Although I was a dyed in the wool Pirate fan for some reason, as a young fan, Whitey Ford was by far and away my favorite pitcher. I was really starting to get into baseball during his marvelous rookie season and, like many other baseball fans, was mesmerized by this rookie phenom. I continued to follow his career throughout his great seasons as the Yankee Ace and even when he won two games against my Bucs in the 60 World Series I continued to admire him. We can always make comparisons of the great ones - Gibson, Sphan, Feller, Ryan, but, at the same time, we can have our personal favorites, the ones who grab a place in our minds and our hearts and who we truly mourn when they leave us. For me it is Whitey. RIP Lefty. I hope you are raising one with Mickey, Billy, Moose and Casey now.