Picking Your Poison | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Picking Your Poison

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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Poison hemlock is very similar, with minor differences in the roots and leaves. The root and the liquid it contains is deadly toxic (the rest of the plant is not as poisonous, but will still make you sick), with similar symptoms to those of water hemlock, but death in this case comes because respiratiry paralysis stops the victim from being able to breathe.
"Water hemlock, of which there are five subspecies is deadly within hours if ingested. Symptoms are seizures, rapid heart rate, frothing at the mouth, and respiratory distress. Death comes via a final, horribly long seizure. Poison hemlock is very similar, with minor differences in the roots and leaves. The root and the liquid it contains is deadly toxic (the rest of the plant is not as poisonous, but will still make you sick), with similar symptoms to those of water hemlock, but death in this case comes because respiratory paralysis stops the victim from being able to breathe."

I get it. These symptoms caused you to go 0 for 25.


Mississippi State
Feb 8, 2018
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This, of course is predicated on a team having lock down defense, which this year, I don't think any team offers that. MSU is significantly "softer" defensively than last year and Morgan William from 2017 NCAA Tournament fame is not the same.

I'm not really sure when or where the myth of MSU being softer on D this year got started, but it's just that, a myth. They are allowing 55.7 ppg this year vs 57.4 ppg last year. They're forcing 19.4 TOs pg vs 19.2 TO's pg last year and scoring 23 vs 21 points off TO's pg. FG%'s allowed are similar year over year and the offense is the best in MSU history at 82 ppg, 6 ppg better than last year. This is a better team than last year's team, different but still better. Problem is UConn is better too and that means the Huskies are going to win 80%+ of the games they play vs. even the best of the rest. We all just have to hope for a perfect storm like MSU got last year.

In many ways Morgan hasn't been the same, but she's been extremely efficient with the ball with 153 assists vs 37 TO's. Her ability to run a very strong offense with minuscule TO's is overlooked by many, but is extremely important to this team's success. She hasn't forgotten how to score and I won't be surprised if she comes up big somewhere in the NCAAT.
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Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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I think UConn could be vulnerable (as it was against Texas, and would be against Mississippi State and Baylor) to offensive rebounds. It's unlikely that any other team's first-shot efficiency is going to rival UConn's (well, maybe Notre Dame), but a lower shooting percentage can be overcome if you can get second, third, and fourth shots on a single possession. Texas did a lot of that earlier this year, especially in the first half, and Mississippi State certainly did that in last year's Final Four game. There were times when South Carolina was doing that also, before the game got out of hand.

Kara and Rebecca noted that a possible UConn weakness is that their "bigs" (quotation marks necessary except for Azura) can get pushed around. I think that is a true statement. It's too bad that Batouly isn't more ready to play; otherwise she could be a significant factor for UConn.

If UConn does have difficulty clearing its defensive boards, Geno will look to make up for that with steals, and with transition baskets when UConn does get a defensive rebound. If UConn can win the turnover battle by more than the opponent wins the rebounding battle, and if UConn's transition points can equal or exceed the opponent's second-chance points, then UConn will almost certainly win. But those comparisons will probably decide the game against the "big" teams.
Jan 10, 2016
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Then holding the cup to his lips, quite readily and cheerfully Socrates drank off the poison. And hitherto most of us had been able to control our sorrow; but now when we saw him drinking, and saw too that he had finished the draught, we could no longer forbear, and in spite of myself my own tears were flowing fast; so that I covered my face and wept over myself, for certainly I was not weeping over him, but at the thought of my own calamity in having lost such a companion.

And he walked about until, as he said, his legs began to fail, and then he lay on his back, according to the directions, and the man who gave him the poison now and then looked at his feet and legs; and after a while he pressed his foot hard and asked him if he could feel; and he said, no; and then his leg, and so upwards and upwards, and showed us that he was cold and stiff. And he felt them himself, and said: When the poison reaches the heart, that will be the end….

He was beginning to grow cold about the groin, when he uncovered his face, for he had covered himself up, and said (they were his last words)--he said: “Crito, I owe a rooster to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?” The debt shall be paid, said Crito; is there anything else?
There was no answer to this question; but in a minute or two a movement was heard, and the attendants uncovered him; his eyes were set, and Crito closed his eyes and mouth.
Such was the end, Echecrates, of our friend, whom I may truly call the wisest, and most just, and best of all the men whom I have ever known.
View attachment 29211

You beat me to the explanation of "wise" in this context (hemlock). I wasnt going to quote the passage, but nice that you did. thanks.


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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I did some edits to point out something Geno said last year during the HBO show: the real key is who can create their own shot, of which, only KLS can to that. Gabby, Pheesa, Z are all dependent on receiving passes in the post. Maybe Crystal Dangerfield this year can be added to creating her own shot. This, of course is predicated on a team having lock down defense, which this year, I don't think any team offers that. MSU is significantly "softer" defensively than last year and Morgan William from 2017 NCAA Tournament fame is not the same.
Starting at your top:
SC with Wilson and Harris have done well but they will not beat us. We are in their head. Plus their guard play after Harris is suspect.
MSU has Vivians but with either Kia or Gabby on her, we can minimize that damage and Teira for her wonderful year, can't handle an agile post player so I suspect Z will dominate her.
Louisville is also limited and prone to being offensively challenged at times so again, not really worried about them.
tOSU do any of us really have ANY worries on this team???
Oregon is a good and will have learned by getting hammered by us last year but again, Sabrina is their engine and with Kia, I think we can minimize her and the other players, for all their skills are deficient to UConn.
You left off Texas, which if they hadn't played so well against us, I would immediately dismiss but as they did and have some skilled players in McCarty, Atkins and Higgs plus big post players, must be a consideration....Ok, I considered them and now will dismiss them as they are not fluid offensively at all.

So to me, the real question is can we handle Baylor with lightening quick Alexis Morris at the point, solid post players in Cox, Brown and Cohen. Brown is foul prone so defensively, I know Z and Pheesa will do ok. Gabby for all her quickness still has to deal with Cox who is a very strong shot blocker. That leaves our outside game with KLS, Kia and Crystal Dangerfield to do the damage. Is it causing me sleepless nights, not at all but it also is not a slam dunk. This Baylor team should not be taken lightly (unlike their schedule :rolleyes:) and could be dangerous, operative word-could.

I really do not worry about any other team as we either have already played them or in MSU's case, we not only know their defense is not as intense, we have a revenge motivation and that will drive us. Now that we are in-sync with Z and the group, ND is the next worrisome option, mostly because those kids don't back down even when outgunned against us. But with a healthy KLS, Gabby and a confident Z, I think that game will be double digits.

I think you dismiss both MSU and Oregon too quickly. Both are skilled at all the starting postions and to say "their skills are deficient to UConn" assumes they don't play up to their utmost skill while and one or more of our Huskies don't have a poor outing. Not a defensible assumption -- these would be tough games. Also note that Notre Dame is not included in this discussion only because we generally concede they have 4 troublesome offensive players -- that would be a tough game as well.

Finally, "only KLS can create her own shot"? What about Gabby's slashes with both her left & right hand? What about Pheesa's midrange jumpers & fadeaways?
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May 27, 2013
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For almost all the usual suspects to win a national championship in WBB, one or two key players must come up big offensively. SC (Wilson), MS St (McCowan & Vivians), Baylor (Brown & Cox), Louisville (Durr), tOSU (Mitchell) and Oregon (Ionescu) must have dominant individual efforts from the regionals on through the finals for their teams to win the National Championship. ND is a bit more balanced, with 4 players who are capable of big games on offense.

Then there is UConn. The Huskies have 6 different players who have lead the team in scoring this season: Lou, Pheesa, Kia, Gabby, Crystal & Z. 5 of the 6 are currently averaging double figures, and Crystal at 9.6 ppg would easily be averaging double figures if she wasn’t playing limited minutes due to shin splints, which appear to be limiting her less and less every game.

Having 6 different players who can “go off” on any given night puts enormous pressure on opposing teams who are trying to defend UConn. In the AAC championship game, UConn’s top two scorers, Lou & Pheesa, were having off nights on offense. No problem. Gabby & Z picked up the slack.

Heading into the Big Dance, there are some ominous signs for all of UConn’s opponents. Crystal seems to have regained her shooting touch over the last few games, so defenders can’t play off her. At the same time, they can’t play up on her because Crystal will beat them off the dribble. A few weeks back, Geno commented that if Gabby makes 52% of her jump shots, UConn is unbeatable. Well, Gabby has started to hit her jumper from the high post again.

Then there is Z, the X-factor. In the past few weeks she has asserted herself in the post, with an array of low post moves, as well as becoming a ferocious offensive rebounder. She is also a very good passer who can step out and bury an open jump shot, and even an occasional 3-pointer.

Over the next two weeks, Geno, CD, Shea & Marissa will work their usual magic, and the Huskies will find another gear as they enter the Big Dance. Lou, Pheesa & Kia will undoubtedly sharpen their games and shooting touch. At the same time, UConn’s suffocating defense, lead by two of the best “shut down” defenders in the country will continue to take opposing teams top scorers out of the game.

It’s been said by many announcers. When you play UConn, you pick your poison. Well you can select either hemlock, cyanide, mercury, arsenic, polonium or strychnine, but whichever one you choose, it’s probably gonna kill ya.
I try not to worry but Baylor looks kinda scary. Two shot blocking giants, quick point guard and above average 3 point shooting.
Sep 9, 2015
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Poison hemlock is very similar, with minor differences in the roots and leaves. The root and the liquid it contains is deadly toxic (the rest of the plant is not as poisonous, but will still make you sick), with similar symptoms to those of water hemlock, but death in this case comes because respiratiry paralysis stops the victim from being able to breathe.
"Water hemlock, of which there are five subspecies is deadly within hours if ingested. Symptoms are seizures, rapid heart rate, frothing at the mouth, and respiratory distress. Death comes via a final, horribly long seizure. Poison hemlock is very similar, with minor differences in the roots and leaves. The root and the liquid it contains is deadly toxic (the rest of the plant is not as poisonous, but will still make you sick), with similar symptoms to those of water hemlock, but death in this case comes because respiratory paralysis stops the victim from being able to breathe."

And then there's the ever popular "Spanish Fly." It's supposed to be the chemical cantharides, which can be deadly in even small amounts. The drug "ignites" you from w/in, so you kind of burn up--not to be confused with pizza. Most know Spanish Fly as an aphrodisiac, working wonders as a persuader drug. This is questionable. However, the drug was originally used to sexually stimulate farm animals. So: be careful. You may start out with a babe and wind up with a cow.

, anyone?


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I try not to worry but Baylor looks kinda scary. Two shot blocking giants, quick point guard and above average 3 point shooting.
I want to see Baylor play a good basketball team outside of the state of TX, before I jump on their bandwagon. They played UCLA in LA and were beaten handily. I know that Cox didn’t play and Mulkey was not running the show, but the Lady Bears are going to have to get by a good team in either KC or Lexington before they have any chance to play the Huskies. I wouldn’t be surprised if Baylor falls short of the FF once again this year.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Great post, as always, oldude. But still fearing the teams with the bigs--esp. Baylor and MissSt.

Agreed (Baylor & MS). IF UConn gets beat, it will be by a team with a BIG/BIGS that they could not contain. IMHO, these two schools present the most serious threat to UConn. UConn will definitely have to play one of them. Depending on how the bracket is set up, they may have to play both of them. This is when Gabby will be needed at full strength for most of the game. Down to the buzzer if the game is close.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Agreed (Baylor & MS). IF UConn gets beat, it will be by a team with a BIG/BIGS that they could not contain. IMHO, these two schools present the most serious threat to UConn. UConn will definitely have to play one of them. Depending on how the bracket is set up, they may have to play both of them. This is when Gabby will be needed at full strength for most of the game. Down to the buzzer if the game is close.
Baylor & MS St are both vulnerable as well. To get to UConn, they’ll likely have to play and beat one or more of the following teams: ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon and/or each other.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Great post! Having that many stars and knowing any one of them can take over a game on any given night is what separates UConn!

This is what sets UConn apart. 1-2 of their starters can have an "off" night (Samuelson & Nurse against Cincinnati), and UConn will still prevail. Let 1-2 of an opponent's top scoring leaders be off, and they're doomed. No one else can/will step up.

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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I'm not really sure when or where the myth of MSU being softer on D this year got started, but it's just that, a myth. They are allowing 55.7 ppg this year vs 57.4 ppg last year. They're forcing 19.4 TOs pg vs 19.2 TO's pg last year and scoring 23 vs 21 points off TO's pg. FG%'s allowed are similar year over year and the offense is the best in MSU history at 82 ppg, 6 ppg better than last year. This is a better team than last year's team, different but still better. Problem is UConn is better too and that means the Huskies are going to win 80%+ of the games they play vs. even the best of the rest. We all just have to hope for a perfect storm like MSU got last year.

In many ways Morgan hasn't been the same, but she's been extremely efficient with the ball with 153 assists vs 37 TO's. Her ability to run a very strong offense with minuscule TO's is overlooked by many, but is extremely important to this team's success. She hasn't forgotten how to score and I won't be surprised if she comes up big somewhere in the NCAAT.
Good points. But we all do not have to hope for the perfect storm like MSU got last year. But otherwise good luck in your march toward runner up status. And I still hate your cowbells! :p Glad you are here on the Boneyard though.

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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And then there's the ever popular "Spanish Fly." It's supposed to be the chemical cantharides, which can be deadly in even small amounts. The drug "ignites" you from w/in, so you kind of burn up--not to be confused with pizza. Most know Spanish Fly as an aphrodisiac, working wonders as a persuader drug. This is questionable. However, the drug was originally used to sexually stimulate farm animals. So: be careful. You may start out with a babe and wind up with a cow.

, anyone?
That might be okay for Texas fans. They are longhorns,right? ;)


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Love this post oldude. What UConn is doing in a nutshell is working you to death. When you have the ball, there are no easy passes and very few easy shot attempts. You have to start your offense much further from the goal and a high percentage look is rare. Then on defense, they make you guard the entire floor; and that is when you are not desperately trying to stop transition. So you are not just physically exhausted, but you are mentally ground down. Finally you simply can't duplicate it in practice. All that discipline, conditioning and skill unleashed with remorseless precision. It never stops or takes a play off because they just don't know how any more. Go huskies!

Excellent observation!! You could also call this organized chaos. Nothing scares a team more than for UConn to begin the game with a mini run of 6-8 points forcing the opposition to call a time out to stop the bleeding. They simply wear you down and frustrate you almost to the point of exhaustion.

Shutting you down and turning you over on your end, and fast breaking you with layups and bunnies on their end. If UConn can get up on you by double digits in the first quarter, you're playing catch up the remainder of the game. That tactic and approach has worked well for UConn of late. I hope it continues. :cool:


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Baylor & MS St are both vulnerable as well. To get to UConn, they’ll likely have to play and beat one or more of the following teams: ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon and/or each other.

THAT is what I'm hoping for. :rolleyes: The starting 5 will be admonished by Geno and his staff that they may have to play 38-40 minutes in each of the last 3 games. They'll be ready. They'll be up for the challenge. That's exactly why they came to UConn.

A look back.....................In the 2010-2011 season - Injuries to several players caused UConn to play with a 6 player rotation the 2nd half of the season after Samarie Walker left the team at the Christmas break to transfer to Kentucky. Lorin Dixon was the 6th man. UConn made it all the way to the final four losing to Notre Dame 72-63 in the semi final game.

If THAT team could go from January to the first week in April using only 6 players, this team can go 6 games with 7 players standing on their head. It can be done!! Geno earned his money that year. He did some hellacious coaching THAT season. :cool:
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Nov 12, 2017
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Baylor & MS St are both vulnerable as well. To get to UConn, they’ll likely have to play and beat one or more of the following teams: ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon and/or each other.
There are even other teams before ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon that Baylor & MSU would have to play & beat. I agree with an earlier poster about judging Baylor after playing a quality team outside of their conference. There are many this year that could end up in their bracket.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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There are even other teams before ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon that Baylor & MSU would have to play & beat. I agree with an earlier poster about judging Baylor after playing a quality team outside of their conference. There are many this year that could end up in their bracket.
I am reminded of the Big 3’s senior year when I was concerned about a number of teams, including Baylor, none of which made it to the FF. At the FF, UConn was joined by OR St, Wash & Syracuse. It was basically a walk in the park for UConn.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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I am reminded of the Big 3’s senior year when I was concerned about a number of teams, including Baylor, none of which made it to the FF. At the FF, UConn was joined by OR St, Wash & Syracuse. It was basically a walk in the park for UConn.

That's right OD. Everyone knew going in to that final weekend, that none of the other FF teams had a prayer of beating UConn. That old mangy sway back dark horse rose up and bucked 'em right out of the tournament. The strange thing about dark horses is that you never see them coming until it's too late. :eek:


Mississippi State
Feb 8, 2018
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There are even other teams before ND, Louisville, SC, Oregon that Baylor & MSU would have to play & beat. I agree with an earlier poster about judging Baylor after playing a quality team outside of their conference. There are many this year that could end up in their bracket.

I will be very surprised if MSU has any trouble getting out of Starkville and into the Sweet 16. After that it's game on. I just hope for an easier path than last year. They played the highest possible seed in every round and closed with Washington, Baylor, UConn and SC. That's a gauntlet, especially with two OT games.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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I think you dismiss both MSU and Oregon too quickly. Both are skilled at all the starting postions and to say "their skills are deficient to UConn" assumes they don't play up to their utmost skill while and one or more of our Huskies don't have a poor outing. Not a defensible assumption -- these would be tough games. Also note that Notre Dame is not included in this discussion only because we generally concede they have 4 troublesome offensive players -- that would be a tough game as well.

Finally, "only KLS can create her own shot"? What about Gabby's slashes with both her left & right hand? What about Pheesa's midrange jumpers & fadeaways?
On the Oregon “snub” as you interpreted, I think they are probably where they belong in the ranking, 6th, 7th or 8th. I have seen them 5 times this year and Sabrina is absolutely deserving ng of her accolades, I am not as impressed with Heberd, Bando, Sabally, McGuire to hold up a full orchestrated offensive game. They lack speed and committed defense. I definitely see a tiering of the top teams so if you feel I disparaged them as a threat, I am sorry but I really don’t think they are a threat.

As far as MSU, I was shocked at how poor MCCowan performed against Wilson and in the 4 games of theirs I have seen this year, she has disappeared at times. As noted by our MSU colleague, it is Vivians who is the Alpha on that team. They are good as 32-1 demonstrates but their defense is not as stifling as last year and they are not as deep, plus we have a very mobile and lithe Center in Z who Teira will have a hard time against.

I am ABSOLUTELY standing by the comment that KLS is the only one who can create her own shot. Geno stated it, I have watched this team all year and firmly believe it. Z would be the next best bet with her height and moves. Gabby’s Outside shot is too suspect, Pheesa against big bigs like the 6’7 McCown or Brown and the 6’4 Cox will have some issues as she’s has shown. She does possess a developing outside shot but that is not consistent yet. As evidence go and look at the Texas game with their bigs: Gabby 7 point, Pheesa 9 points.

Thanks for your input but I still think MY order of concern is #1 Baylor a distant #2 is ND close behind is MSU at #3, big Gap then Texas/Louisville then Oregon and then the field.


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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On the Oregon “snub” as you interpreted, I think they are probably where they belong in the ranking, 6th, 7th or 8th. I have seen them 5 times this year and Sabrina is absolutely deserving ng of her accolades, I am not as impressed with Heberd, Bando, Sabally, McGuire to hold up a full orchestrated offensive game.

You can't really talk about Oregon without mentioning Cazorla. She's nearly as important to them as Ionescu is. Also while Hebard rarely scores from more than 5 feet from the bucket, she's extremely effective at doing just that. Most teams were unable to stop her, even though they knew exactly what to expect. The 33 straight field goals over a 3 game stretch and #4 in the nation in FG% (65.9) is fairly impressive I'd say.
Jan 29, 2012
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I just watched (belatedly) the TX vs Baylor Big 12 Title game where Baylor won 77 -69!
Alexis Morris, Kalani Brown & Lauren Cox had to play 40 minutes to get the victory! Baylor had only 6 players play significant minutes!
If Baylor has to play UCONN and has to repeat this game plan they will not win! They can't have their BIGS and PG, no matter how tall or talented, play 40 minutes vs the athletic and conditioned Huskies! Gabby, Pheesa, Azura, KLS, plus maybe Megan and Batouly will run their bigs into the ground taking their legs away by the 4th quarter! And Kia and Crystal Dangerfield will wear out Morris both offensively and defensively by the 4th quarter also as she plays on fumes!
UCONN's ungodly pace of the game and athletic superiority at 7/8 positions will hold sway over Baylor!
If UCONN plays TX again it will be no repeat of the close game the first time! They will win by 20 or more!
And with Miss St. UCONN will not let them dictate the pace of the game again and not self-destruct at the end like they did in last year's semi's!
Oregon is too young to play a complete game necessary to win!
SoCar, L'ville and ND as previously shown have no shot to beat UCONN!
If healthy, the only team that can upset the Huskies this time around is the Huskies themselves!
Mar 2, 2018
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The key (IMHO), when/if UConn is matched up with a team with very good bigs, is that Uconn will wear them out by running up and down the court. When they played Texas you saw a much different team in the second half then you did in the first half. Cox was noticeably fatigued in the second half which resulted in foul trouble. I watched a few Baylor games this year, and as good as Brown is, she will have a hard time staying fresh with a faster tempo game. However, if the game slows down, then big advantage to Baylor on the inside. Same thing with Miss State and their bigs.

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