Reforming the UCONN Alumni Association | Page 7 | The Boneyard

Reforming the UCONN Alumni Association

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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Carl - the Board has known about this for months, and has yet to advance a plan of their own. All they have done is cry and complain (other than the ones that agree that the UCAA should be dissolved). Why is that? If you want my vote, you need to give me a reason why, not just a reason why not to vote the other way.

Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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Carl - the Board has known about this for months, and has yet to advance a plan of their own. All they have done is cry and complain (other than the ones that agree that the UCAA should be dissolved). Why is that? If you want my vote, you need to give me a reason why, not just a reason why not to vote the other way.
Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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Exactly. 146 years + our endowment = vote yes. It's really that simple.
Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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146 years keeps getting cited as a positive... But after that long of a time I'd expect a lot more results.
Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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This is a bad thing? There is so much deadwood and incompetence in Storrs that UConn needed a Herbst to weed it out. I'm glad these losers are in fear.
Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.
Mar 4, 2014
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It seems to me that the "Alumni Committee" will have a voice as to who will serve on the committee.

"WHEREAS, faced with these circumstances, the Association's Board of Directors (the "Board") approved a resolution earlier this year to dissolve the Association subject to the approval of the Association's voting members and also subject to the Board's determination that the following conditions be satisfied: (a) that the "dissolution" of the Association mean only that the separate legal entity (the Association) which has performed the aforesaid alumni relations activities would discontinue its legal existence not that such activities would cease since they would be transitioned to and enhanced under the Foundation and (b) that the Association engage in active collaboration with the University and the Foundation in determining how such alumni relations activities may be organized and administered by the Foundation moving forward including, but not limited to: (i) recognizing the Association's lifetime members with special distinction and other benefits; (ii) maintaining a local alumni chapter network and other shared interest groups; (iii) effectuating an Association employee transition plan; (iv) creating an "Alumni Committee" under the Foundation's governing documents which, among other functions, will oversee planning and assist in implementation and review of programs and strategies for alumni engagement and also submit to the Foundation's Board of Directors recommended candidates to be approved by the Foundation's Board of Directors for nomination for election to the University's Board of Trustees as alumnus trustees as required to meet the Foundation's responsibilities as the University's designated "alumni association" under Section 10a-103 of the Connecticut General Statutes; and (v) actively incorporating the engagement of the Board, the alumni council, gavel society and Association members in alumni activities, including in the organization and administration of alumni functions by the Foundation moving forward;"

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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It seems to me that the "Alumni Committee" will have a voice as to who will serve on the committee.

"WHEREAS, faced with these circumstances, the Association's Board of Directors (the "Board") approved a resolution earlier this year to dissolve the Association subject to the approval of the Association's voting members and also subject to the Board's determination that the following conditions be satisfied: (a) that the "dissolution" of the Association mean only that the separate legal entity (the Association) which has performed the aforesaid alumni relations activities would discontinue its legal existence not that such activities would cease since they would be transitioned to and enhanced under the Foundation and (b) that the Association engage in active collaboration with the University and the Foundation in determining how such alumni relations activities may be organized and administered by the Foundation moving forward including, but not limited to: (i) recognizing the Association's lifetime members with special distinction and other benefits; (ii) maintaining a local alumni chapter network and other shared interest groups; (iii) effectuating an Association employee transition plan; (iv) creating an "Alumni Committee" under the Foundation's governing documents which, among other functions, will oversee planning and assist in implementation and review of programs and strategies for alumni engagement and also submit to the Foundation's Board of Directors recommended candidates to be approved by the Foundation's Board of Directors for nomination for election to the University's Board of Trustees as alumnus trustees as required to meet the Foundation's responsibilities as the University's designated "alumni association" under Section 10a-103 of the Connecticut General Statutes; and (v) actively incorporating the engagement of the Board, the alumni council, gavel society and Association members in alumni activities, including in the organization and administration of alumni functions by the Foundation moving forward;"

NOT ELECTED, which means that it can and will go away in the future. Don't play games here - don't deceive the audience; this is -t and I hope this isn't a board member.
Mar 4, 2014
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NOT ELECTED, which means that it can and will go away in the future. Don't play games here - don't deceive the audience; this is -t and I hope this isn't a board member.
I am not a board member. I just recently learned of this vote and I am trying to learn a little about it. It says "recommend candidates for nomination for election..." I know wording can be deceiving but I have to interpret it as it reads.
Aug 27, 2011
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Please read the transition plan online - we (Board of Directors) put that plan together. Please also note the following:

1. We asked the Foundation to let us have a three-alumni advisory committee elected to advise the Foundation - NO was the reply.
2. Our language in regard to the disposition of the funds being transferred over was MUCH stricter - they modified it.
3. Our language on the disposition of the Alumni Center had stricter parameters - again changed.

Believe you me, we have worked a plan over and over and voted on it - for the last 2.5 months, we have had a 90 min teleconference every Friday, plus council meetings all as volunteers. I take great umbrage to calling out the Board of Directors on NOT presenting a plan. We have a transition plan and IMHO, had a better plan had we not been put under the gun by the university. So our plan aint great but not bad for a board of volunteers who were told in March that our 146 year old alumni association was being defunded and we were not going to get any support from UCONN after 30 June.

So how is it that the first I really hear of the plan is on page 6 of a thread on the conference realignment board? Where is the outreach?

Since I sit on the Board of the NYC Chapter, why didn't anyone call me or reach out to me?

Why is it that the only people that reached out to me are those IN FAVOR of dissolution?

Maybe now you understand MY umbrage, as again and again the NYC chapter is treated like second-class citizens.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Call me naive, but I don't have a major concern with the disbursal of funds to the fundraising organaization of the University.

Also, continued concerns about the alumni house will likely continue to fall on deaf ears. Aside from the sports museum, how would the campus / alumni involvement / organization change if that place disappeared tomorrow? Speaking as someone who has actively participated in several AA-run events...

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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I am not a board member. I just recently learned of this vote and I am trying to learn a little about it. It says "recommend candidates for nomination for election..." I know wording can be deceiving but I have to interpret it as it reads.

My apologies as I am passionate about this and would only recommend that you continue to have a discerning eye on the transition plan. There are a few huge issues for me on this entire ordeal.

1. Voting to Dissolve means, you lose your elected alumni representation. Sure if the Foundation wants to do something that alums don't like, we can all write letters, send emails, make phone calls but a YES vote to dissolution removes the alumni voice in any official capacity. AS PART OF THE TRANSITION, we get to appoint three current Alumni Assoc board members to advise the Foundation - no language suggests that is in perpetuity.

2. Voting to dissolve means, we don't know what the future of the Alumni Center is - when the university decides the building is no longer suitable for an alumni center, it gets demolished, re-purposed etc. and there is no guarantee where our alumni operations will be - none; could become a cubicle in the student union. Read that part of the transition plan carefully - "generally" opens up a lot of interpretation for the university.

3. Voting to dissolve means the $6M in the coffers gets sent over a with purpose BUT NOT LIMITED to that purpose so we don't really know how that will be spent.

4. There still is no plan from the Foundation how this will be better - Newton has done a super job with the Foundation but now he is inheriting a new mission with a fairly new executive director and the staff that has been there for many years and making everything better? He can't, at least not right away and without some help. The Board of Directors could be helpful but our efforts have been thwarted by the Foundation (read Pres Herbst).

Carl S. Ey
UCONN 1988

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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So how is it that the first I really hear of the plan is on page 6 of a thread on the conference realignment board? Where is the outreach?

Since I sit on the Board of the NYC Chapter, why didn't anyone call me or reach out to me?

Why is it that the only people that reached out to me are those IN FAVOR of dissolution?

Maybe now you understand MY umbrage, as again and again the NYC chapter is treated like second-class citizens.

Open your FB page and your Linked In site. We can't post there. We are posting all over San Fran, Italy, DC, Boston, Philly on both social media sites. To my knowledge, various person have reached out to the NYC chapter. If you need names, email me at
Aug 26, 2011
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So how is it that the first I really hear of the plan is on page 6 of a thread on the conference realignment board?
C'mon, everything of importance first appears on page 6 of a conference realignment sub-board of a college sports message board. :rolleyes:
Aug 27, 2011
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From the CURRENT president of the Alumni Board:

June 16, 2015

Dear Alumni Leaders:

As you know, this week, you can expect to receive a ballot by mail regarding the dissolution of the UConn Alumni Association in its current corporate form, which has been recommended by the Association’s Board of Directors.

I am writing to you separately to address some inaccurate statements that have been raised by some alumni leaders and the media regarding what dissolution means for UConn and its Alumni, and to ask you to vote in favor of dissolution.

First, the “alumni association” will not be going away when the Association has dissolved in its corporate form. As a matter of fact, since April, all alumni relations efforts have been transitioned to the UConn Foundation, and all of the remaining full-time staff at the Association is now employed, or will be employed, by either the University or the Foundation. We are pleased to report that this transition has been seamless, and that alumni relations efforts are scheduled to increase, not decrease, in the wake of this transition.

To be clear, dissolution will only affect the separate corporate form of the current Association, and will not impact the vast majority of Alumni in any meaningful way. After all, the Association has existed as a corporation only since 1973, or for barely one-third of its existence. The separate corporate form is the exception, not the rule.

Second, the Association’s endowment will not transition to the University upon dissolution. Instead, in accordance with a Distribution Plan that was prepared and approved by the Board, the Association anticipates transferring its endowment to the Foundation and specifically restricting its funds to a number of different purposes, such as the establishment of an Alumni legacy scholarship fund, support for the Veterans Memorial Fund created by Myles Martel ‘65, benefits for life members, and increased scholarship funding for chapters and affinity groups.

To be clear: not a single dime of the Association’s endowment will be transferred to the University upon dissolution in accordance with the Distribution Plan. The Alumni Center will transition to the University, in a manner consistent with its existing reversionary interest, but will remain designated as the University’s “alumni house” and cannot be relocated without consultation with the Foundation, without the prior approval of the Board of Trustees and without notifying the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. Notably, under Section 3-125 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Attorney General will forever have standing to intervene regarding the use of the Association’s assets, including the Alumni Center, to ensure that such use is both consistent with their charitable purpose and in the public interest.

Finally, our Alumni will still have both actual and elected voices shaping the future of our University, and more alumni will indeed be heard. Alumni relations efforts will now be targeted at our alumni base of 230,000 as a whole, rather than our membership of approximately 12,000 to 13,000. More importantly, elections of Alumni trustees will be conducted in exactly the same way as before, in accordance with Section 10a-103 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and with a broader and more diverse pool of candidates. By our estimates, every single candidate for Alumni trustee for the last several decades has previously served on the Board of the Association, which has included eighteen members representing just five to six percent of all Alumni. We believe that our alma mater deserves better representation on the Board of Trustees, and that dissolution of the Association will help to achieve that result.

In summary, the Board and I have determined that our fiduciary duties to our members, our alumni, our students and our University are best served by endorsing the transition of alumni relations efforts to the Foundation, and the distribution of the Association’s assets in accordance with the Distribution Plan. When your ballot arrives this week, the Board and I recommend that you vote in favor of dissolving the Association in its corporate form, and to continue supporting our University with the same vigor and passion long after the dissolution is complete. Please feel free to contact the Association by telephone at (860) 486-2240 if you have any further questions.

Above all, I want to thank you very much for all that you do for our alma mater. On behalf of the Board, we hope that we can count on your vote.


Lori Riiska ‘84
President, Board of Directors
UConn Alumni Association, Inc.
Aug 27, 2011
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So what I don't get - is why the President of the Board and Carl believe in different sets of facts?

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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Read the transition/distribution plan carefully. Nothing in the president's letter is untrue as of the date of the letter. The loop holes in the plan are wide enough to drive the husky team bus through. After the Alumni Assoc is dissolved, what happens then? The employees from the AA have already moved over to the Foundation but when the university decides to move in a different direction with the money, assets etc., who is gonna stop them? Use a discerning eye on the Distribution Plan - look for terms like "generally," and "not limited to," which are there to give the university leeway/control after dissolution has taken place. Yes, the AA 501C3 is going away and yes, staff members in the Foundation will conduct alumni relations/operations but besides the three appointed alumni advisory committee (with no guarantee it will be around for any length of time), which alums will speak up if six months or a year from now if the university decides that they "generally" honored the allocation of funds but still have a couple of million left to do_______. Or what happens when the Alumni Center is no longer worth maintaining, do we get a 2015/2016 version of a new Alumni Center or does the university "generally" give us a an office somewhere on campus and an 800#?


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Carl, I realize that you are quite passionate about this (as evidenced by posting the same response six or seven times in a few instances here) but I still don't get what you believe is truly in danger of being lost with a yes vote.

My apologies as I am passionate about this and would only recommend that you continue to have a discerning eye on the transition plan. There are a few huge issues for me on this entire ordeal.

1. Voting to Dissolve means, you lose your elected alumni representation. Sure if the Foundation wants to do something that alums don't like, we can all write letters, send emails, make phone calls but a YES vote to dissolution removes the alumni voice in any official capacity. AS PART OF THE TRANSITION, we get to appoint three current Alumni Assoc board members to advise the Foundation - no language suggests that is in perpetuity.
Please tell me what value my 'alumni representation' was providing to me, the remainder of the alumni base and the school over the three and a half decades that I have been in the workforce. I personally do not see anything being lost if that representation is no longer part of the equation.

While no language in the transition suggests that the three members would advise in perpetuity, I am of the opinion that those who are now running the university and the foundation will not eliminate people who are assets to the overall goal. Yes, the board members will need to prove their worth continually in order to remain in their roles but in my humble opinion one of the largest flaws within the university for longer than my lifetime was that too many were not required to prove their worth in order to remain in their roles.

2. Voting to dissolve means, we don't know what the future of the Alumni Center is - when the university decides the building is no longer suitable for an alumni center, it gets demolished, re-purposed etc. and there is no guarantee where our alumni operations will be - none; could become a cubicle in the student union. Read that part of the transition plan carefully - "generally" opens up a lot of interpretation for the university.

I personally do not see the big deal if the building does get repurposed. I also do not see a reason why any of us should be overly concerned over where within university's facilities the alumni operations will be situated. Why do you believe it is such a big deal? My only guess is that someone is worrying about losing a cushy office.

3. Voting to dissolve means the $6M in the coffers gets sent over a with purpose BUT NOT LIMITED to that purpose so we don't really know how that will be spent.

I believe it was 187Money who stated earlier in this thread that if the foundation is successful in its goal (an endowment of $1B) everything the $6m was designed to accomplish will be accomplished. I will take this even further by stating that I believe enough in Newton to be fully confident that everything anyone who donated to the school wanted their donations to help accomplish will be accomplished at a far higher level than any of us could have expected a mere five years ago.

4. There still is no plan from the Foundation how this will be better - Newton has done a super job with the Foundation but now he is inheriting a new mission with a fairly new executive director and the staff that has been there for many years and making everything better? He can't, at least not right away and without some help. The Board of Directors could be helpful but our efforts have been thwarted by the Foundation (read Pres Herbst).

Carl, I don't know how much time you've spent (if any) in the business world but I've seen far too many instances where a complete change in culture was necessary (and to be blunt, I believe that most administrative divisions within the University of Connecticut at the time Susan Herbst assumed her duties fell into this category) and as painful at it may have been to those who were within that culture, the only way to successfully effect change was to eliminate many tenured employees and restructure the organization from the top down. I don't need anyone to convince me that Herbst and Newton can be successful. Their track records speak for themselves and in conversations with each I came away more impressed with each than I was going in. The alumni association (among many organizations within the school) however needed to prove that it could be successful as an organization and in all candor, whatever it may have done recently was far too little, far too late.

Carl S. Ey
UCONN 1988

Of greatest importance however is regardless of how some may feel about what this restructuring will do to their positions within the university, what everyone in leadership wants is what is best for the university overall. Increasing its stature as a major research center. Increasing its endowment to a level similar to many (quality) schools that we would like to view as peers. Increasing alumni involvement (which in all candor has fallen far short of any acceptable level) to a level similar to schools we want to believe we are on par with. Those in charge have grand ambitions for our university. From what I've seen, the people fighting these ambitions are more concerned with whatever small roles they have within the school than what is best for those of us who want to be active alumni.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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I agree and dissolving the Alumni Association is a step toward making the roles of the alumni smaller - less alumni representation is not a good thing. Increasing our alumni voice is good for the university overall. I think change is the right thing here but forced/compelled, get-it-done-in-90-days change is on the wrong end of the firearm.
Mar 4, 2014
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I have to say if Sir Walter Ray is endorsing the change, the vote is going to be more than a landslide.

Carl S. Ey

Ballots are due
Jun 18, 2015
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You are probably right but don't think the univ won't run Ollie out too tomorrow or Friday particularly if the first group of votes coming in are NO votes. The univ has big guns.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not an alumni so my opinion is likely worthless but why is the current alumni association trying to reach out to other chapters via social media? Shouldn't there be more direct means of communication between the Board and all the local chapters? It doesn't seem very organized if you ask me.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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From the CURRENT president of the Alumni Board:

June 16, 2015

Dear Alumni Leaders:

As you know, this week, you can expect to receive a ballot by mail regarding the dissolution of the UConn Alumni Association in its current corporate form, which has been recommended by the Association’s Board of Directors.

I am writing to you separately to address some inaccurate statements that have been raised by some alumni leaders and the media regarding what dissolution means for UConn and its Alumni, and to ask you to vote in favor of dissolution.

First, the “alumni association” will not be going away when the Association has dissolved in its corporate form. As a matter of fact, since April, all alumni relations efforts have been transitioned to the UConn Foundation, and all of the remaining full-time staff at the Association is now employed, or will be employed, by either the University or the Foundation. We are pleased to report that this transition has been seamless, and that alumni relations efforts are scheduled to increase, not decrease, in the wake of this transition.

To be clear, dissolution will only affect the separate corporate form of the current Association, and will not impact the vast majority of Alumni in any meaningful way. After all, the Association has existed as a corporation only since 1973, or for barely one-third of its existence. The separate corporate form is the exception, not the rule.

Second, the Association’s endowment will not transition to the University upon dissolution. Instead, in accordance with a Distribution Plan that was prepared and approved by the Board, the Association anticipates transferring its endowment to the Foundation and specifically restricting its funds to a number of different purposes, such as the establishment of an Alumni legacy scholarship fund, support for the Veterans Memorial Fund created by Myles Martel ‘65, benefits for life members, and increased scholarship funding for chapters and affinity groups.

To be clear: not a single dime of the Association’s endowment will be transferred to the University upon dissolution in accordance with the Distribution Plan. The Alumni Center will transition to the University, in a manner consistent with its existing reversionary interest, but will remain designated as the University’s “alumni house” and cannot be relocated without consultation with the Foundation, without the prior approval of the Board of Trustees and without notifying the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. Notably, under Section 3-125 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Attorney General will forever have standing to intervene regarding the use of the Association’s assets, including the Alumni Center, to ensure that such use is both consistent with their charitable purpose and in the public interest.

Finally, our Alumni will still have both actual and elected voices shaping the future of our University, and more alumni will indeed be heard. Alumni relations efforts will now be targeted at our alumni base of 230,000 as a whole, rather than our membership of approximately 12,000 to 13,000. More importantly, elections of Alumni trustees will be conducted in exactly the same way as before, in accordance with Section 10a-103 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and with a broader and more diverse pool of candidates. By our estimates, every single candidate for Alumni trustee for the last several decades has previously served on the Board of the Association, which has included eighteen members representing just five to six percent of all Alumni. We believe that our alma mater deserves better representation on the Board of Trustees, and that dissolution of the Association will help to achieve that result.

In summary, the Board and I have determined that our fiduciary duties to our members, our alumni, our students and our University are best served by endorsing the transition of alumni relations efforts to the Foundation, and the distribution of the Association’s assets in accordance with the Distribution Plan. When your ballot arrives this week, the Board and I recommend that you vote in favor of dissolving the Association in its corporate form, and to continue supporting our University with the same vigor and passion long after the dissolution is complete. Please feel free to contact the Association by telephone at (860) 486-2240 if you have any further questions.

Above all, I want to thank you very much for all that you do for our alma mater. On behalf of the Board, we hope that we can count on your vote.


Lori Riiska ‘84
President, Board of Directors
UConn Alumni Association, Inc.
Also very well written.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I got an email from KU Alumni Association today, for "Flying Jayhawks". It was promoting trips with alumni and discounts to Costa Rica, Tanzania and showed pictures from a prior trip to the Swiss Alps and Italian Lakes.


Just an indication of how far UConn needs to come.

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