turned on 'Clown News Becoming Common' ie, cnbc, this am, and it seems archegos is a hot topic again.
post #3348 here:
'and no, it's not 'contained' yet.'
imagine that.
pro tip: iffn it ain't rick santelli or art cashin, u'll learn more from the adult swim channel than that 'oprah joins the view gang to talk high finance' network. is archegos like the ltcm or bear/lehman dynamic? i have no idea. do you?
fun fact. as ww1 wore on, more and more inter-nation agreements, regardless of the public announcements associated with such, were only privately 'done deals' after the obligatory suitcases filled with gold were delivered. no one believed or trusted anyone else. 'trust' is just so much gossamer.
yesterday, ny's mta announced that they reasonably expect subway ridership to reach 90% of pre-covid levels ... in 2025. the global 'back to normal? as if. it's a whole new world. buckle up, and bet accordingly. or not. whatever.