It's not lack of empathy for the victim. It's equal empathy for someone who is accused, as well as the accuser. Many times in society people are assumed guilty before it is proven. People's lives are ruined because of accusations. If you automatically give the accuser the benefit of the doubt, than that in my opinion is a complete lack of empathy for the accused.
That's a weird way to put it. I certainly believe in innocent-until-proven-guilty, but we're talking about actual rape victims here, unless you actually think that all of these women -- or all women -- are liars. We're talking about how colleges treat women who say they've been raped. And colleges treat them like crap. How you proceeded to use that as a launching pad for complaining about men being unjustly accused (which of course happens sometimes) is beyond me. Well, it's not beyond me. Because people do it. And being unfairly accused of a crime is not akin to being raped. Sorry.
A lot of what I am referring to with actors, athletes, and politicians etc. is not direct contact with them. The vast majority of criticism, heckling, and harassing remarks are made through the internet, newspapers, TV etc. If you put yourself into the spotlight with a very strong opinions that are probably not the majority opinion, than you must assume that there will be backlash and sometimes it can be outrageously negative. This has only been amplified by social media and the internet. In this situation maybe certain individuals have crossed the line and action needs to be taken for her safety. That is for a judge or jury to decide and not just from hearing one person's side of the story. It should be a safe and fair environment for all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If this women thinks that a logo can send a certain message, than that is fine for her to say. If others say that she is absolutely crazy for her opinion, than that is fine as well. If someones safety and well being are in direct threat, than action should be taken. If not, than people can have their opinions, make fun of each other, argue etc.
OK, well I was talking about this woman's actual experiences with people personally harassing her, so it seems like a non sequitur.
I am being fair and equal to all sides.
If you say so. I haven't heard a lick of consideration for rape victims. Which should have been the first thing out of your mouth.
You have made strong statements to one side like calling the cops "rent-a-cops".
A poor choice of words on my part. But I stand on what I said about how university employees handle allegations of sexual assault.
Also I would like to see proof that security for celebrities takes up a LOT more money than for everyone else who complains about being stalked or threatened. That seems statistically unlikely given the amount of celebrities compared to the hundreds of millions of other people in the U.S. and billions on the planet.
As soon as I wrote that I realized it was probably hyperbolic but I left it because the per capita expense is certainly a LOT higher. So I think my point still stands. Celebrities may have more written about them, but they're also well protected. Whereas a college student has no protection.
It's striking how you have attacked me yet you yourself appear to be lacking in empathy and facts from what you have written.
That's pretty funny. As a man, I don't have a problem feeling sorry for guys who are unjustly accused of rape. But it takes a real man to speak out on behalf of women.