Red hot shooters | The Boneyard

Red hot shooters


Co~host of the Sliders & Curveballs Podcast
Aug 26, 2011
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White, Washington, Dotson, Milton. Every game one player goes off. What's the pattern? Why can't we fix it?
Jan 6, 2017
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White, Washington, Dotson, Milton. Every game one player goes off. What's the pattern? Why can't we fix it?

We don't play good man 2 man D. We are in crazy zones that get exploited on the reg.
Jan 20, 2016
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This is one of the more productive topics on the BY today, yet no responses? I'd love to talk about actual basketball execution yet I can't read any thread right now without seeing pure hatred of KO. Caveat - I am not trying to "rise above" anyone's opinions, I too am not happy with this season, and think it needs to get better, I'm just not on that level of thinking the inconsistencies can't be fixed with KO at the helm.

With that said, you are absolutely right. Teams who typically are not great shooting teams have been teeing up on the Huskies this year. I mean they said it clearly last night, ECU is the worst 3P shooting team in the conference, and they hit 12 on us. This game, and one other game (can't remember off the top of my head), UConn has gone against really poor 3p shooting teams, and got smoked. In these types of games, I honestly believe it was not game planned for. I'm not in the war room or practices, but I wouldn't imagine when KO is watching film of ECU this season, he doesn't write "defend the 3" on the white board. That said, you still need to execute defensively, and adjust in game. The point forward type players have been a problem for us this year, with Facey being the only big who can somewhat cover a big who shoots. Last night there was so much individual play on defense, there was no gelling between the players. Not really sure why, could be vital's spark missing off the bench. They just looked like they would each individually choose when to ramp up the intensity, and when all 5 players are not in synch, things look choppy and out of control.

In the other games, where 3P defense is a point to key on, such as with Dotson of SMU, we just need to have more focus on keying in on the right players. Plenty of times you see over helping of a guy starting his drive, and a small dump to the 3-line is a wide open look. Vital, Jackson, Purvis and Adams, they all do it. I'm no basketball expert, but you should know who you are responsible for, before deciding to try and help cut off a driver.

Lastly (sorry for the long reply) - once this team gets healthy next year, at least 2 each of MAL, Alterique, Adams and Vital will be on the floor together, sometimes maybe even 3, then add Terry for a real small ball lineup (just need a true shot blocker inside to help). If KO wants to he can extending pressure outside the arch, and actually run shooters off the line. This year, players who go off on us are typically spot up shooters, many of which you can see have gotten their feet set, and have wide open looks. We have guys playing 40 minutes a game so you save wind by shrinking the defense and playing zone - not the right set up for a hard nosed in your face defense.

Again sorry for the long winded response!


Co~host of the Sliders & Curveballs Podcast
Aug 26, 2011
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This is one of the more productive topics on the BY today, yet no responses? I'd love to talk about actual basketball execution yet I can't read any thread right now without seeing pure hatred of KO. Caveat - I am not trying to "rise above" anyone's opinions, I too am not happy with this season, and think it needs to get better, I'm just not on that level of thinking the inconsistencies can't be fixed with KO at the helm.

With that said, you are absolutely right. Teams who typically are not great shooting teams have been teeing up on the Huskies this year. I mean they said it clearly last night, ECU is the worst 3P shooting team in the conference, and they hit 12 on us. This game, and one other game (can't remember off the top of my head), UConn has gone against really poor 3p shooting teams, and got smoked. In these types of games, I honestly believe it was not game planned for. I'm not in the war room or practices, but I wouldn't imagine when KO is watching film of ECU this season, he doesn't write "defend the 3" on the white board. That said, you still need to execute defensively, and adjust in game. The point forward type players have been a problem for us this year, with Facey being the only big who can somewhat cover a big who shoots. Last night there was so much individual play on defense, there was no gelling between the players. Not really sure why, could be vital's spark missing off the bench. They just looked like they would each individually choose when to ramp up the intensity, and when all 5 players are not in synch, things look choppy and out of control.

In the other games, where 3P defense is a point to key on, such as with Dotson of SMU, we just need to have more focus on keying in on the right players. Plenty of times you see over helping of a guy starting his drive, and a small dump to the 3-line is a wide open look. Vital, Jackson, Purvis and Adams, they all do it. I'm no basketball expert, but you should know who you are responsible for, before deciding to try and help cut off a driver.

Lastly (sorry for the long reply) - once this team gets healthy next year, at least 2 each of MAL, Alterique, Adams and Vital will be on the floor together, sometimes maybe even 3, then add Terry for a real small ball lineup (just need a true shot blocker inside to help). If KO wants to he can extending pressure outside the arch, and actually run shooters off the line. This year, players who go off on us are typically spot up shooters, many of which you can see have gotten their feet set, and have wide open looks. We have guys playing 40 minutes a game so you save wind by shrinking the defense and playing zone - not the right set up for a hard nosed in your face defense.

Again sorry for the long winded response!
Nice feedback. I guess our overall depth hurts the plan.

Doctor Hoop

Prescribing Hardwood Excellence
Jan 29, 2016
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This is one of the more productive topics on the BY today, yet no responses? I'd love to talk about actual basketball execution yet I can't read any thread right now without seeing pure hatred of KO. Caveat - I am not trying to "rise above" anyone's opinions, I too am not happy with this season, and think it needs to get better, I'm just not on that level of thinking the inconsistencies can't be fixed with KO at the helm.


Again sorry for the long winded response!

I like the analysis, but it's also true that some (many?) of the 3's that have been made against us in these games have been made by players who don't normally make 3's, by players from ridiculous distances, and a number when we have actually got a hand up on them. And they've been made in bunches, 2-3-4-5 in a row, which is demoralizing. It is kind of like the injuries. It seems that this is the year for that.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I feel like even in the Calhoun days some scrub on the other team was garaunteed to go off vs us. I'm so sick of hearing commentators saying "he's just a 27% 3pt shooter but he's 6-8 tonight vs the Huskies!!"
Aug 28, 2011
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Not sure why we don't play more box in 1 when we have a hot hand like last night or at least shade over to them like we did in the second half. Unfortunately it took KO almost 30 minutes to realize that. UGH!
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn has arguably their best 3 point defender out last night. And that's a reach anyway as teams have been shooting it well for years against the Huskies. I mean if you've been on the BY for all these years you would have heard the same complaint about JC's teams at times too. When a 30% shooting team shoots it good from 3 then they have a chance, they did. Yeah they did against the zone and they did against the man there wasn't any secret recipe, they made shots. Our guys got caught drifting to help when they shouldn't have a few times, Rodney twice on White. Bad defense but also just the other team making shots, it happens. I believe the fact our guys played sloppy and didn't make shots is just as much the reason so to overanalyze how a team shot the 3 pointer is crazy to me. As great as they were they didn't score enough points to have beaten us if our guys made plays on the other end.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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My son and have been saying for 20 years - it seems like every game an opposing player has a career game vs UConn
And it's not just us - at MSG in 2011 during the BS tourney, we were talking to some Pitt and Cuse fans and they all had that same feeling - UConn is easier to score 3's against than any other BE team and they all agreed that many players do have career games vs UConn


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Even under JC's tenure there was a player on an opposing team who went off on UConn and it happened with decent regularity.

Maybe, just maybe, UConn is considered a blue blood by opposing team's players and they get psyched up more when playing UConn than they do most other teams.

Just think of the number of responses people make year after year about going to games against sub par teams. Look at the excitement generated pre season this year over the Syracuse game versus the excitement before the Wagner game. Last I checked players are human. We would love them to be equally up for every game but that's not going to happen. So it not out of the realm of reality an opposing player will have a career day against UConn.

Wagner shot lights out against UConn and I doubt they came close ever since. That win was their season if not their decade.

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