I've been rewatching all the earlier season out of conference games over the last few days, most recently Duke and then Iowa. I would prescribe doing the same for any Uconn wcbb fans that are suffering from stress brought on by a sense of a gnawing sense of doubt. Our team know who they are, what their challenges are and believe in themselves and each other.
They remember how they felt at the end of the last two seasons, they are battle hardened and have no quit in them and have no intention of finishing this season anyway but by sending Lou and Dorka off the right way. I can't wait to watch it all unfold. It won't be a cakewalk - if it was that would be uncharacteristic of the season, These guys are warriors. My biggest concern at this point is how I will possibly get by without each week having a game or two to look forward to between the time they cut down the nets for #12 and the next time we see them on the court (hopefully on their trip to Europe this summer).
I love, as I am sure all of us do, watching and rooting for this very special group of Huskies. With all the ups and downs, triumphs and challenges this season has provided one thing stands out - this is a group of young women that the whole is far greater than the parts. There is not a single star and supporting players. If any are off, others shine. If everyone struggles, they find a way. They love each other, pick each other up, support and celebrate each other. I have to believe they'll finish this one with a fitting final memory that they can share with each other throughout their lifetimes. We are quite simply the luckiest fans, being privileged as we are, to call this our team!