Ripples across the water.... | The Boneyard

Ripples across the water....

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Aug 26, 2011
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Excuse my many assumptions....

Cuse and Pitt go to the ACC... looks like reality

WVU (or Mizzou) goes to SEC.... (sec is done, with TAM)

Then we need 4 leagues to go to 16.......

PACxx decimates the Big12....(Does TCU go West?)

only ACC and B10x left.
The B10x needs to add 4 teams...where do they go? Mizzou ( 1 down) 3 more needed ....
ACC needs 2 more (looks like UConn is a non-starter for the ACC, imo)

B10: They take Missou and need 3 more or they need to add 4. If you consider the B10x network and the want for TV's you have to consider Rutgers and UConn. But, my guess is they keep a spot open for ND which means they only take 2. Can you tell me a better fit after Mizzou? I think it comes down to Rutgers and UConn. This would be the best possible scenario for us. I cannot see WVU to B10x.
The ACC is going into B10X territory and the B10x needs to respond.

ACC: They would need 2 more ( 3 more if FSU goes to SEC). They ask WVU/Mizzou and USF (and/or TCU). Could Rutgers or Uconn be in the mix? Probably not.

We are in dire straits. Even if 4 leagues go to 16 we could be in trouble. If you think BCU would let us in the ACC you are mistaken. I truly believe our best chance is the B10x if they go to 16 or a combination of what is left between the B12 and the Big East. This really sucks, but I am dreaming of the B10x (and Rutgers with us).
Aug 27, 2011
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Not sure where your assumption comes from that the ACC is a non-starter. The ACC makes the most sense geographically (although to be sure that seems to be less important every day), from a media market perspective, academically, and from a athletic department value across the board.
I think there is no way we are left without a seat at the table, not sure whose table we'll be at, but UConn has too much to offer to be left out across the board and I believe Pres Herbst will be all over this with her connections that have discussed in other threads.
Aug 26, 2011
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if the ACC and UConn were a good fit, don't you think we would be going before Cuse or Pitt? The are several scenarios were we are without a seat at the table. Hear me now or listen to me later.....

I hope I am wrong, but please build out a scenario were we are in great shape? It's about numbers and there are few seats left. Someone will be left out.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't pretend to know what is going on behind all these closed doors, but I do think the silence coming out of Storrs indicates something is brewing. I can't imagine there haven't been contingencies and alternative. If the 16 team conference becomes the norm and there are only going to be 4 "super conferences" then we're looking at 15 spots out of 19 teams (inc. ND) of current BCS schools. Considering we're a top 25-30 TV market nationally, our b-ball which has some value, and the proximity to NYC, i like our chance. Lets face it, this is all speculation and none of us really know. It is maddening though.
Aug 26, 2011
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Stinger in right. It's about numbers...TV numbers and how many slots a week are open for college football. Let's face it folks UConn by itself isn't going to draw many numbers from the NYC market. There is just not enough notable New Yorkers that go to or went to UConn. Our state is too small to be able to compete in the media world. The only hope for Div 1 football in Storrs is that we play in a relevant conference and unless Notre Dame, Army, Navy and Texas or some whacky combination of traditional football schools saves the Big East we are finished. That loud vacuum sound you here is letters of intent being yanked out of Storrs and headed south.

You just want to cry when you think that we were so close to having a legit Div 1 football team capable of playing and competing against Penn St, Ohio St and Notre Dame. The ACC doesn't want us because they can't compete or don't want to recruiting wise in men's/women's basketball. There is too much bad blood between UConn and a lot of the ACC schools.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't pretend to know what is going on behind all these closed doors, but I do think the silence coming out of Storrs indicates something is brewing. I can't imagine there haven't been contingencies and alternative. If the 16 team conference becomes the norm and there are only going to be 4 "super conferences" then we're looking at 15 spots out of 19 teams (inc. ND) of current BCS schools. Considering we're a top 25-30 TV market nationally, our b-ball which has some value, and the proximity to NYC, i like our chance. Lets face it, this is all speculation and none of us really know. It is maddening though.

What do we bring to the table in terms of Dollars? This will be the main deciding factor. You make a good point that there are 15 spots left. Who are the 19 schools left? Do we have more to deliver in terms of dollars other schools.....
Aug 27, 2011
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Since its all about dollars, I think the TV market is the driving force, Kansas, K state, Iowa St. Baylor, Cinncinati,
Rutgers. Louisville, USF ect are the teams we're in direct competition with. In addition, much of the talk has been about conferences wanting to expand their TV footprint. That bodes well for us re. the B10 and ACC. The northeast is the most densely populated area in the country and that density = $. I know there will be those that say the east is not college fball country, but Michigan, Ohio State, Penn St, ect visiting every two years could change that quickly.
Aug 26, 2011
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You make an excellent point. Who are we in competition with. Last night we had 35K fans in a 42k stadium.

However, whoever the B10 picks will sell out when Michigan, Ohio State, Penn St when they visit.
Aug 27, 2011
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some research of tv markets
TCU - Dallas/Ft. Worth #5
USF - tampa # 13
UConn - Hartford/new haven #30
Cincy # 34
Iowa St - ames # 71
Louisville # 50
Syracuse #81 (blows up my theory, lol)
Baylor - Waco #94
Rutgers, not sure what market, guess its NYC # 1
Kansas - i guess it would be Kansas city #31
K state - topeka #138
Aug 26, 2011
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some research of tv markets
USF - tampa # 13
UConn - Hartford/new haven #30
Cincy # 34
Iowa St - ames # 71
Louisville # 50
Syracuse #81 (blows up my theory, lol)
Baylor - Waco #94
Rutgers, not sure what market, guess its NYC # 1
Kansas - i guess it would be Kansas city #31
K state - topeka #138

Dan, I think your theory is fine now. Take Syracuse off they table, they are safe now. We just need to look at the remaining guppies.
Aug 27, 2011
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I also hope UConn officials are selling the whole NE region thing. New England is a unique entity in the country. We're the only ones with a regional NFL team. There's no "Northwest Seahawks" or "Southeast Jaguars." New England is an entity to itself, and hopefully they can market themselves as a vehicle to deliver that 15 million person market, (we know BC can't) throw in even a small percentage of NY and those should be good selling points.
Sep 1, 2011
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if the ACC and UConn were a good fit, don't you think we would be going before Cuse or Pitt?

Not necessarily. UConn is on record as being very loyal to the BE as a conference. It decided it would not be proactive in reaching out to the ACC. Pitt and Syracuse decided they would - particularly SYR because they were part of the discussion in the first BE raid and were passed over. I can easily see Pitt and Syr going first because they decided to put on their mini skirts and spiked heels and aggressively parade themselves before the ACC. UConn decided to act more chaste. Until now. Hopefully the school is shopping for the right clothes and the best pair of legs to put them on so it can hit the streets soon.
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