Per Dez...Diaco wants to name starting QB by end of spring | The Boneyard

Per Dez...Diaco wants to name starting QB by end of spring

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Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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Not sure if anyone else noticed in the Foley swirl yesterday, but Dez also reported Diaco wants to name his starting QB by the end of spring practice. After the last few years of waiting until the last week of fall practice, it would be great if the QB was in place much earlier.

To me...this says that Diaco already has a very good idea on who it is going to be. It is probably somebody's job to lose in spring..and I would guess that would be Shirreffs.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The 3 major players will all be on campus for Spring Ball: Shirreffs, Boyle, Davis. That also says to me that we are unlikely to see another QB added via 5th year graduate route as most would, I think, not graduate from their previous school until May. If we add another QB to the depth chart, it will be either by JUCO or incoming FR (more likely).

Unless Boyle has an epiphany between now and the Spring Game, everything points to he's not ready and desperately needs a RS year. I'm not sure if we can afford to give him one without a JUCO or 5th year Grad added. Unless Davis hits the ground running in March, my hope is that he will RS but with our QB depth being so thin as it is, he might be the best option and, therefore, should play (if he is).
Aug 27, 2011
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I believe Diaco has said this before. I don't think he knows who it will be yet but maybe this will help the team to prepare for game 1. I'm with Dooley in hoping Davis redshirts but if he's good enough let's see what he can do.
Sep 23, 2011
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The 3 major players will all be on campus for Spring Ball: Shirreffs, Boyle, Davis. That also says to me that we are unlikely to see another QB added via 5th year graduate route as most would, I think, not graduate from their previous school until May. If we add another QB to the depth chart, it will be either by JUCO or incoming FR (more likely).

Unless Boyle has an epiphany between now and the Spring Game, everything points to he's not ready and desperately needs a RS year. I'm not sure if we can afford to give him one without a JUCO or 5th year Grad added. Unless Davis hits the ground running in March, my hope is that he will RS but with our QB depth being so thin as it is, he might be the best option and, therefore, should play (if he is).

I think that Shirreffs may be the guy. I also have a sneaky feeling about Davis. I agree about Boyle. He needs a huge uptick in play to be leading the Huskies in 2015.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I want to win the Lotto this weekend, Jessica Alba wants to sleep with me and Diaco wants to name a starter by the end of spring practice. Some of these options have a better chance of happening than others.

Call me a Debbie downer, but for four years we've heard lots of talk from coaches.

I'll believe Diaco is capable of being decisive when I see him be decisive.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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The more I look at the roster (not just talent but available bodies)...and after seeing Boyle perform in the's not hard to see why Diaco's job was so difficult last year..especially around QB. While I was as frustrated as anyone this year..and his decisions seemed odd (and he seems odd)....I am giving Diaco a pass on what happened. If Diaco goes into this year with 3 starting QBs...well then he is fair game. I think we see a more focused vision this year due to experience and a better roster. At least I am willing to wait before I judge.

I remain hopeful.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I want to win the Lotto this weekend, Jessica Alba wants to sleep with me and Diaco wants to name a starter by the end of spring practice. Some of these options have a better chance of happening than others.

Call me a Debbie downer, but for four years we've heard lots of talk from coaches.

I'll believe Diaco is capable of being decisive when I see him be decisive.

The first may help with the second but we all have no help for the third...

Looking at the snow outside today, all I can think of is how this program needs traction... not to be put in traction, to get some traction to move forward.
Aug 29, 2011
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Traction, I like that. Need traction in the snow. Need traction to run a hill.

It starts with off season workouts on their own as players as groups. Dragging their asses out of bed when it's cold and dark and getting running and lifting, and then running again in the afternoon. Run the same hills and drills that basketball teams have done for decades. Then doing it again in the afternoon. Doing it on their own, within their own groups with their own leadership.

We need a team, and as corny and cliché it is, teams are families and brothers, and they need to work out together, study together and party and have fun together, but not too much or too crazy, so that when ti's time to be in pain and bleed together, there is no hesitation and they go all out all the time.

Aug 29, 2011
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Said it then, and it still stands. That was most bizzare presser I ever saw any coach have, and it was the first red flag against Diaco.

LOL. Is true. I remember reading about this guy when he was hired, and there was as consistent theme of the "bizarre" and it was absolutely true. So far, he's been consistently bizarre as a head coach at UConn. We'll see what next season brings. A winning head coach can be as bizarre as they like. Not there yet.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Traction, I like that. Need traction in the snow. Need traction to run a hill.

It starts with off season workouts on their own as players as groups. Dragging their asses out of bed when it's cold and dark and getting running and lifting, and then running again in the afternoon. Run the same hills and drills that basketball teams have done for decades. Then doing it again in the afternoon. Doing it on their own, within their own groups with their own leadership.

We need a team, and as corny and cliché it is, teams are families and brothers, and they need to work out together, study together and party and have fun together, but not too much or too crazy, so that when ti's time to be in pain and bleed together, there is no hesitation and they go all out all the time.


SVG stumbled across a rallying cry earlier this week with the Pistons.

"We Just Form a Wall"


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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I see Boyle finding a home at Fordham
Aug 26, 2011
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So will he name all three starters?
YES..Boyle plays 1st qtr, Sheriffs plays 2nd Qtr and Davis plays 3rd qtr. Whoever has the best stats that day plays the 4th qtr. Al Bundy plays overtime LOL
Aug 26, 2011
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I want to win the Lotto this weekend, Jessica Alba wants to sleep with me and Diaco wants to name a starter by the end of spring practice. Some of these options have a better chance of happening than others.

Call me a Debbie downer, but for four years we've heard lots of talk from coaches.

I'll believe Diaco is capable of being decisive when I see him be decisive.
Jessica will spend all your winnings while UConn names ?? QB
Aug 26, 2011
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YES..Boyle plays 1st qtr, Sheriffs plays 2nd Qtr and Davis plays 3rd qtr. Whoever has the best stats that day plays the 4th qtr. Al Bundy plays overtime LOL

Who plays in the red zone?
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