A CT Quahog (Algonquian, look it up).

And if not for a beautiful damsel from TX that floated by me in 1983, I would very happily be one as well, just a little further up the CT coast. CT is the best place to be if you want to experience all New England an NYC have to offer.
With the exception of my ungrad years (which never kept me away for too extended a time) I lived in Stamford entirely for the first 35 years of my life, then a little more than three and a half in the middle of the state, followed by the next 24+ years (through today) back in Stamford.
I traveled extensively throughout the country for work at a couple different points in my career and prior to the internet, I found it very difficult to keep up with what was going on in the world unless I was near a very large city and (due to being quite spoiled by where I grew up) I always greatly preferred being both very close to a beach and knowing Manhattan was a short trek away.
My earlier comments were more of a joke than anything, and I fully understand (am evidence of it myself) someone preferring a place similar to where they grew up (I've worked with many midwesterners over the decades who believe the northeast is just too much).
I know it isn't for everyone and I am fully aware that many have been forced to leave due to being priced out but there are a lot of benefits to living here, I hope most appreciate it