Need a spoiler alert in your thread title for those of us out west!
"Why * hasn't the UConn athletic department thought of like this? Susan is busy focusin on that silly education thing and Warde is in the donut line. Meanwhile, Louisville is eating our lunch. How does Louisville have any connection to SkyWire? I have no clue, but they do. There's a reason they're in the ACC and we're not. F* ."
-- Dan
So, he didn't get blown off, fall and die?
Glad I didn't waste DVR space on it.
I think this dumpy stumpy Walenda guy has more balls
than the guy who jumped to earth from outer layers.
Maybe more than anyone in the US.
This guy was on the wire for 15 mins. The outer space guy
just had to make the initial decision to jump
I kind of wondered how that worked. "Dear Jesus, please calm the wind...that you sent me in the first place..."I say the Space Jump took more balls.....
Walenda cheated because he had Jesus help him with the wind.