Report from today's Open Practice-Wow! | The Boneyard

Report from today's Open Practice-Wow!

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Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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After a 2 hr practice today- Geno answered qsts frankly for almost an hour.
Highlights- I'll remember more in time.
Anyone who thinks this team will be anything like the past two years is dreaming.
Big concerns about everyone being hesitant to take open shots to take the load off Stewie. Very concerned that Kiah Stokes not taking and hitting shots from the elbow, when she does pretty well in practice. Only person who can set great screens on the team is KML. And he's worried that because it looks like she has lost a step, she won't get her shots. And they can't screen like Steph did. Can't explain the numerous "dumb" mistakes. Defense is harder to learn than offense. They are a totally different team and they will get better.
Watching practice today was just glaringly different from years past. And Geno said it during his chat. He said they are instituting a few sets at a time not to overwhelm them.
Re the players- Natalie Butler appears to have a "Steph-like" personality. Gabby Williams is a physical specimen and was posting up strong. She was a little rough around the edges- but is a force. Sadie Edwards impressed me. She has a more solid body than I thought she had and she really flies and handled the ball with confidence. Stokes was making some great quick moves around the low post. And Morgan looked awesome. I would not be surprised to see her a starter very soon, and depending on desired match ups - Stokes coming off the bench. I get the feeling by Geno's words and the platooning today. When subbing, we will more likely to see Morgan on the floor with Nurse, and Stokes on the floor with Chong. To balance scoring with at least 4 big potential scorers on the floor. Nurse just impresses, and Geno mentioned how ahead of the curve she is because of the Canadian National team and always playing up. Ekmark drained some threes in scrimmage. Looked a bit lost at times with Sadie also.
In closing- Geno was asked about his recent U S National team and gold Medal. And he recaps how awesome it was to have all those players for the practice weeks in the U S, through Prague, yada , yada. then he says something like, " I get back here, walk into the new field house, and I watch my first practice, and I'm getting sicker by the minute. Starting from scratch again. He also mentioned how much he absolutely loved Lindsay Whalen and Simone Augustus- in every respect. You dial up a play - and that team just executed it flawlessly.
If you are not asleep already! Good night! :) go Huskies! It's going to be a fun year!


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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After a 2 hr practice today- Geno answered qsts frankly for almost an hour.
Highlights- I'll remember more in time.
Anyone who thinks this team will be anything like the past two years is dreaming.
Big concerns about everyone being hesitant to take open shots to take the load off Stewie. Very concerned that Kiah Stokes not taking and hitting shots from the elbow, when she does pretty well in practice. Only person who can set great screens on the team is KML. And he's worried that because it looks like she has lost a step, she won't get her shots. And they can't screen like Steph did. Can't explain the numerous "dumb" mistakes. Defense is harder to learn than offense. They are a totally different team and they will get better.
Watching practice today was just glaringly different from years past. And Geno said it during his chat. He said they are instituting a few sets at a time not to overwhelm them.
Re the players- Natalie Butler appears to have a "Steph-like" personality. Gabby Williams is a physical specimen and was posting up strong. She was a little rough around the edges- but is a force. Sadie Edwards impressed me. She has a more solid body than I thought she had and she really flies and handled the ball with confidence. Stokes was making some great quick moves around the low post. And Morgan looked awesome. I would not be surprised to see her a starter very soon, and depending on desired match ups - Stokes coming off the bench. I get the feeling by Geno's words and the platooning today. When subbing, we will more likely to see Morgan on the floor with Nurse, and Stokes on the floor with Chong. To balance scoring with at least 4 big potential scorers on the floor. Nurse just impresses, and Geno mentioned how ahead of the curve she is because of the Canadian National team and always playing up. Ekmark drained some threes in scrimmage. Looked a bit lost at times with Sadie also.
In closing- Geno was asked about his recent U S National team and gold Medal. And he recaps how awesome it was to have all those players for the practice weeks in the U S, through Prague, yada , yada. then he says something like, " I get back here, walk into the new field house, and I watch my first practice, and I'm getting sicker by the minute. Starting from scratch again. He also mentioned how much he absolutely loved Lindsay Whalen and Simone Augustus- in every respect. You dial up a play - and that team just executed it flawlessly.
If you are not asleep already! Good night! :) go Huskies! It's going to be a fun year!

Great report - frank, honest. Best one of the year.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Wow- thanks!!!! The open Practice and his open forum qst/answer chat is my favorite day of the season- other than winning the Nat Championships! :)


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Thanks, Genoista. Nice job. There certainly is a difference working with professional women in their mid-20s to mid-30s than 17-23.


Aug 27, 2011
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I recall Geno two years ago complaining that he doesn't understand the current crop of woman and especially his frosh.
Those comments were voiced straightaway after the Olympic win.

It must be really tough coming back from a month with Sue, Diana, Tina, Maya, Simone, Lindsay.
Folks who have been through the wars with him, understand exactly what they have to do, can immediately implement coaching.
To a team that has lost its heart and soul player(s)
Amazing comment about K…lost a step…wow.
You want to push her buttons; you certainly did it there.
Watch for changes; 'nuff said

I always thought the emotional let-down was as significant as the physical, but don't underestimate that either.

That was an amazing soul-searching
He virtually admitted that the team wasn't ready.
And I think it starts with individual drill time during the summer…half or more of the coaches were overseas with him.
That's where a lot of the basics get put in.
The kids were short-changed this summer as before.
So they're behind where a typical, UConn freshman class will be.

Nevertheless, he…they…together will figure it out.
The talent's there.
On both sides of the ball.
And the big difference will be Morgan who is ready to breakout.
And I imagine Moriah will reassert herself.
It's just going to be a rough couple of months; I remember those horrific losses to ND
All games we should have won, just like last Friday.
Be interesting to see how fast he can whip the team into shape.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Great insights msf- also said - paraphrasing- another huge difference was the loss of Steph's personality at practice- lifting everyone emotionally, and Hartley's competitive intensity. He said that certain players are so key in so many areas. He used to scream at Hartley in earlier practices we had gone to. And like the game in Stanford the other night, he was not exploding with mistakes on the court, and was much more patient. I don't think he is able right now to rattle anyone's cages in a close game or hostile environment. He was also very very philosophical. Paraphrasing again- the Roman Empire was the greatest empire in the world, and today in Naples, they can't get their trash hauled away. You never step in the same river twice. And he went on philosophically of just what it takes to build what he has built, and more about just how difficult and fragile it is to keep it going . He was really reflective. About sched out of conf games. Duke is out- even though the only game they sell out is us. They are tired of us killing them. Rutgers is ready to go when we see them- until we send the contract. Md is out- he said something sarcastic. Louisville wasn't responsive, until the day after they landed the best pt guard in the country. Jeff called the day after. Just random things that pop in! :)


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Curious if the team was present during his Q&A?
No- they were passing by occasionally down to the locker room with food. When talking about the fouls, Nurse was passing- and Geno made a sarcastic comment about fouling out- that she gave him a look about. He also spent some time on horrible the officiating was- some calls both ways. And how KML took the chg just outside the circl and the block was called, and we took a charge late the Atanford girl was parked in the circle. He wanted us to know he was saying things gently into the ear of one of the female officials that no one should ever say to anyone!


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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That was an amazing soul-searching
He virtually admitted that the team wasn't ready.
And I think it starts with individual drill time during the summer…half or more of the coaches were overseas with him.
That's where a lot of the basics get put in.
The kids were short-changed this summer as before.
So they're behind where a typical, UConn freshman class will be.

What in the name of god are you talking about? Half or more of the coaches were overseas with Geno in the summer? In the summer? Geno and the other coaches were on campus in the summer; when they weren't they were out recruiting like they do every summer. The USA BB players were playing with their WNBA teams in the summer. USA BB camp didn't begin until September. Half or more of the coaches were overseas with Geno? What? Shea and Marissa remained in CT. Only CD helped Geno and that was for 2 weeks during the world championships. You just make stuff up.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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An hour of Geno being Geno....priceless!
It was priceless. And he was different than all the other interviews - his dimeanor. May have been catching him with a young, tentative team and right after a loss- which is hard to do, because they rarely happen.


The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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Sounds like Geno has been doing a lot of soul searching since the loss...
Nov 9, 2013
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Curious if the team was present during his Q&A?
No, the players introduced themselves briefly at the beginning of the post-practice talks then left. It would have been nice to have the team spend a little more time with us, but they just finished two hrs of a hard practice and were about to pick-up dinner, so our time with them was brief. It was excellent and the generous amount of time Geno spends with us is amazing and appreciated. He truly appears to enjoy spending the time talking with us and never appears to be in a hurry to go. Just a great event to get the opportunity to attend.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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"And I think it starts with individual drill time during the summer…half or more of the coaches were overseas with him.
That's where a lot of the basics get put in.
The kids were short-changed this summer as before.
So they're behind where a typical, UConn freshman class will be

Oh Win, are you going to sing this song again this season? Oh woe are the team, Geno neglects them, they are behind, etc.?

Please remember that Coaches are not allowed to work with the team except on a very limited basis during the summer, per the NCAA. Also, the younger USA BB teams claimed the attention of several players, I believe. Stewie and KNurse had the best early autumn two kids could get, playing with their national teams. The veterans had the benefit of Shea and Marissa all the time. and CD until she left for the national team with Geno.
KML and Morgan spent the summer working with Rosemary and Amanda, getting physically ready for this year.

Also, organized practices cannot begin until mid-September. Geno had said all along that they would wait until October because the season lasted so long last year that they needed recovery time. Which didn't stop them all from playing pick up games all summer while they were at summer school.

It's going to take time to rebuild the chemistry with the loss of Bria and Steph. The only way to do that is to play the season. These players are not neglected by any means. The resources available to them are wonderful.
And with Skype and messaging, trust me, Geno and CD were wired in the entire time.

Sorry to have to disagree so strongly, but you DO get your violin out from time to time, and sing that same old song.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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It was priceless. And he was different than all the other interviews - his dimeanor. May have been catching him with a young, tentative team and right after a loss- which is hard to do, because they rarely happen.

If you don't mind my asking, how did you get to go to this open practice??? (She asks with envy.....)
Nov 9, 2013
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If you don't mind my asking, how did you get to go to this open practice??? (She asks with envy.....)
All season ticket holders were invited as has been done the last 3 years or so. I would guess about 300 attended?


Aug 27, 2011
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What in the name of god are you talking about? Half or more of the coaches were overseas with Geno in the summer? In the summer? Geno and the other coaches were on campus in the summer; when they weren't they were out recruiting like they do every summer. The USA BB players were playing with their WNBA teams in the summer. USA BB camp didn't begin until September. Half or more of the coaches were overseas with Geno? What? Shea and Marissa remained in CT. Only CD helped Geno and that was for 2 weeks during the world championships. You just make stuff up.

True enough, thanks for the correction


Aug 30, 2011
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Thanks Geno-Ista for that report..........Keep'em coming.

Glad to see you (Geno) mentioned the 4 frosh and to see they are all making progress. We all thought Nurse would be ahead of the pack but I am glad to hear Gabby is coming along nicely too. Courtney hitting 3's and Sadie settling in as well.

The report sounded as if the team has had a couple of good practices since returning from the West coast. Which all bodes well for the upcoming games. Past history says Geno is going to be hard on the team during these early months of the season getting them into the right condition and mindset. Problem is no one knows how the team will respond to the coaching. I am counting on a positive response.



The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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The reality check for Geno of which he was very much aware at the end of last season, and those tears at the end of the game told the story - because I think as well as uplifting the team last year and in her 4 I think she also uplifted Geno. I bet she gave it as good as she got from him and kept it light

She was amazing and something like that is very very special and so difficult to replace

Yes I am talking about Stefanie


Aug 24, 2011
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I was fortunate to be able to attend thanks to 2 of the best fans UConn has...Jean and Carl. Season ticket holders
in hoops/! Go to final fours/bowl name it.

Lots of babbling coming up:

Overall atmosphere was, as usual, highly charged. Lots of energy...yelling...high fives etc. The kids work very hard
and it is even energizing to just watch them. When Geno speaks it is dead silent. No sneaker squeak.
Chatter and overall noise level immediately escalates after his instruction.

Only real down-side that I observed; too many turnovers....mostly on passing not ball-handling. Geno was frequently
shaking his head at the more felonious TO's.

When we went in, Marisa was giving Gabby a tutorial on back-to-the-basket moves. Gabby looked very good....smooth.
That carried over quite well in the scrimmage following. Her face-up shots look kinda shaky to me....for this year anyway I think
she will be an undersized post....and an effective one.

Shea was working with MoJeff on pull-up jumpers. Ball fake at the trey line...a couple of dribbles and then take 15-17 footers.
She was hitting very well. Unless my memory fails I have rarely if ever seen her use that shot in games....and she should.
Didn't shoot any in the scrimmage.

Kiah Stokes finished nicely around the basket in the scrimmage.
Courtney Ekmark was impressive....found open spots....hit threes. We need Courtney and Gabby to be in the regular

Natalie Butler takes a second or so to get going but after that she runs the court very well for her size.
Breanna played well....hit several jump hooks around the basket.

Most effective player was Morgan. Brace doesn't seem to hinder her at all....moved well in tight spots and ran the court well.
Hit a bunch of post quite a few set shots from 17 feet to past trey line. Looked great!

Given our staff....and the abilities of our players....and their work ethic....we will be just fine come March....come April!


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Sounds like Geno has been doing a lot of soul searching since the loss...
yes it did sound like that. and maybe the recent taping & airing of the ESPN together documentary.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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The reality check for Geno of which he was very much aware at the end of last season, and those tears at the end of the game told the story - because I think as well as uplifting the team last year and in her 4 I think she also uplifted Geno. I bet she gave it as good as she got from him and kept it light

She was amazing and something like that is very very special and so difficult to replace

Yes I am talking about Stefanie
She was one of my favorites from Day 1. Actually from the McD's game.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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And I think when he mentioned Steph and Bria after the NC game in the ESPN booth- how they were both thrown into the fire of the 70-80 game win streak. And the way they handled that pressure, especially helping to gut out the win vs Baylor, I think his admiration for their efforts as freshmen, and his appreciation for their part in sending us to that epic number 89/90, sealed if for him then. And then what Steph did to transform herself in every way, except her personality, and their legacy of effort & winning- just puts them in another category for him.
I think Bria's contirbutions were in many ways overlooked by some erratic shooting in her last year, and she had a rough Jr yr. But she was a real General out there whether at the 2 or at the pt. And she eased into the WNBA and looks like she has been playing there for years, glides around the court, unflappable, the way she did here. getting off track.
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