Oh, those were funny. My real list is pretty boring, though.
1, Pay off my in-laws' house.
2, Pay off my FIL's medical bills. (Part of the reason why I'd do #1.)
3, Pay off our student loans.
4, Set up a college fund for mini chick.
5, Set up a fund to pay for mini chick's pre-college "education." (Ask me what my bills are like next year when I'm stuck with double dance tuition and triple costume fees, plus music classes, gymnastics, et cetera...)
6, Buy a house. (Long story but we're renting right now. I'm grateful for a roof over my head but I'd get something in another part of town. A middle school, a high school, the fire department, nature center, and hospital are all on my street!)
7, Set up a retirement fund.
8, Buy two new cars. Mine is old and hubby's is both ancient and not running.
9, Visit Europe. It sounds cliché but there are so many places I want to see. I'd like to give mini chick the opportunity to see these places, too, and incorporate it into her history lessons.
10, Donate, donate, donate. Not just save it for the holiday season.