Post 2013 BB w/Cuse | The Boneyard

Post 2013 BB w/Cuse

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Aug 26, 2011
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First off against the wishes of some Cuse fans...I want to see you guys in the ACC. With that one knows the future.

However it is undeniable the type of heightened passion games between our schools evoke...

My question: How do you want the Cuse series to look in the future?

A. An annual 2 day double header at MSG pitting Cuse/Pitt and UConn/SJU. Reverse the pairings the 2nd night.

B. Play a rotating home/home game yearly?

C. Never volunteer to play Cuse again.
Aug 24, 2011
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I would like to keep the rivalry going. At the Garden would be fine, but I'm flexible.

would prefer to keep playing you in football as well, maybe with half the games being at the Meadowlands or Yankee Stadium.
Sep 6, 2011
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TexanMark i'm with you i very strongly feel we need UCONN in the ACC to give us a yearly rival to play also another school that actually plays basketball and not thug ball like Pitt. Nothing against Pitt but i agree BC is probably the reason it wasn't SYR and UCONN to the ACC. Thats just another reason for me to dislike BC they in the first expansion were the last choice only because Jake after the holdup and Virginia Tech thought he had a committment from BC that they would stay in the Big East. Then they turned around and stabbed us in the back and ran to the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would like to keep the rivalry going. At the Garden would be fine, but I'm flexible.

would prefer to keep playing you in football as well, maybe with half the games being at the Meadowlands or Yankee Stadium.

Problem for Cuse fans is TGD set up a game every other year for about the next 30 years at MetLife. The CNY fans are not too happy as the best OOC games will be there. If the numbers work and it looks like we could 50-60k then the MetLife might work. The ACC uneven 5/4 league slate makes anymore games neutral from CNY a real long shot other than at MetLife.

I think Cuse/UConn should play a 4 game football series home and home over about 10 years or so. If we stay in a 14 team configuration and your playing the non-East Big East...we both would benefit from relatively close games.
Aug 27, 2011
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D. None of the above. I hope we play again but only when Uconn is out of the BE. Why should Uconn give SU the privilege of playing the 3-time National Champions when you chose to leave? If you want to play again you will need to ask Swofford to add Uconn. If Uconn schedules OOC games there is no incentive for SU and Pitt to want Uconn to join the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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the only thing more depressing than a BE without SU is playing them in the Meadowlands in front of 20000 people.
Aug 26, 2011
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First off against the wishes of some Cuse fans...I want to see you guys in the ACC. With that one knows the future.

However it is undeniable the type of heightened passion games between our schools evoke...

My question: How do you want the Cuse series to look in the future?

A. An annual 2 day double header at MSG pitting Cuse/Pitt and UConn/SJU. Reverse the pairings the 2nd night.

B. Play a rotating home/home game yearly?

C. Never volunteer to play Cuse again.
I would prefer to keep the rivalry with Syracuse a live and well by playing a home and home, mid season until we hopefully gain entry into the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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From what I understand, in this round of expansion (aside from BC), Pitt is the bad guys. To many conflicts of interest in this scenario. I don't care if UConn never plays them OOC, although option A does seem like it would benefit all parties.

As for Syracuse: I don't begrudge you guys at all--UConn would, and should, have done the same thing. I hope we're there soon. Given the choice, I'd like a rotating Home/Home.

It would be very sad to lose the Syracuse game. You guys are our #1 rivals. Pitt had probably ascended to #2. #3 is up in the air. That's awful.

Is Georgetown going to schedule you? If not, you're in the same boat as UConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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From what I understand, in this round of expansion (aside from BC), Pitt is the bad guys. To many conflicts of interest in this scenario. I don't care if UConn never plays them OOC, although option A does seem like it would benefit all parties.

As for Syracuse: I don't begrudge you guys at all--UConn would, and should, have done the same thing. I hope we're there soon. Given the choice, I'd like a rotating Home/Home.

It would be very sad to lose the Syracuse game. You guys are our #1 rivals. Pitt had probably ascended to #2. #3 is up in the air. That's awful.

Is Georgetown going to schedule you? If not, you're in the same boat as UConn.

My understanding Georgetown officials are ready to play...despite what some of their fanboys say on the Hoya Board. Sad to say but Cuse will need to bump up their OOC schedule to make up for the weaker ACC. I really want a Cuse/UConn 1-2 punch to join the ACC and show them how real basketball is played.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't see the benefit of a basketball schedule. Nothing personal Mark, but neither UCONN nor Syracuse are going to want to be tied into a non-conference game. if we happen to run into each other in a Pre-season NIT or Battle of Atlantis or some other made for tv movie game, that would be fine, but neither one of us is going to replace East Cupcake with the other, nor are we going to not play Michigan or Indiana or UNC to play Syracuse. I think you guys will view it the same way.

On the football side, again, I think we're going to be pretty busy. Likely go to a 9 game conference schedule pretty quickly, especially if the big East goes to 14, then there will really only be room for 1 non-conference game (along with 1 MAC and 1 other). You'll be in the same situation. So I don't see it as happening. Maybe a home and home here and there, but that's about it. I doubt we or you want to be locked into anything like a longterm deal. Penn State, maybe. Syracuse, not so much. Adn I imagine Syracuse would look at it the same way.
Aug 26, 2011
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My understanding Georgetown officials are ready to play...despite what some of their fanboys say on the Hoya Board. Sad to say but Cuse will need to bump up their OOC schedule to make up for the weaker ACC. I really want a Cuse/UConn 1-2 punch to join the ACC and show them how real basketball is played.
I think UConn and Syracuse--more than VT, BC, Miami, and Pitt--are made to do very well in the ACC. ACC ball is much less physical and the games are called more tightly (aside from some Duke hand-checking). UConn and Syracuse aren't rockball teams like all of those other teams were, and Georgetown, Cincy, and others (Nova is a hacking team as well, but not in the same way). The transition will probably be pretty smooth from BE to ACC in Syracuse (and hopefully eventually) and UConn.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Syracuse will never play a home and home with UConn while Jim Boeheim is coach.

That sort of thing is just not in his DNA.

And the round-robin thing is a non-starter.


Aug 26, 2011
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I believe Syracuse will be getting creative trying to play games at the Garden every year. St johns may be willing hosts, I agree with Fishy that the mini tourney with Pitt and Gt mainly benefits Cuse &Pitt and should be a non-starter.

I prefer we only play Cuse in tournaments if we are stuck in the BE. No reason to make their transition more palatable.

You really think your OOC doesn't already need improvement?
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know. Not playing BC seems like it didn't really help us. BC's been terrible, but I don't think playing them would have made them better.

If Boeheim would have it, we should play them.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know. Not playing BC seems like it didn't really help us. BC's been terrible, but I don't think playing them would have made them better.

If Boeheim would have it, we should play them.

Since we stopped playing BC we have gone to 2 final fours and won a championship while BC has wallowed in sub-mediocrity. Sure we might have had the same results even if we played them, but you can't say were are worse off or that they are better off. I agree with other posters about the football series, with such few OOC games it would be best for both sides to try and schedule bigger names.

As far as future series for basketball, its tough. While I don't deny that our games are really the highlight of our regular season (for me anyway), we will certainly need to parlay OOC bball series into relationships with other schools/athletic departments or football series (like with Tennessee). Probably the best situation is to sign up for the same preseason tourneys together every few years, or take part in exhibitions like the Carrier Classic.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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UConn has only done one neutral-site deal that I can remember in the past decade, and that was a two-year deal at two neutral sites (I'll let you all guess, but here's a hint: it's 10x ballsier than anything Jim Boeheim has ever tried to do OOC). Duke wanted to do a deal with UConn where the UConn "home" game was at the Meadowlands or MSG and UConn hung up the phone.

These teams are not playing again anytime soon, and the fault of that lies 100% with Syracuse University. Own your decision.
Aug 26, 2011
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Since we stopped playing BC we have gone to 2 final fours and won a championship while BC has wallowed in sub-mediocrity. Sure we might have had the same results even if we played them, but you can't say were are worse off or that they are better off.
I can suggest a more cordial relationship might have made BC not submarine us when the ACC went to expand. If JC didn't embarrass BC (and he even walked back from it, speaking nicely about Skinner), perhaps we are in the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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I can suggest a more cordial relationship might have made BC not submarine us when the ACC went to expand. If JC didn't embarrass BC (and he even walked back from it, speaking nicely about Skinner), perhaps we are in the ACC.

ya right. the reason they blocked us is not because of the basketball ban, hell they blocked us in football first. the reason for the block was 1) the law suit, but mostly 2) they don't want any competition in the region if they can fight it. both of these reasons were really out of UConn's control.
Aug 26, 2011
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ya right. the reason they blocked us is not because of the basketball ban, hell they blocked us in football first. the reason for the block was 1) the law suit, but mostly 2) they don't want any competition in the region if they can fight it. both of these reasons were really out of UConn's control.
The lawsuit, followed by us being unwilling to work with them--our response on basketball is what helped the burgeoning football rivalry stop.

Difillipo is a dick. But we didn't have to give them extra reasons.
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn has only done one neutral-site deal that I can remember in the past decade, and that was a two-year deal at two neutral sites (I'll let you all guess, but here's a hint: it's 10x ballsier than anything Jim Boeheim has ever tried to do OOC). Duke wanted to do a deal with UConn where the UConn "home" game was at the Meadowlands or MSG and UConn hung up the phone.

These teams are not playing again anytime soon, and the fault of that lies 100% with Syracuse University. Own your decision.

Cuse makes more money playing "Upstate NY tomato cans" in front of 18k each year before XMas than playing a home n home with a national elite school in front of 24k once at home in the early season in home n home...I don't agree with it..but it had to be done with the crap TV revenues. The last home n home we had was with Memphis a few years ago...but the games were in December and do not draw as well as Jan-Mar games.

I hope Cuse will change their tune in the ACC and actually try to schedule an annual big time OOC made for TV game after XMas. If UConn would like to play Cuse in the future great..if not Georgetown, Villanova and St Johns probably will. Like I said I hope this is a moot point in few years. I much rather play you guys in conference than the underachieving bunch off Exit 9.
Aug 24, 2011
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ya right. the reason they blocked us is not because of the basketball ban, hell they blocked us in football first. the reason for the block was 1) the law suit, but mostly 2) they don't want any competition in the region if they can fight it. both of these reasons were really out of UConn's control.

The reason for the block is that whenever UConn and BC share the same stage, BC fades to the background. BC has done and will continue to do whatever they can to make sure that we are not in a conference of equal stature.


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Aug 25, 2011
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BC has done and will continue to do whatever they can to make sure that we are not in a conference of equal stature.
It would be funny if their blocking us from the ACC resulted in UConn going to the Big Ten instead.
Sep 20, 2011
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There is no need to play Cuse out of conference. If we get into the ACC that would be great but if not I hope that neither us nor GTown play them.
Feb 23, 2012
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I'll go with:

B. Play a rotating home/home game yearly?

But it has to be evaluated in the context of the other OOC opportunities. SU doesn't get any special consideration, nor should they give any. If the series makes sense competitively, economically, and in terms of the travel schedule, do it. Otherwise, look elsewhere.

That said, SU/UConn would present a strong case in all three of those factors: Competitively, no comment needed, I think; economically, SU/UConn can fill just about any venue and be a showcase game for CBS Sunday or ESPN Monday telecasts; and the two schools are close enough to make travel no big deal.
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