Rough day for the good old AAC! | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Rough day for the good old AAC!

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Aug 26, 2011
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By the way. Houston beating a solid Vandy team, after UCF beating Baylor, has no impact on what the perception of the AAC is around the carry on. :confused:

My point is if the AAC teams beat the Big 12 and SEC teams in bowl games, on a regular basis, it will mean something when UConn beats it's conference mates and then beats the same teams in bowl games. That would be a fact.

I don't think it will have much of an impact. The Big East even in post raid form often had great records in bowl games. We beat an SEC team that had a star college QB. It usually amounted to some praise and then the following season it was forgotten. If the Big East never got that as a "BCS" conference then I doubt that the AAC will get that consideration.

One point I will concede, is that it might lead to getting a leg up on the other non P5 conferences. But that's dependent on another strong year next season.

But I still maintain that however unfair it may seem, that most of the cred won during bowl season never stuck to the conference.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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By the way. Houston beating a solid Vandy team, after UCF beating Baylor, has no impact on what the perception of the AAC is around the carry on. :confused:

My point is if the AAC teams beat the Big 12 and SEC teams in bowl games, on a regular basis, it will mean something when UConn beats it's conference mates and then beats the same teams in bowl games. That would be a fact.

We could beat Tulane six ways to sunday and no one would give a crap. It's Tulane. Even if Tulane beat Arkansas or whatever... As far as I can tell all that matters is 10 wins. They don't care who you do it against.
Aug 26, 2011
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33,036 are just trying to be argumentative. It's an absolute fact that when a conference is strong it makes it's teams look strong. It's not even debatable.

It is debatable, simply because given the Big East's undebatable success in BCS bowls, it just never translated into the cred that it should have. The Big East was easily stronger than the ACC most seasons and yet it was still perceived as the weakest BCS league and illegitimate by many.
Aug 26, 2011
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We could beat Tulane six ways to sunday and no one would give a crap. It's Tulane. Even if Tulane beat Arkansas or whatever... As far as I can tell all that matters is 10 wins. They don't care who you do it against.

Exactly. Remember when USF beat Auburn years ago? Once they lost to a couple Big East teams, everyone said "See we told you they weren't good".

The whole thing is absurd. Someone posted a stat a while back about Big East players getting drafted into the NFL. I think it was last year, that the Big East had more draftees than the B1G! And many of those players came from a 5-7 UConn team.
Aug 26, 2011
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We could beat Tulane six ways to sunday and no one would give a crap. It's Tulane. Even if Tulane beat Arkansas or whatever... As far as I can tell all that matters is 10 wins. They don't care who you do it against.

If Tulane beat Arkansas and every other OOC team that was P5, it would mean plenty if UConn beat Tulane. I'll say it again. If AAC teams beat P5 teams on a regular basis it would mean something.

We would never be considered P5 material, but we would still get recognition.
Aug 26, 2011
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Now that the BCS era is over, the only thing we need to do is finish higher in the rankings than the G5 teams. If we beat P5 teams, as a conference, then we will get a higher ranking.

In other words we should be rooting for AAC teams, in OOC games, because it gives our conference champs (hopefully UConn) a better shot at a big bowl game. Non debatable.
Aug 26, 2011
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Now that the BCS era is over, the only thing we need to do is finish higher in the rankings than the G5 teams. If we beat P5 teams, as a conference, then we will get a higher ranking.

In other words we should be rooting for AAC teams, in OOC games, because it gives our conference champs (hopefully UConn) a better shot at a big bowl game. Non debatable.

Rooting for teams also has no impact on outcome:)

Let me ask you this. Would you rather see UConn run rampant against a bunch of weak teams? Or finish 3-5 in conference with the sea "others". I am hoping that we kick ass and that everyone falters. We need to be the ones winning all those OOC games and going undefeated in conference. We need to stand out.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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Now that the BCS era is over, the only thing we need to do is finish higher in the rankings than the G5 teams. If we beat P5 teams, as a conference, then we will get a higher ranking.

In other words we should be rooting for AAC teams, in OOC games, because it gives our conference champs (hopefully UConn) a better shot at a big bowl game. Non debatable.

True, but we should be rooting for every team against P5 teams. The less 10-11 win P5 teams the better. We need to follow the Boise State model though... as far a scheduling goes. League + a couple of nobodies + 1 marquee name. Beat the snot out of the league and the MAC teams... limit your exposure. If you're good and you beat the marquee name you're a lock for a top bowl. If you're not... and you lose your marquee name... you still have a 50/50 shot at a good bowl. Boise State didn't get the national recognition by doing the moronic scheduling that Syracuse was doing a few years back... even Notre Dame realized they had to tone it down.

As far as AAC in bowl games? Who cares.
Aug 26, 2011
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Rooting for teams also has no impact on outcome:)

Let me ask you this. Would you rather see UConn run rampant against a bunch of weak teams? Or finish 3-5 in conference with the sea "others". I am hoping that we kick ass and that everyone falters. We need to be the ones winning all those OOC games and going undefeated in conference. We need to stand out.

If we kick ass and everyone falters, who's ass did we kick? A bunch of weak teams. Why is it so hard to understand that if we beat everyone in our conference and our conference mates win all of their OOC games, we look better. It's not rocket science. If we are 12-0 or 11-1 and Cincy, UCF and Houston beat a bunch of P5 teams, don't we look better?

Why are we debating the obvious?
Aug 26, 2011
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If we kick ass and everyone falters, who's ass did we kick? A bunch of weak teams. Why is it so hard to understand that if we beat everyone in our conference and our conference mates win all of their OOC games, we look better. It's not rocket science. If we are 12-0 or 11-1 and Cincy, UCF and Houston beat a bunch of P5 teams, don't we look better?

Why are we debating the obvious?

I think a couple good quality OOC wins gets us what we need. The AAC is going to have a 2-3 quality teams every year. That's what concerns me.
Oct 6, 2013
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True, but we should be rooting for every team against P5 teams. The less 10-11 win P5 teams the better. We need to follow the Boise State model though... as far a scheduling goes. League + a couple of nobodies + 1 marquee name. Beat the snot out of the league and the MAC teams... limit your exposure. If you're good and you beat the marquee name you're a lock for a top bowl. If you're not... and you lose your marquee name... you still have a 50/50 shot at a good bowl. Boise State didn't get the national recognition by doing the moronic scheduling that Syracuse was doing a few years back... even Notre Dame realized they had to tone it down.

As far as AAC in bowl games? Who cares.
I disagree and agree....I disagree with you on the AAC in bowl games (who cares?????)..I and many on this BY care...perception of the AAC-if we are going to be "stuck" in a non P5 conference, this is the G5 to be stuck in....With the conference doing well,
as TV contracts are re-negotiated, perception is important. I am not holding my breath for the B1G or the ACC anytime soon. Make the best out of what we have "first".
1) The conference doing well lends itself to better TV contract and marketing perception with ESPN in the next several years.
2)Playoff system set for next year at 4 teams will expand as teams on the edge, especially SEC and B1G teams get shut out. I expect it to go to 8 to 10 teams with several wild cards by 2017 as the P5 bitch about the 4 team selection with several wild cards. There is too much money for the college presidents to pass up and not get in their own pockets instead of to "charitable-half empty bowl games"....and more money for ESPN.....
3) We do need to Kick ass in conference and OOC-with at least 1 marquee game OOC. Next year we have BYU , Boise, Army and Stoney Brook, .....BYU (marquee...ND would not schedule them if otherwise), Boise(national notoriety), Army & SB (must win games). AAC needs ESPN big time in their corner and you do that by beating the #6 Baylor, #5 Florida in 2012 etc. Give them the ammo to sell. THIS IS ALL ABOUT A $460 Billion dollar industry..... state of Connecticut and fanbase need to wakeup.
4) Last and most important.....the marketing out of ESPN has got to turn positive and that only comes from the top and from advertising dollars going to ESPN and tax dollars being further reduced. If the country thinks the AAC is weak because Jesse Fowler and Herbstreit tell the country that it is...the country as a whole believes what it wants to hear....ESPN owns 7 bowls and broadcasts just about EVERY freakin' bowl game. THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT and ESPN NEED TO CUT A better SWEETHEART DEAL.....or get the "freak" out of Bristol.
Dec 10, 2013
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True, but we should be rooting for every team against P5 teams. The less 10-11 win P5 teams the better. We need to follow the Boise State model though... as far a scheduling goes. League + a couple of nobodies + 1 marquee name. Beat the snot out of the league and the MAC teams... limit your exposure. If you're good and you beat the marquee name you're a lock for a top bowl. If you're not... and you lose your marquee name... you still have a 50/50 shot at a good bowl. Boise State didn't get the national recognition by doing the moronic scheduling that Syracuse was doing a few years back... even Notre Dame realized they had to tone it down.

As far as AAC in bowl games? Who cares.

Even Urban Meyer and Ohio State were rooting for Michigan State in the Rose Bowl. That alone should tell you how important conference strength and perception are.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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My point is that bowl wins for the AAC matter as much to UConn as bowl wins for the old Big East did. That is, not at all... The Big East had a great BCS record, a great bowl record in general... and we still were called the Big Least and mocked. It's only going to be worse in the AAC. We have to stand above the AAC... as per the Urban Meyer thing? Whatever... you guys can root for Tulane and UCF all you want... their record isn't going to mean a thing unless we're winning 9,10,11 games a year... and even then it's more likely our wins against Tennessee or BYU that will define us... no one is going to care that UCF beat the snot out of Baylor next September... I mean sure if the AAC over achieves for the next 15 years maybe someone will grudgingly say that the conference is pretty good... but hopefully we're gone by then.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dec 10, 2013
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My point is that bowl wins for the AAC matter as much to UConn as bowl wins for the old Big East did. That is, not at all... The Big East had a great BCS record, a great bowl record in general... and we still were called the Big Least and mocked. It's only going to be worse in the AAC. We have to stand above the AAC... as per the Urban Meyer thing? Whatever... you guys can root for Tulane and UCF all you want... their record isn't going to mean a thing unless we're winning 9,10,11 games a year... and even then it's more likely our wins against Tennessee or BYU that will define us... no one is going to care that UCF beat the snot out of Baylor next September.

...Except the fact that UCF beating Baylor will give UCF a higher preseason ranking in Fall 2014. How is it not good for UCONN to be playing (and possibly beat) a higher ranked team?
Aug 26, 2011
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My point is that bowl wins for the AAC matter as much to UConn as bowl wins for the old Big East did. That is, not at all... The Big East had a great BCS record, a great bowl record in general... and we still were called the Big Least and mocked. It's only going to be worse in the AAC. We have to stand above the AAC... as per the Urban Meyer thing? Whatever... you guys can root for Tulane and UCF all you want... their record isn't going to mean a thing unless we're winning 9,10,11 games a year... and even then it's more likely our wins against Tennessee or BYU that will define us... no one is going to care that UCF beat the snot out of Baylor next September... I mean sure if the AAC over achieves for the next 15 years maybe someone will grudgingly say that the conference is pretty good... but hopefully we're gone by then.

You are clueless. Bowl wins matter for the conference and for teams. The teams that won the biggest bowl games for the Big East are no longer in the conference.

As far as the Big Least comments, they were done by opposing fans or idiot bloggers. Tell me why a conference with a bunch of 7-5 teams benefit UConn.

Tell me why a weak AAC is better than a strong AAC. Don't go off on a tangent. Answer the questions.
Dec 10, 2013
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That's just silly. Why would a coach root for a conference mate who just ruined their NC dreams? It only matters what tOSU does...screw the rest of the conference. :rolleyes:

The rationale is puzzling...


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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You are clueless. Bowl wins matter for the conference and for teams. The teams that won the biggest bowl games for the Big East are no longer in the conference.

As far as the Big Least comments, they were done by opposing fans or idiot bloggers. Tell me why a conference with a bunch of 7-5 teams benefit UConn.

Tell me why a weak AAC is better than a strong AAC. Don't go off on a tangent. Answer the questions.

A weak AAC is better than a strong AAC because we're more likely to run the table. End of story.
Aug 26, 2011
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You are clueless. Bowl wins matter for the conference and for teams. The teams that won the biggest bowl games for the Big East are no longer in the conference.

As far as the Big Least comments, they were done by opposing fans or idiot bloggers. Tell me why a conference with a bunch of 7-5 teams benefit UConn.

Tell me why a weak AAC is better than a strong AAC. Don't go off on a tangent. Answer the questions.

I expect us to have a good next 2-3 years. I want us to tear through the conference like a hot knife through butter.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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You guys honestly think the sports writers and coaches that generate these polls give two sh-ts what UCF does? If you do, then you're clueless... as to the Big Least comments... that's crap it was the general perception of the conference. It's why coaches IN OUR OWN CONFERENCE would rate our teams down in the coaches poll even when it was in their best interest too pump up the conference rep. You guys can sing kumbaya and hold hands around the camp fire all you want. It doesn't matter.
Dec 10, 2013
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A weak AAC is better than a strong AAC because we're more likely to run the table. End of story.

And you'll land in a mediocre bowl game that no one cares about...
Dec 10, 2013
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You guys honestly think the sports writers and coaches that generate these polls give two sh-ts what UCF does? If you do, then you're clueless... as to the Big Least comments... that's crap it was the general perception of the conference. It's why coaches IN OUR OWN CONFERENCE would rate our teams down in the coaches poll even when it was in their best interest too pump up the conference rep. You guys can sing kumbaya and hold hands around the camp fire all you want. It doesn't matter.

Considering UCF will be top ten in the final BCS standings...i'd say yes.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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And you'll land in a mediocre bowl game that no one cares about...
I hate to break it to you, but that's what's going to happen in the AAC unless you win the conference.
Dec 10, 2013
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I hate to break it to you, but that's what's going to happen in the AAC unless you win the conference.

Exactly. So why wouldn't you want to play better teams for a better chance at a better bowl?


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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Exactly. So why wouldn't you want to play better teams for a better chance at a better bowl?
What chance? If you win 10-11 games in the AAC you'll probably go to a high profile game... you win 12 you have a shot at a playoff spot if the other conferences falter... that's our lot in life. It hardly matters how else you get there or what our conference mates are doing.

Otherwise we're playing the 8th best SEC school in Alabama. The drop off is staggering.
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