Polley, like most of the team, got absolutely smoked on defense - you don't get anything above a 5.0 if you don't play D
No one, including Dan Hurley, deserves anything above a 3 for last night (maybe AG being his 1st game back)
Yes Tyler Phommachanh hit some 3's and that was a positive but isn't he considered to be "one of the best in America" shooters?? That's his forte so rewarding him in doing so, when he does it, is kind of weird.
Why? Why? Why? does this team come out of the half time locker room as flat as hell almost every game?
Has Dan Hurley addressed this at all? or is he dressing them down so much that they are shell shocked or disheveled? Why hasn't anyone asked him about this?
What an embarrassment last night proved to be, to me, except for JA's injury, it was the lowest point of the season
Bright side. it can only go up from here.one hopes
Can't wait to see the 1999 Huskies on Sunday!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be great to play really well vs Cinci and pull off an upset - In a strange way I can almost see that happening....