your game this year for sure. Ollie is molding you into a fine young man. Avoided Raftery's questions about your struggles and not becoming the nasty baller you were out of Christ. Flashbacks of who you were your as a freshman. Loved your drive to the rim. Wish you could get your hands on a few more of those long rebounds, but did grab a nice one on the O, and close out the perimeter quicker. As fun as it is to say, make me forget about Omar coming. With you deep in the bench doing that, forget about it. You just "stuck up" OSU Wire style. Glad you stayed with us.

Gibbs: Averaged 16 something ppg last year. Don't put Gibbs in the corner. Figuratively speaking....literally, you should play off the ball more and sit in the corner waiting too spot up. Can play. Had some nice takes to the hoop with dishes that didn't pan out. Loved his dangerous cross court passes that weren't so dangerous. Playing well with a very different role than last year. Lets start stroking more of those 3's. 5 assists last night. Yard, what really is your problem? You are a steady hand that helps pacify and temper all these anxious ballers.

Adams: Ball son. So quick, all over the place. Wants to be the man, Now! Take your time son, Ollie will keep you on a leash and roll you out as you're ready. It is not in our nature to rely on newbies. Not even Rip or Ray. You've tried to put your self in the position late in the game when your elders should be in those rolls. You've taken some ill advised shots early in the clock. You don't need to be the mega star you were at Cushing yet, other people can ball too. But man can you ball, and you will not be a let down of the second coming of Shabazz from Roxbury. Your hometown will be happy. Broke down Lyle (who had 0 points), glad we got you over him. Love the local boys.

Brimah: Think about where the ball is likely to come off the rim. If Purvis is driving to one side of the rim and throwing up a wild layup, why are you not on the weak side? Why are you not getting that first step in front of your man for positioning. Anticipate! I see you getting your hands on some of those balls off the rim, but you're a very tall dude that can swat any shot, well why not grab them? Lock them in. Maybe crazy glue or wide receiver gloves? Ask your mates not to dish low. Love your energy and attitude and make sure the boys are finishing their suicides hard while you are already back at the line. Nice turn around jumper. You've got a sweet stroke at the line, so why can't you get there more often. Talk to Diamond Stone about that from the first 10 minutes of the game against him. Also, like another poster said, don't paint a masterpiece when you get the ball on the block, move quickly.

Facey: Wish I saw you more Saturday. Loved your post move. Like what you've become this year. Get out there more.

Enoch: You are a grown man, get in the game more when we're up 20. Listen to Ollie about defense and X's and O's. We need your post offense and beast mode that I know you have.

Miller: Looked good buddy. Like your post moves that we so desperately need. Ollie needed to emphasize scoring low and you missed a few along with Brimah early in the 2nd have that closed the gap a little but it was good to do because if we're going to trim the net we need an inside game desperately. We've got perimeter shooting and slashing covered. Love that you play up your size like Adrien and Barkley. Watch those shoulder bumps though.

DHam: Only one assist this game and Ollie let some over people play. Rode Omar's hot hand which was the right call. But the scouts got enough time to see what you can do offensively. If we were at Ruckers I'd pick you first, but that's because defense and off the ball movement doesn't matter. Lets think about those things, but definitely still sniff out those rebounds and keep bringing them the other way quickly. Your mid game shots are falling better than last year. If you didn't have such a good team you could drop 40 night to night.

Phil: I'll always remember your solid defense in the past. Wish you limited the bone-headed-ness, but you're a funny dude and probably cool as hell to hang out with in the clubhouse. You should have picked up more tips from Coach K than just the charge take.

SCjr: Your dad was fun to watch on FSU. Unfortunately your mom must have a slower step. Wished for you this team wasn't so deep. Hit those 3's on your night like Omar just did. Keep smiling.

Ollie: Haters gonna hate. I like your deep bench. Yes sometimes you need to step on the neck and let the A team ride. But man the way you are throwing out different defensive looks with the presses and letting this team run like the wind, with the much needed deep bench for all these stupid fouls called, you've got a nice luxury deep in the game. Like Will Smith's parents, yarders just don't understand, just like '11 and '14, you've got to cultivate a team. Look what you just did for Omar. But why didn't you get the front court more burn? Facey looked nice, big Steve wants to play. That's our weak spot. And get angry before the final minute of the game, that's too late. I know you're nice unlike Jim, but damn people think you're just about to cry all the time and smell weakness.

Not too distant future: This team is really good. Maryland shat their pants from fear during one stretch of that game, and they're really good. Lots of pieces that aren't playing selfish. 5 guys in double figures including one with nine and one who averaged 16 last year but only had 4. I just hope those 3 early solid losses and our terrible conference (no thanks to Cincy, but damn I don't want to see Xavier) doesn't put us too far behind the eight ball.

Distant future: Where is Uconn going? Nowhere. Why can't Ollie recruit? Yes he can. Can Durham still play after injury and be Ollie's first 5 star destructive big man? Can he reel in Brown? Looks bright!
Dogmania wants his keyboard back!


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction Score
Haters gonna hate I love it.
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