welcome, there is a small group of us here on the baseball board that talk and follow the games when we can. u will see the threads below with some season chat in them. its been a rough year so far for the team. some of it was expected tho considering what we lost to the pros last year. this team is extremely young in many positions and some of our vets are at new positions giving us a really raw look right now. ward is our ace and has shown well mostly so far. the rest of our staff and most of the bullpen has been up and down. mazz our 2b is a great player. hes hit hr's in 4 straight games now. at this point this year i think a top 6 finish in the BE is realitic with a 3rd or 4th not being out of the question. teams to watch out for this year are lville/usf/sju imho. other BE teams right now have ok records but they don't play the schedules that uconn/lville/usf play.
i think we at season ends will be a top 50 team but the ncaat is a reach at this point. we would need to really play well in the BE and BET to rack up a good record. besides OK, were lacking big time wins really also. the BE is a 2-4 bid league this year it looks like. lastly this year i think BE teams at the top aren't great but just good. i wouldn't be suprised if we see 3 or 4 BE teams ranked inside the top 50 but none higher than 30.
i'm sure others can give u more but thats my 2 cents. enjoy the chat and join the game threads.