Watching the video scared it out of me. Holy carp! The Mayans were right, but missed the timing slightly.
And that's the kids' sermon.Made my message this morning for the Men's Lenter Prayer Breakfast which was titled "Nietzsche's Optimism vs the Darkness of Lent." It included Lord Byron's poem "Darkness" from The Lost Summer" from 1816 following the eruption of Mount Tambora, a piece of dark Romanticism.
Watching the video scared it out of me. Holy carp! The Mayans were right, but missed the timing slightly.
Can you imagine if this had happened when the cold war was still deeply frozen. The world as we knew it could have ended right then and there with an itchy Soviet trigger finger.
Sooner or later our luck here on Earth is going to run out and a massive meteor will collide with us, ala the one that scientists say likely killed off the dinosaurs. The good news is it does not appear that there is any out there that is going to do us in for quite some time.