Playing Boyle was never about this year | The Boneyard

Playing Boyle was never about this year

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Aug 28, 2011
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It's pretty much a given that Whitmer wouldn't have won any of these games and wasn't improving. The really sad thing is that Boyle threw TD passes to Parker and Foxx in the first quarter of his first game and both were dropped. He has never really recovered.

What is surprising is that Cochrane has made much more of his opportunities. I thought he should have started the second half last night. This is about player development and the kid that looks like he is developing deserves more snaps.
Aug 26, 2011
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Honestly I'm looking forward to the day when we see both guys prepared to help us get to a Bowl and win it because they both have the potential to make it happen with a well prepared supporting cast. The way things are a lot of variables come into play when we try to judge things.

A little OT but I ran into Tim's family last night (or they ran into me) and they were terriffic. Did nothing but reinforce my good impression.
Aug 24, 2011
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I thought he looked very good in the USF game, especially given the situation. But, he does not appear to be progressing and he was simply off the mark last night on many of his throws and he looked very uncomfortable in the pocket. I think he has the potential to be terrific, but he is clearly struggling right now. Would do this team a world of good to grab a W or two before the season ends. Not sure it happens.
Aug 29, 2011
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BS. College football is not about some nebulous future. Too many unpredictable things. Further, wasting a redshirt on a kid who is totally unprepared isn't about the future...a 5th year SR quarterback is almost always better than a true freshman. This was a dumb move. The kid is nowhere near ready. Based on what we've seen to date I think its questionable whether he'll be ready next year. In the past 2 weeks I've watched 2 other true freshman quarterbacks and the difference is startling. Both the kid at Temple and the kid at Utah State are far beyond Boyle in game readiness. Walker, the Templekid made a bad play to cost them the Rutgers game, but he is much more in command than Boyle ever thought of being.This was about 2 things, desperation and public relations. Not the future. And Pal, what happened to production being the standard? As for some of the other comments...oye! If having nice parents is the standard, my neighbor Lilly should be the quarterback. Her parents are delightful. And while USF was Boyles best game it wasn't very good.
Aug 26, 2011
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BS. College football is not about some nebulous future. Too many unpredictable things. Further, wasting a redshirt on a kid who is totally unprepared isn't about the future...a 5th year SR quarterback is almost always better than a true freshman. This was a dumb move. The kid is nowhere near ready. Based on what we've seen to date I think its questionable whether he'll be ready next year. In the past 2 weeks I've watched 2 other true freshman quarterbacks and the difference is startling. Both the kid at Temple and the kid at Utah State are far beyond Boyle in game readiness. Walker, the Templekid made a bad play to cost them the Rutgers game, but he is much more in command than Boyle ever thought of being.This was about 2 things, desperation and public relations. Not the future. And Pal, what happened to production being the standard? As for some of the other comments...oye! If having nice parents is the standard, my neighbor Lilly should be the quarterback. Her parents are delightful. And while USF was Boyles best game it wasn't very good.

Don't expect you to remember everyone's posts but I was in favor of trying Casey this year well before we had any inkling of a change. Secondly taking a cheap shot just because I mentioned Tim's family makes you a legend in your own mind. You can get your award right after Carl pick's his up.
Sep 17, 2011
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Don't see practice but the in game accuracy issues, high throws, throws behind the receiver, holding onto the ball to long aren't getting better. I'd give Cochran the next start and see if he can do it with the one's. If it doesn't work out you can put Tim back on the field. A step back at this point may help. We did have running game success early, we need to get the pass game going.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe not for you. But for HCPP it was about trying to keep his job. All coaches who are about to lose there job change their qb, and it rarely if ever works.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Scooter is right. The ONLY reason someone should play is because they give the team the best chance to win that game. I don't care if they are 17 or it is Blue from Old School. Boyle is clearly not that guy, and Warde is wasting a year of a lot of other players' career because of a PR move. Weist is not an idiot. It was not his idea to play Boyle.

I have had it with Warde. He is not the right guy for the job, and I have no confidence in his ability to make a good hire. I hope Susan replaces him.
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't follow, Warde mandated Weist play Boyle?

I don't even care anymore, crappy conference, crappy team, crappy coaching stuff, awful AD, what's having a lousy QB really matter??

Scooter is right. The ONLY reason someone should play is because they give the team the best chance to win that game. I don't care if they are 17 or it is Blue from Old School. Boyle is clearly not that guy, and Warde is wasting a year of a lot of other players' career because of a PR move. Weist is not an idiot. It was not his idea to play Boyle.

I have had it with Warde. He is not the right guy for the job, and I have no confidence in his ability to make a good hire. I hope Susan replaces him.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I know with 100% certainty that you are lying.

Weist is auditioning for an OC job right now, and starting Boyle has potentially duck*ed his career forever. What program would hire an OC who got it this wrong on the QB? I do not think any coach would be this wrong with this much on the line. Until someone produces something in writing to the contrary, I will believe that Warde told Weist to start Boyle.
Aug 30, 2011
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Weist is auditioning for an OC job right now, and starting Boyle has potentially f* *ed his career forever. What program would hire an OC who got it this wrong on the QB? I do not think any coach would be this wrong with this much on the line. Until someone produces something in writing to the contrary, I will believe that Warde told Weist to start Boyle.

We'll know for sure when the depth chart comes out this week. If Boyle is still the starter it must mean Weist's hands are tied for some bizarre reason.

The players deserve a chance to win these last 4 games. Change is necessary.
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Sep 21, 2011
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Seriously some of you people need to come the duckk down. Boyle is not going to start shooting heroin because he's had some rough games. He and Cochran - both freshman - got real game time action this year headed into next year. Why is it assumed they will not learn from it, but rather turtle and fall to the ground because of it? Experience is huge. May the better QB takeover for the new coach.

Between Marchi and others, I have the feeling we might get a few decent arms coming in over the next couple of years so that some of you can slowly retreat from the bridge.
Aug 28, 2011
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BS. College football is not about some nebulous future. Too many unpredictable things. Further, wasting a redshirt on a kid who is totally unprepared isn't about the future...a 5th year SR quarterback is almost always better than a true freshman. This was a dumb move.

Interesting, you post that the future is unimportant and then launch into a rant about the importance of redshirts blissfully unaware you are contradicting yourself.
Aug 29, 2011
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Well I was more talking about player development. Clearly Boyle is way behind. And I said at the beginning of this "experiment" that I thought the decision to play him was maybe not made by Warde but influenced by. him. In any case if Boyle looks the best in practice we're either awful at the position or not practicing effectively. Final note the parent comment was meant to be funny. Obvious Fajl.
Aug 24, 2011
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He enjoys making stuff up, but the real mistake wasn't starting him vs. USF. He was fine in that game. But like many true freshmen, he's fragile. By the end of the 1st quarter of the UCF game he was either too flustered or shell-shocked to be effective, and a permanent change should have been made to preserve the kid' psyche.
Nov 2, 2011
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Guys we could have Peyton Manning back there, unless this O-Line gets much, much, much better, it won't matter. This O-Line SUCKS. We're one of the worst rushing teams and have given up the most sacks, in the country for a reason....and it's not the QB.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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How would you produce written evidence of a conversation that didn't happen?

Two choices:

1) Warde has told Weist to start Boyle.

2) Weist is so incredibly incompetent that he thinks starting Boyle is a good idea, in which case Weist should not have been hired as OC in the first place.

Either way, it is Warde's fault.
Aug 28, 2011
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Two choices:

1) Warde has told Weist to start Boyle.

2) Weist is so incredibly incompetent that he thinks starting Boyle is a good idea, in which case Weist should not have been hired as OC in the first place.

Either way, it is Warde's fault.
To give a complete pass to Hathaway isn't really fair. He created the mess. Warde inherited it.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's funny how many people become Monday Morning QB's with hindsight in their favor. I vast majority of people were very excited to see Weist inserted as interim HC and Boyle given a chance at QB. Times were a little less desperatre then, but the overall feeling for most was the changes in both spots was positive and lets let Boyle get is feet wet in this transitional year. Now after Weist has not had any increased production on offense or wins and Boyle's poor play, playing Boyle is a waste of a redshirt and a dumb move. I didn't see that type of comment back when this was happening and the future was unknown.

He still has 3 years of eligibility which is a lifetime in college football. Hopefully the kid is a success at UConn, but who knows how the story will pan out 3-4 years from now with a new coach, new scheme, new QB recruits, etc. College football fans and Universities want instant gratification and the days of keeping a top prospects on the bench to mature in situations like this is behind us for better or worse. Unless of course they have a favoarble QB situation already established.

It was a little different situation because he played because of poor depth and injury, but Orlovsky was pretty brutal his Freshman season as well. He cut his teeth in college football during a very bad season and his Soph season and beyond were markedly better because of the experience he got his Freshman year. There is some historical upside with us in playing a freshman QB during a horrendous year.
Aug 29, 2011
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Bottom line on this, whoever made the decision, is that it was a mistake. You don't put out a kid who is that poorly prepared unless you have no other option. Boyle is not accurate, he holds the ball too long, is high with many throws and behind the receiver with many throws. He has worst quarterback rating in the country, the worst completion percentage at 43% he has zero touchdowns and he's at the bottom of virtually every statistical category for a quarterback. You want to blame it on the line? That's certainly a contributing factor, but the reality is that this kid is simply not ready ot play football at this level and he shouldn't be out there. It is unfair to him. It is unfair to his teammates since he give them virtually no chance to win. It is unfair to the fans for the same reason. And worst of all it isn't his fault. There is a reason that only a handful of 1A teams start true freshmen at quarterback. Moving from high school to D1A football is like trying to drink water from a fire hose.
Aug 26, 2011
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2) Weist is so incredibly incompetent that he thinks starting Boyle is a good idea, in which case Weist should not have been hired as OC in the first place.

Either way, it is Warde's fault.

1 wrong personal decision makes a coach completely incompetent???

Wow talk about having realistic expectations a coach. Would even Nick Saban be competent enough for you?
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