And yet Samcro never made the assertion that those programs were noticed for being winning programs. Nor that being so is necessary or sufficient for recognition, let alone eventual invite. He simply said that being a winning program will only take you so far.
You must be a hoot at the water cooler.
I even admitted that my post was a veiled insult to former Big East teams, not a challenge to Samcro's post.
Smacro said ... " it only gets winning teams on the list of potential invitees the next time a P5 conference looks to expand."
Kgun7 said ..."winning teams get noticed for P5 invites"
I don't see much difference between those two statements ... but I also don't critique every single word someone posts on a message board.
Read this paragraph really really fast ... like 80's FEDEX commercial fast ... so it sounds like the legal disclaimer at the end of a radio commercial that sells automobiles ...
If I respond to a specific post in a thread, it doesn't always mean that I am directly challenging the validity of facts that were stated, or implied, in the quoted post. Sometimes ... I may just want to add more information to the original statement ... that may or may not conflict with any, or all, of the original facts.