RunItUp - congrats on starting a thread at the start of your posting career that has generated so much heated debate.
I will grant that Kia's offensive production, especially given her summertime production, is not where most expected it to be at this point in the year - she seems a little out of sorts in her shooting decisions. That said, a few stats that bear appreciation:
Assist 53, Turnovers 29, A/TO 1.83 (and if you backed out offensive fouls from her TOs, she would be above 2.0
Playing most of the time with four other really good scoring options on the floor, those numbers are at least as important as her own scoring statistics.
And they compare to Gabby's 22 A, 22 TO, 1.0 A/TO statistics very favorably. Defensively Gabby has more steals, but also more personal fouls and fouls are more important this year than ever - they are both good defenders so I am not knocking either.
The other options - Samuelson and Chong are not as good defensively and defense drives this team. Offensively they have put up comparable assist and A/TO numbers and comparable or better shooting stats. But one has been available on a very limited basis this season, the other is a freshman.
And none of the three has the bloody mindedness of Nurse, a quality that is somewhat lacking in the rest of the team, and is a positive that doesn't show in any particular stats.