Penn State board | The Boneyard

Penn State board

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Sep 16, 2011
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I was reading the Penn State board a couple of days ago and obviously people were in shock but they were disgusted and outraged and for the most part realized that JoePa failed to act like he should have in protecting children. Reading the board today, I'm convinced they've all lost their minds. The majority of people now seem to think that this is all just a media witchhunt against Paterno. Many think Paterno filled his duty by just passsing it up the chain of command and never following up on it. Many think Paterno never understood what happened, "he's old, Sandusky was just horsing around." They are crying foul that ESPN and all the other news outlets are profiting off of Joe's pain and embarrassment. I understand that the utter shock and disappointment must be unbearable for them but this protecting of Paterno and all things Penn State is disgusting to witness. It's hard to believe the bubble these people and that community live in, they really don't expect the media to be covering this from every angle?
Aug 26, 2011
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Elitists have a way of denying the world is round. Especially those that spend way too much time on sports forums.

I'm glad that doesn't seem to be the case for UConn fans on this forum.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was reading the Penn State board a couple of days ago and obviously people were in shock but they were disgusted and outraged and for the most part realized that JoePa failed to act like he should have in protecting children. Reading the board today, I'm convinced they've all lost their minds. The majority of people now seem to think that this is all just a media witchhunt against Paterno. Many think Paterno filled his duty by just passsing it up the chain of command and never following up on it. Many think Paterno never understood what happened, "he's old, Sandusky was just horsing around." They are crying foul that ESPN and all the other news outlets are profiting off of Joe's pain and embarrassment. I understand that the utter shock and disappointment must be unbearable for them but this protecting of Paterno and all things Penn State is disgusting to witness. It's hard to believe the bubble these people and that community live in, they really don't expect the media to be covering this from every angle?

Before, Paterno and PSU were painted into a corner and the only possible reaction was obvious, Paterno was to blame, 95% of PSU fans seemed to agree.

When the BOT acted and didn't really justify the action other than to say it was best for the university, they gave all the angst a release. A target to vent against. The BOT betrayed PSU and Paterno. That's what happened in their minds. It's nonsensical.

I'll also note that the people backing Paterno today were curiously quiet and absent the last week. So my earlier estimation that 90% of PSU fans realized the gravity of the situation was off because there was a big silent contingent stewing. And when the BOT made the decision, it opened the floodgates for the silent ones to have their say.
Sep 16, 2011
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It's all so insane, the BOT made the first right move in the last decade or so and now everyone wants to blame them and paint Paterno as the victim, this is all so sad.
Aug 26, 2011
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The sad fact is if Paterno were one of ours, we would have the same amount of idiots on our board.
Aug 27, 2011
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i agree

The litmus test would be if this happened under Calhoun's watch. And as big as JC is on campus, it pales in comparison to the iconic status that Paterno holds (or held) in Happy Valley. I think there would be a few UConn fans who would act this way, but not as many as we're seeing from PSU.

If the BOT allowed Paterno to be carried off on his players shoulders to a raucous ovation it would've been one of the all time embarassments in the history of sports.
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