Question for all? | The Boneyard

Question for all?

Dec 31, 2016
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I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)

For those in the other camp, the swamp is draining Ollie.

What is your solution?
Dec 6, 2016
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Maybe because the star rating is not all it is cracked up to be and the way in which players get star ratings is sometimes dubious (the person who assigns stars is not always qualified to do so).

Even if 3 star or 4 star or whatever is legit, it does not mean a kid works hard.
Maybe Ollie wants a group of lower rated kids who work their tails off and buy into the system rather than a bunch of me first highly rated kids.

Who knows, when ollie says very little, it is easy to speculate. one would think to STOP speculation, he would make a statement (two vague twitter statements do not count).

I find it worrying how quiet he is. Once everyone is gone, to stop worries, should he not state any plans IF he has them? No mention of plans shows me they are probably scrambling. Otherwise we would be hearing about people coming in, so I doubt it is draining the swamp.
Aug 26, 2011
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I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)

For those in the other camp, the swamp is draining Ollie.

What is your solution?
Mandeldove was a 4* on some servives so don't get all hung up on rankings. Enoch and durham each had positive contributions I could count on 1 hand this past year. Their loss is only a blow because now we have no returning front court and we won't see the potential everyone seems to be overstating now that they're gone

Also, MAL definitely wasn't dumped, that's all his decision for reasons unknown.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)
Attitude and willingness to sacrifice.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Rankings are whatever. Most of these kids don't even play each other.

But let me ask a question: if KO dumped them, is he admitting he couldn't motivate them and couldn't coach/develop them enough to win?


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I am now starting to think that transferring is pandemic. We just may see this often.

"Draining the swamp"...crap-ass term. VJ, Steve, Juwan seemed like good kids.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I think the new strategy should be to focus on freshman and sophomore transfers. Forget high school kids who have no clue what they want. Once you get that transfer after they sit out a year, they likely aren't going anywhere except graduation or less likely, the NBA.
Aug 26, 2011
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We don't know whether Ollie forced these players out or whether they left on their own. I believe that they left on their own over perceived future PT and roles. Besides 1 star , what is the difference between 3 and 4 stars? Of the 3 only Durham has the overall skills to deserve a 4th star but his knees are a huge question.
Losing also may have something to do with it. Practices become harder with the coaches screaming out players deficiencies.
Mal sees this along with the development of Vital and moves on.
This is probably amore accurate explanation than the others.
Dec 31, 2016
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Thanks for all the thoughtful replies, I guess until someone talks we will not know, and more likely, we may never know, just hope they come up with something sensible in the end, I trust that they will.
Dec 31, 2016
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We don't know whether Ollie forced these players out or whether they left on their own. I believe that they left on their own over perceived future PT and roles. Besides 1 star , what is the difference between 3 and 4 stars? Of the 3 only Durham has the overall skills to deserve a 4th star but his knees are a huge question.
Losing also may have something to do with it. Practices become harder with the coaches screaming out players deficiencies.
Mal sees this along with the development of Vital and moves on.
This is probably amore accurate explanation than the others.

I know some/most don't give credit to star ratings, unless it is a kid we are recruiting, then it is a big deal, when they leave, it suddenly doesn't mean anything. I posted all the 3* kids Uconn has recruited (not including international unrated players, like Sheffer, Henefeld, etc), simply put, a couple good ones, a lot of average ones, and a lot of transfers out. Many put little stock in football recruiting class ranks, but Diacos classes were rated 10th at best in the AAC, and last as well. The record seems to be indicative of the recruits, but this is an argument that will go on for eternity, and not worth having, as 50% will believe, and 50% won't. I tend to use past results regarding 3,4,5 and I have found there is a difference, not individually, but collectively.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)

For those in the other camp, the swamp is draining Ollie.

What is your solution?

I read your first post that sought to establish your credibility. I see that you repeatedly claim you're a huge UConn (or UCONN) fan, and yet you repeatedly write the school's name as "Uconn".

Your posts tend toward making the case that things are trending strongly negative or asking a question in such a way that the negative answer is strongly suggested. In this post, your Subject line states that you have a question, and you end with a question mark?

With each post, you show up more like a troll.

My solution is to Ignore you.

Why not?


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction Score
It's hard to accept but the harsh reality is most likely that Ollie didn't tell any of these kids to leave, it was on their own accord. I want to believe Oz's nonsense tweets but it's just not realistic.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction Score
I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)

For those in the other camp, the swamp is draining Ollie.

What is your solution?

He clearly didn't want to lose MAL. I don't think he wanted to lose Durham. I think he wanted Enoch and Jackson to play different roles and focus on defense was probably brutally honest with them. He's not draining the swamp, but if a kid won't do the things on the court that the team needs, then let him walk.

I don't know if you're a Patriots fan, but they let Jamie Collins go midseason, because even though he was insanely talented, he blew assignments and wouldn't follow the scheme. The less talented guys they plugged in improved the defense. It can be the same for UConn.
Aug 5, 2013
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Coaches are dealing with players around the age where they can just legally enter into contacts. That is because society recognizes that they may not make wise decisions.

KO sells family. I doubt he has abandoned his integrity. Kids left because they chose to, because they wanted to play in a different system, or play a bigger role, or because they were unwilling to subjugate their development to another player or the team, or because they wouldn't work on the skills the coaches emphasized, or because 5 top recruits is not a dynasty without luck and hard work, but especially because all those things might make it harder for them to "showcase their skills."

When a kid makes those choices, it's time for him to go. KO is too classy to say negative things about those who left or about any disappointment he feels. Going public with that type of story to make us feel better, invites responses from players that can only hurt the program.
Last edited:
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction Score
I read your first post that sought to establish your credibility. I see that you repeatedly claim you're a huge UConn (or UCONN) fan, and yet you repeatedly write the school's name as "Uconn".

Your posts tend toward making the case that things are trending strongly negative or asking a question in such a way that the negative answer is strongly suggested. In this post, your Subject line states that you have a question, and you end with a question mark?

With each post, you show up more like a troll.

My solution is to Ignore you.

Why not?

Thanks for your input.
Feb 10, 2013
Reaction Score
I read your first post that sought to establish your credibility. I see that you repeatedly claim you're a huge UConn (or UCONN) fan, and yet you repeatedly write the school's name as "Uconn".

Your posts tend toward making the case that things are trending strongly negative or asking a question in such a way that the negative answer is strongly suggested. In this post, your Subject line states that you have a question, and you end with a question mark?

With each post, you show up more like a troll.

My solution is to Ignore you.

Why not?
The term for what the OP is doing is "JAQing off."

The act of asking leading questions to influence your audience, then hiding behind the defense that they're "Just Asking Questions," even when the underlying assumptions are completely insane.
Dec 6, 2012
Reaction Score
Come on man. This thread is beating a dead horse. Not every situation is black and white. Players transfer for different reasons. In all the listed players you outline, each probably had a different reason for transferring. All we can do is speculate.

All I know is, if they don't want to wear a UConn jersey, then let them leave. I want players that want to be here. I also want them to be talented enough to be here, but asking people to choose a side (draining the swamp vs swamp draining him) is just asking for a hot takes and circular arguments.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I read your first post that sought to establish your credibility. I see that you repeatedly claim you're a huge UConn (or UCONN) fan, and yet you repeatedly write the school's name as "Uconn".

Your posts tend toward making the case that things are trending strongly negative or asking a question in such a way that the negative answer is strongly suggested. In this post, your Subject line states that you have a question, and you end with a question mark?

With each post, you show up more like a troll.

My solution is to Ignore you.

Why not?
Thanks for saving me the time to post something similar. The OP was agenda based couched in a form appearing as someone trying to understand something.

He's a pot stirrer to say the least and very likely a poster who is trolling. I don't doubt he's a fan but his posts are the type that make me raise my antennae.

I suggest you don't put him on ignore because he can be a ringleader that knows how to manipulate people and not in a good way. The more eyes on him the better.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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The term for what the OP is doing is "JAQing off."

The act of asking leading questions to influence your audience, then hiding behind the defense that they're "Just Asking Questions," even when the underlying assumptions are completely insane.
Close. But not insane. Dangerous.

There's obvious differences of opinions expressed in these forums. You can easily observe who people are. But occasionally there arises someone who is deft at creating problems and getting people to follow their agenda without realizing they are being manipulated.

I personally dislike sneaky people. I dislike them even more if they are good at being sneaky and whose purpose is to destroy something they dislike by getting other people to do their dirty work. This guy thrives on creating a persona that does not come close to who he is. I could be wrong but it's my take from his posts.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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A lot of spit hit the fan after a crappy season.

Can't pin it on one thing but one person is ultimately responsible.
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction Score
I see a lot of speculation with all the transfers out. Some say it is Ollie, draining the swamp, others point to bigger issues?

So for those that are in the camp that Ollie is draining the swamp, and getting rid of those not fully engaged in the program, or not Uconn-caliber talent, I ask this:

Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Jackson)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Durham)
Why would you dump a 4 star recruit (Enoch)
Why would you dump a player that commited, that is your highest rated recruit (Langford)

And chose these players over them:

Carlton 3 star rank #140
Cobb 3 star unranked
Polley 3 star ranked #100

(Rankings from Rivals top 150)

For those in the other camp, the swamp is draining Ollie.

What is your solution?
It's not simply Ollie cleaning house. Each case seems to be a little different. I don't think Ollie wanted Vance or Steve out, and I certainly don't think he pushed out Langford. Maybe he pushed out durham.

Ollie has the coaches in place and is now getting the right players.
I think he's got this year and likely next year to right the program. And if next year isn't a tourney year, I think his seat heats up

joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
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I think the Jackson transfer is a product of both his father's influence and a repeat of what we saw with the Roscoe Smith/DeAndre Daniels situation.

Enoch is a tough call. Given that he's very young for a sophomore and has a long way to go defensively, he may have wanted to redshirt for a year and try to figure it out on defense since has both the time and the need. Perhaps Ollie told him playing time wasn't going to be guaranteed after his redshirt year, so he thought he'd be making better use of it by sitting out a year elsewhere with a team that can guarantee him a big role.

That entire paragraph is just pure speculation on my part and I'd say there's not much more than a 0.000001% chance that that's what's actually going on. It's just a big reach on my part to try to come up with an explanation for a guy leaving when he was heir apparent for the starting center spot. Unless KO had absolutely no faith that Enoch could develop defensively while at UConn, I can't really see him wanting Enoch to leave.

As to Juwan Durham, I've got nothing. Then again, if you read my Enoch speculation I pretty much have nothing there either.

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