Playing UConn, among other things, pays off for U of the P | The Boneyard

Playing UConn, among other things, pays off for U of the P

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Aug 28, 2011
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Remember our friends at University of the Pacific? I do, because I was at the game in Stockton when UConn won its 90th. I also was at the Stamford game when UConn lost for the first time in ages, but that's another story. Anyway, I was looking at the Sagarin ratings provided by a fellow BYer, and couldn't help but notice that Pacific, which had not-very-good teams the years that UConn played them, is now rated #65 by Sagarin, which is more than respectable. Not saying that playing UConn was the reason, but I'm dead certain it hasn't hurt the rebuilding of their women's basketball program.

I will always remember that Pacific game, both because it was the 90th win and because of the atmosphere at the game. It was, literally, standing room only. I still don't know how the authorities allowed so many people into their very nice but sorta small arena. I struck up conversations with some of the locals, and it clearly was the social event of the season in Stockton, with political and Chamber of Commerce types schmoozing throughout, and folks going out of their way to be nice to the few crazy UConn fans in attendance.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Remember our friends at University of the Pacific? I do, because I was at the game in Stockton when UConn won its 90th. I also was at the Stamford game when UConn lost for the first time in ages, but that's another story. Anyway, I was looking at the Sagarin ratings provided by a fellow BYer, and couldn't help but notice that Pacific, which had not-very-good teams the years that UConn played them, is now rated #65 by Sagarin, which is more than respectable. Not saying that playing UConn was the reason, but I'm dead certain it hasn't hurt the rebuilding of their women's basketball program.

I will always remember that Pacific game, both because it was the 90th win and because of the atmosphere at the game. It was, literally, standing room only. I still don't know how the authorities allowed so many people into their very nice but sorta small arena. I struck up conversations with some of the locals, and it clearly was the social event of the season in Stockton, with political and Chamber of Commerce types schmoozing throughout, and folks going out of their way to be nice to the few crazy UConn fans in attendance.

And this is a very good example of why these teams willingly play UConn: exposure, and event.....expectations managed, and eventual attraction of recruits - it's all good. thanks for posting.
Aug 24, 2011
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You made my day, tomcat. I hope Geno gets wind of this somehow.
Sep 1, 2011
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What you say is true Tomcat. Playing Ucon did help the Tigers in a variety of ways. The streak, Ucons reputation were a major factor in filling Spano's Center. There was however other mitigating circumstances.

I believe the most positive impact from the Ucon game is still in the process of manifesting. The central valley was one of the hot beds of girls basketball in NorCal. St Marys was the best team in Norcal and always close to the best nationally. They produced among others Jackie Gemelos, Chelsea Gray etc. The 2010 class had 3 of the top 20 and 4 of the top 100 in the country within 50 miles of each other. UOP however did not recruit the local players as well as one might have expected. They had a pretty good coach but she needed more talent to work with.

The center was also filled with younger basketball playing girls and their parents. So the fact that UOP actually played a relatively good game against the Top team in the Country was a major PR plus for the program. I mean everyone expected them to get totally steamrolled. I mean I knew that Ucon definitely didn't bring their A game, rather more like their D game. Even so I was impressed by UOP's showing. Last year they got a pretty good local player who ended up starting for them and they also just signed another. I think this might actually just be the beginning of the positive residual effects of that game.

Oh by the way I might have been on of the "Nice locals" that you talked to. I talked to quite a few of the Ucon supporters and wished them well. There are a disproportionate number of people here who understand and appreciate good basketball so they they were happy Ucon was there. I however felt that by the game that I had just witnessed that Ucon was in real danger of losing their streak. They just looked ( for them) out of sync and many of the players weren't shooting well so that a good Stanford showing made them very vulnerable.
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