Playing Boyle was never about this year | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Playing Boyle was never about this year

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Aug 27, 2011
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I'm happy Boyle played. Live game action is way better than practice, and this team wasn't going to a bowl anyway. I want CC to start the last 4 games. If CC is great, Boyle can RS next year. I'd much rather have decisions made off of live play than practice. Under rational circumstances you don't get those chances, and then BYers scream and yell about why guys didn't get to play. Need to see what you have under real conditions.
Aug 29, 2011
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Wasted a year for no real purpose, I think. Yes a game is better than practice but the cost is pretty high. For what its worth, if Boyle is redshirted next year, I doubt we see him much since it means he is now behind at least Cochran who will have a leg up for the following 2 years and since coaches tend to look for multi-year starters when possible, the guy after Cochran probably won't be Boyle. With a new coaching staff, who knows where this all goes. Boyle seems like he has some talent, but was just not ready to play. But if he falls behind it may be exceedingly difficult to get back into the rotation. Assume Cochran plays well enough to be #1 going into camp next year and ties up the starting job for the next 3 years. Wouldn't shock me to see Whitmer as the backup for 2014, then go to Boyle as #2 in 2015 and 2016, but a Freshman or sophomore signal caller in 2017. Now if Cochran is a bust, or not a bust but just doesn't do much, it is a different story. But it is possible that we have seen the beginning and end of the Boyle years.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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I know, playing Boyle was to ensure that he runs out of eligibility one year early.

Meh, doesn't look like a huge loss. If the next coach hasn't recruited a QB equal to Boyle in the next 4 years, we've got bigger issues than a burnt RS.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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Wasted a year for no real purpose, I think. Yes a game is better than practice but the cost is pretty high. For what its worth, if Boyle is redshirted next year, I doubt we see him much since it means he is now behind at least Cochran who will have a leg up for the following 2 years and since coaches tend to look for multi-year starters when possible, the guy after Cochran probably won't be Boyle. With a new coaching staff, who knows where this all goes. Boyle seems like he has some talent, but was just not ready to play. But if he falls behind it may be exceedingly difficult to get back into the rotation. Assume Cochran plays well enough to be #1 going into camp next year and ties up the starting job for the next 3 years. Wouldn't shock me to see Whitmer as the backup for 2014, then go to Boyle as #2 in 2015 and 2016, but a Freshman or sophomore signal caller in 2017. Now if Cochran is a bust, or not a bust but just doesn't do much, it is a different story. But it is possible that we have seen the beginning and end of the Boyle years.

If Boyle can't beat out Cochran, why on God's green earth do we care if he gets a 5th year people?


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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To give a complete pass to Hathaway isn't really fair. He created the mess. Warde inherited it.

By not canning P last December, Warde did indeed inherit this mess. It's all his now. I hope he's up to the task of cleaning it up.
Aug 29, 2011
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If he can't beat out Cochran, we don't much care, actually. the difference is that he might have, likely would have, beaten out Cochran next year. But if Cochran plays reasonably well, he might just cement himself into the job. Despite what coaches say, they don't like to make changes at quarterback if things are running adequately. Our quarterback situation, which seemed pretty positive in August now looks to be one huge mess. Whitmer seems to have flamed out (though I'd still ike to see him with some semblance of a running game) Boyle has flamed out, Cochran, who couldn't beat either one out is now the hope for the future, except that pretty much everyone thinks he's limited and won't beat out Boyle in the future...and there are a few who have already moved on to Marchi and have given up on the current group. And this isn't even taking into consideration McCummings who might be back or the kid from Georgia who is reportedly more a dual threat type.
Aug 26, 2011
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If he can't beat out Cochran, we don't much care, actually. the difference is that he might have, likely would have, beaten out Cochran next year. But if Cochran plays reasonably well, he might just cement himself into the job. Despite what coaches say, they don't like to make changes at quarterback if things are running adequately. Our quarterback situation, which seemed pretty positive in August now looks to be one huge mess. Whitmer seems to have flamed out (though I'd still ike to see him with some semblance of a running game) Boyle has flamed out, Cochran, who couldn't beat either one out is now the hope for the future, except that pretty much everyone thinks he's limited and won't beat out Boyle in the future...and there are a few who have already moved on to Marchi and have given up on the current group. And this isn't even taking into consideration McCummings who might be back or the kid from Georgia who is reportedly more a dual threat type.

Screw the QBs - not sure how much of a "mess" they are. They are all still working behind the same porous o-line. Let's answer the question after we see how CC does behind them.
Last edited:
Oct 6, 2013
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If he can't beat out Cochran, we don't much care, actually. the difference is that he might have, likely would have, beaten out Cochran next year. But if Cochran plays reasonably well, he might just cement himself into the job. Despite what coaches say, they don't like to make changes at quarterback if things are running adequately. Our quarterback situation, which seemed pretty positive in August now looks to be one huge mess. Whitmer seems to have flamed out (though I'd still ike to see him with some semblance of a running game) Boyle has flamed out, Cochran, who couldn't beat either one out is now the hope for the future, except that pretty much everyone thinks he's limited and won't beat out Boyle in the future...and there are a few who have already moved on to Marchi and have given up on the current group. And this isn't even taking into consideration McCummings who might be back or the kid from Georgia who is reportedly more a dual threat type.

Really difficult to say one way or the other..just know what it's like to have no protection, an ineffective rushing team and whether you are a RS Jr., RS Froshmam, or a true freshman, you are faced with same difficulties. One good point, the offensive line seems to be playing with more confidence after GDL dismissal, regardless of the results. However, Casey needs an opportunity to showcase his talents under game conditions, not just with 2 minutes left in the game. Would hate to see him "mature" ala Nebrich at Fordham type setting who is setting records and throwing for 500 plus yards a game and has an undefeated Fordham team headed to FCS playoffs.
Aug 27, 2011
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If he can't beat out Cochran, we don't much care, actually. the difference is that he might have, likely would have, beaten out Cochran next year. But if Cochran plays reasonably well, he might just cement himself into the job. Despite what coaches say, they don't like to make changes at quarterback if things are running adequately. Our quarterback situation, which seemed pretty positive in August now looks to be one huge mess. Whitmer seems to have flamed out (though I'd still ike to see him with some semblance of a running game) Boyle has flamed out, Cochran, who couldn't beat either one out is now the hope for the future, except that pretty much everyone thinks he's limited and won't beat out Boyle in the future...and there are a few who have already moved on to Marchi and have given up on the current group. And this isn't even taking into consideration McCummings who might be back or the kid from Georgia who is reportedly more a dual threat type.

So it seems that you are saying that if Boyle didn't play this year, and CC was at least "good", then Boyle probably would have ended up leaving by transfer eventually because he wouldn't see the field. So the only hope for Boyle to actually play here for 3-4 years was play CC this year and hope he stinks?

I imagine no matter how CC/Boyle do for the rest of this year we will have an open competition with the new HC into the beginning of next season. At least this way there will hopefully be enough tape on both of them so they can judge that along with Spring/Summer practices and make the right call.
Aug 29, 2011
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that's not really what I was saying. What I am saying is that in the original scheme, as I saw it anyway, Whitmer was the starter this year while Casey was #2 and Boyle sat and learned the trade. My guess was that Boyle was being tagged to take over next year, worst case the following year, and Cochran was more or less odd man out/perennial backup. Now, after all the moving and shaking, if Cochran comes in and plays adequately, not necessarily well but adequately, he establishes himself as the #1 going into camp and as long as he doesn't flame out next year, once he gets there he is very likely there for the long term. Since he's a rs frosh and Boyle is a true frosh who has lost his rs, they are more or less equal in terms of eligibility. then add in that we're bringing in another quarterback this year, and likely next year, and I can see how Boyle might be left behind. As a rs frosh the equation is different than as a failed starter. And if Cochran is just adequate, I think he goes into 2014 with a huge advantage. the last thing any coach wants is a quarterback controversy and if Cochran is better than Boyle was this year, he could establish his position as The Quarterback going forward.
Aug 27, 2011
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Fair. Maybe I'm naive, but I just assume that if a guy is on the bench he can't be much better than the guy on the field. Coaches like to win after all.
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