One more short post and then I will shut up.
1) Imho, everything PHS did was NOT for wcbb and NOT for "the team", it was for PHS and her ego needs. What really turned me anti-SDummitt was not "Geno Cheats" incident, but rather the way she threw her team under the bus after they lost a game in the playoffs (Catch's sr. season, maybe?) Instead of trying to console her kids, who had just lost the game of their lives in spite of playing their hearts out, she dumped on them, badly. Good people don't do that. She was not that much different from McCallie in that regard.
2) It occurs to me that Olde Coache, our late lamented comrade, predicted the end of the EE over ten years ago, before Pat's illness and departure and before "the incident". And, except for the blip caused by the Parker era, he was exactly right. He posited that Pat's strategic style, which she was unable to bring herself to change, even with Harry's input, was archaic and outmoded, and could not stand up to modern strategic innovations. It is entirely probable that had her unfortunate illness not occurred and were she still coaching, the LV would still be only a shadow of their glory years selves. imho.