OT: Review of Alzheimer's Research, Brain Health | The Boneyard

OT: Review of Alzheimer's Research, Brain Health

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Aug 25, 2011
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Many Boneyard regulars are aware of my situation ... and crusade. I recently posted on my blog a review of the current status of Alzheimer's research and maintaining brain health. I hope it benefits others.

Here's the link: The Alzheimer's Murder Mystery

Be well. Go UConn!
Good read but I'll have to read it again for digestion. Just to be clear, vitamin E alone is helpful in slowing the decline?


Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction Score
Good read but I'll have to read it again for digestion. Just to be clear, vitamin E alone is helpful in slowing the decline?

In that particular study, yes. However, the study used high dosages, which must mean participants got sufficient exercise. I did not notice this mentioned, but high dosages of Vitamin E is problematic without exercise because it is fat soluble and potentially toxic. Also, nothing works to slow or reverse decline after a certain point. Prevention from getting to that point is really the only viable strategy; there is no real treatment or cure after moderate to severe cognitive decline.

Really, several things must be in place. In summary, sufficient antioxidants (eg, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant) with your intake, sufficient exercise and minimized stress in your life.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Foods rich in Vitamin E:

Sunflower seeds
Swiss chard
Turnip greens
Beet greens and...
Mustard greens.
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction Score
Many Boneyard regulars are aware of my situation ... and crusade. I recently posted on my blog a review of the current status of Alzheimer's research and maintaining brain health. I hope it benefits others.

Here's the link: The Alzheimer's Murder Mystery

Be well. Go UConn!

I am not aware of your situation - but I have some information you might be interested in regarding AD.

First, AD did not really exist before 1970.

Second, it is not hereditary (One of the most famous doctor excuses).

It is a problem rooted in lifestyle and nutrition. Let me explain... in the late 60's and early 70's.. older folks were dying from massive coronaries and when they were autopsied they were finding goo/plaque/crud in the arteries of these people - and it contributed to their demise. They analyzed this and determined it to be cholesterol - as a result - cholesterol became the new 'boogie' man. Every doctor told his/her patients to eliminate cholesterol from their diets - not realizing what the role of cholesterol was playing in the human diet. Needless to say.. it is extremely critical and is as important everyday to the human race as any other vitamin, mineral, amino acid or fatty acid. When patient were deprived by their doctors of this necessary nutrient - a different health issue began to take shape. And in 1979 Gerhard Alzheimer and Harvard medical school - announced a new disease and called it Alzheimer's disease. The deprivation of cholesterol caused people with older physiologies to be impacted first - and subsequently they are the ones who - all of a sudden - could not remember who their children were. You see... cholesterol is needed every day. The body produces 10%
the other 90% MUST come from your diet. All cholesterol HDL (good) and LDL (bad - because it is easily purchased by the body) is processed in the liver and distributed to your spine and brain. Your brain by shear weight is 70% pure cholesterol (myelin sheath) and if you don't feed it... the brain shrinks. Taking it a step further.. it shrinks from the sides first. Now, if you know anything about the brain the temporal lobe is on both sides... and that primarily controls what? If you said memory - you are correct. My daughter nearing the end in med school (about 2 months ago) told me they were going to dissect a brain with a massive stem stroke and one with Alzheimer's. I explained to her what the brain with Alzheimer's would look like... and low and behold... I was right - and she couldn't believe it. I told her it wasn't magic - just that scientists (working with pigs) in the early 50's clinically created this situation and found the exact result - pigs went crazy - (could not eat or breed). They actually gave this condition a name... an atta' boy to the first person who can tell me what it was called. So they knew in the 50's that depriving bodies of cholesterol creates an unhealthy condition in the brain.

What is Alzheimer's disease? Answer (lay terms): brain shrinkage (the myelin sheath) ... from a poor life style and lousy nutrition. Big pharma doesn't want you to know this... because they want to hook you on a symptom controlling synthetic protein made in a petri dish - so they and your doctor cannot be your financial whores.

There is a culture in the world that essentially has no Alzheimer's disease and they live longer than us. Who can guess it? There cholesterol numbers are through the roof. How is this possible? Hint: Since all cholesterol is processed in the liver - distributed to spine and brain (good - high density).... Low density cholesterol (bad) is easily purchased by the body and contributes to many health issues. They have a diet high in all cholesterol and high in EFA (essential fatty acids) - which rids the body of the LDL and that is the secret. But make sure you are taking your cholesterol lowering drugs.. so you can kill yourself and pay your doctor's mortgage. Statin drugs are becoming popular - start with that crap. Doctor's receive (essentially) no training in nutrition - because they make no money trying to tell you how to eat or conduct your life. But they will lady start you on a drug so you can quit smoking - because they get a kickback for that.

I am not a doctor... most don't impress me...and I'm not here to make jokes about Holiday Inn express... because this involves peoples lives...but...

I have been involved with nutrition for 20 years. Nutrition is still measured in the infamous 91. (60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 fatty acids) along with cholesterol. So get this corrected and dramatically increase cholesterol intake - along with EFA intake - which will manage the LDL.

I had 3 strokes 15 months ago - due to an atrial septal defect along with a berry aneurysm on the primum flap (which has be corrected with an occluder - by going through the femoral artery with a catheter.) Than you Dr. Garas - that was brilliant work!! My wife watched it on the TEE.

Be very careful with Doctors.. the new healthcare laws have made these folks very self-serving. You see... I have no financial interest - or dog in the race. Doctors are becoming more like lawyers now.

For example... I dare you to ask your physician if there is a cure for all cancers? The answer is yes. But if it does not involve the CPB ...Cut (surgery) Poison (chemotherapy) and Burn (radiation) then your physician and oncologist don't make anything. And remember 98%+ of people starting this regiment will die within 5 years. So yes... there has been a cure for all cancers since the 80's...but there is no money in it for them - unless you are a CPB patient. So... I am not afraid of cancer the way most of you are. I will NOT donate a penny to these 'institutes' who try to solve problem bassackwards.

I'm sure there will be some folk who don't like me.. think I am crazy etc... or say I don't have a medical degree from some dumb-ass college, blah, blah, blah... Well I've been asked to speak at a medical symposium here in Florida and present my 12 step stroke plan - which truly can will help all who are touched by stroke - I've spent 15 months living this crap and the medical industry has only tried to kill me 3 times. Fortunately, I have some very skilled folks helping me - and we have avoided their health mismanagement. So yes... I will piss off a few folks - but I'm interested in the little guy and those less fortunate.

God bless you.. and change your nutritional diet. (cholesterol/EFA/the 91/nothing stupid like cigarettes and fried food)


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I am not aware of your situation - but I have some information you might be interested in regarding AD.

First, AD did not really exist before 1970.

Second, it is not hereditary (One of the most famous doctor excuses).

It is a problem rooted in lifestyle and nutrition. Let me explain... in the late 60's and early 70's.. older folks were dying from massive coronaries and when they were autopsied they were finding goo/plaque/crud in the arteries of these people - and it contributed to their demise. They analyzed this and determined it to be cholesterol - as a result - cholesterol became the new 'boogie' man. Every doctor told his/her patients to eliminate cholesterol from their diets - not realizing what the role of cholesterol was playing in the human diet. Needless to say.. it is extremely critical and is as important everyday to the human race as any other vitamin, mineral, amino acid or fatty acid. When patient were deprived by their doctors of this necessary nutrient - a different health issue began to take shape. And in 1979 Gerhard Alzheimer and Harvard medical school - announced a new disease and called it Alzheimer's disease. The deprivation of cholesterol caused people with older physiologies to be impacted first - and subsequently they are the ones who - all of a sudden - could not remember who their children were. You see... cholesterol is needed every day. The body produces 10%
the other 90% MUST come from your diet. All cholesterol HDL (good) and LDL (bad - because it is easily purchased by the body) is processed in the liver and distributed to your spine and brain. Your brain by shear weight is 70% pure cholesterol (myelin sheath) and if you don't feed it... the brain shrinks. Taking it a step further.. it shrinks from the sides first. Now, if you know anything about the brain the temporal lobe is on both sides... and that primarily controls what? If you said memory - you are correct. My daughter nearing the end in med school (about 2 months ago) told me they were going to dissect a brain with a massive stem stroke and one with Alzheimer's. I explained to her what the brain with Alzheimer's would look like... and low and behold... I was right - and she couldn't believe it. I told her it wasn't magic - just that scientists (working with pigs) in the early 50's clinically created this situation and found the exact result - pigs went crazy - (could not eat or breed). They actually gave this condition a name... an atta' boy to the first person who can tell me what it was called. So they knew in the 50's that depriving bodies of cholesterol creates an unhealthy condition in the brain.

What is Alzheimer's disease? Answer (lay terms): brain shrinkage (the myelin sheath) ... from a poor life style and lousy nutrition. Big pharma doesn't want you to know this... because they want to hook you on a symptom controlling synthetic protein made in a petri dish - so they and your doctor cannot be your financial whores.

There is a culture in the world that essentially has no Alzheimer's disease and they live longer than us. Who can guess it? There cholesterol numbers are through the roof. How is this possible? Hint: Since all cholesterol is processed in the liver - distributed to spine and brain (good - high density).... Low density cholesterol (bad) is easily purchased by the body and contributes to many health issues. They have a diet high in all cholesterol and high in EFA (essential fatty acids) - which rids the body of the LDL and that is the secret. But make sure you are taking your cholesterol lowering drugs.. so you can kill yourself and pay your doctor's mortgage. Statin drugs are becoming popular - start with that crap. Doctor's receive (essentially) no training in nutrition - because they make no money trying to tell you how to eat or conduct your life. But they will lady start you on a drug so you can quit smoking - because they get a kickback for that.

I am not a doctor... most don't impress me...and I'm not here to make jokes about Holiday Inn express... because this involves peoples lives...but...

I have been involved with nutrition for 20 years. Nutrition is still measured in the infamous 91. (60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 fatty acids) along with cholesterol. So get this corrected and dramatically increase cholesterol intake - along with EFA intake - which will manage the LDL.

I had 3 strokes 15 months ago - due to an atrial septal defect along with a berry aneurysm on the primum flap (which has be corrected with an occluder - by going through the femoral artery with a catheter.) Than you Dr. Garas - that was brilliant work!! My wife watched it on the TEE.

Be very careful with Doctors.. the new healthcare laws have made these folks very self-serving. You see... I have no financial interest - or dog in the race. Doctors are becoming more like lawyers now.

For example... I dare you to ask your physician if there is a cure for all cancers? The answer is yes. But if it does not involve the CPB ...Cut (surgery) Poison (chemotherapy) and Burn (radiation) then your physician and oncologist don't make anything. And remember 98%+ of people starting this regiment will die within 5 years. So yes... there has been a cure for all cancers since the 80's...but there is no money in it for them - unless you are a CPB patient. So... I am not afraid of cancer the way most of you are. I will NOT donate a penny to these 'institutes' who try to solve problem bassackwards.

I'm sure there will be some folk who don't like me.. think I am crazy etc... or say I don't have a medical degree from some dumb-ass college, blah, blah, blah... Well I've been asked to speak at a medical symposium here in Florida and present my 12 step stroke plan - which truly can will help all who are touched by stroke - I've spent 15 months living this crap and the medical industry has only tried to kill me 3 times. Fortunately, I have some very skilled folks helping me - and we have avoided their health mismanagement. So yes... I will piss off a few folks - but I'm interested in the little guy and those less fortunate.

God bless you.. and change your nutritional diet. (cholesterol/EFA/the 91/nothing stupid like cigarettes and fried food)

It was first diagnosed in 1906, so it certainly existed prior to 1970. Perhaps it wasn't as widely prevalent and/or noticed/diagnosed. I'd also add that the further back you go, the shorter lifespans you are looking at. The shorter the lifespan, the less chance for the most harmful years of Alzheimer's to rear their ugly head.

This doesn't take away from the content of your post mind you.

Here's an interesting tedx talk which dovetails what you are talking about. It's mainly about eating clean and how that can help manage disease.



i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
For example... I dare you to ask your physician if there is a cure for all cancers? The answer is yes. But if it does not involve the CPB ...Cut (surgery) Poison (chemotherapy) and Burn (radiation) then your physician and oncologist don't make anything. And remember 98%+ of people starting this regiment will die within 5 years. So yes... there has been a cure for all cancers since the 80's...but there is no money in it for them - unless you are a CPB patient.

So, what is the cure? Is it something specific? Or the eating healthy/lifestyle thing?
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction Score
It was first diagnosed in 1906, so it certainly existed prior to 1970. Perhaps it wasn't as widely prevalent and/or noticed/diagnosed. I'd also add that the further back you go, the shorter lifespans you are looking at. The shorter the lifespan, the less chance for the most harmful years of Alzheimer's to rear their ugly head.

This doesn't take away from the content of your post mind you.

Here's an interesting tedx talk which dovetails what you are talking about. It's mainly about eating clean and how that can help manage disease.


Yes, when I said 1970...as you noted... it was about prevalence. Once we think we get smarter and strip the cholesterol from the old physiologies.. that is when the outcome started to become widespread - and hence the need for a 'disease' by name. If you have very high EFA in your diet.. the cholesterol numbers can run wild - without risk - as it will rid the body of excess LDL.

The other thing is... 1 mineral, 1 vitamin, etc... rarely fixes a problem that is nutrition-based. Most of these nutrients require cofactors to work. So increasing vitamin E (by itself) has a more limited effect than with mineral cofactors. That is a huge misconception about nutrition. Obviously... you also want nothing... I repeat nothing in your pulmonary system as well. Yet we try and outlaw cigarettes and legalize the smoking of marijuana. This is why I really don't understand a lot of people. Stupid beyond belief.
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction Score
Foods rich in Vitamin E:

Sunflower seeds
Swiss chard
Turnip greens
Beet greens and...
Mustard greens.

Those are good. But me personally - I would just buy it. And remember it needs mineral cofactors to work or be more effective.

Also... please remember... vitamins are made with the help of the sun. Minerals on the other hand... it doesn't work that way. If it isn't in the soil - it's not in the fruit, grain vegetable or nut... and minerals are not in a uniform blanket around the earth. Once gone from soil they are gone. The farmer only puts back NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) - to improve the appearance of the fruit, grain, vegetable or nut. But I'm sure you knew all that.
Jul 31, 2014
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So, what is the cure? Is it something specific? Or the eating healthy/lifestyle thing?
I have a lot to say about cancer... so I will be giving it- its own thread. Hopefully, I will be able to reach out and help some folks here. There are many misconceptions and misunderstanding about cancer. which hopefully I will try and help clean up... Before I started my own research - I really did not know what cancer was - and everybody thinks it is isolated to a body part or type of cancer - i.e. breast cancer. Well.. that is completely incorrect. I am not giving money to save the Ta Tas. I am sure the folks here may not know what it is either. I always thought it was abnormal cell growth... well... not exactly... it is not the 'lump' or the 'bump' as you may think. And if it is removed via surgery - it is not gone - no matter what your doctor or oncologist tell you. The famous line... "I think we got it all." ...is complete bs... You still have cancer. But I know how to cure someone of stage 4 cancer... it's done all the time - all locations: prostate, colon, lung, pancreatic, brain, etc... Cancer is cancer.. it is not isolated to an organ or location. Health and medicine is difficult and that is used to keep most folks in the dark... It's not like you are going to question your doctor - who went to school for umpteen years. That should piss off a few people here...

I can assure you I will be ripping the medical industry when I deliver my 12 step stroke plan later this year. I will call out many medical professionals along the way.. as I explain how damn crappy their approach to stroke is. You have to live it - to understand it. John Huntsman lived it - so he understands it. He was one of the fortunate ones.

Just as I tell everyone I meet... good nutrition, thin blood and low blood pressure will avoid so many things.. don't have the time or energy to write about it.

How many here know what frankincense and myrrh are? Start with frankincense... a bitter essential oil... smells like pine to me... Relationship to cancer and inflammation.
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction Score
Many Boneyard regulars are aware of my situation ... and crusade. I recently posted on my blog a review of the current status of Alzheimer's research and maintaining brain health. I hope it benefits others.

Here's the link: The Alzheimer's Murder Mystery

Be well. Go UConn!

As the brain begins to shrink - the body knows something is wrong and the immune system sends a protein molecule call tumor necrosis factor to the site in the brain. In lay terms this is inflammation and it begins to interfere in the synaptic function as the body is trying to rescue memory and move it to other brain (kinda' like neuroplasticity without the exercise). There is an injection coming on the market soon to assist in neutralizing the inflammation and increasing cytokine and synaptic function. But, unfortunately it is only temporary because the person is still shrinking and producing more TNF. When our brain shrinks the tiniest bit more inflammation is sent to the site. You need to try and reverse or slow the shrinking with nutrition. Full 91 set each day and probably 6 to 8 eggs.. poached.. soft scrambled at low heat with butter. (For clarity: The heating of fats and oils at higher temperatures changes the molecular structure and it becomes more purchasable by the body (plaque)) Fried foods are the worst. So... smoking a joint and getting the munchies and slamming a bag of potato chips - is not recommended. There is no pill to fix stupidity - although, I am still on the hunt.
Jul 31, 2014
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Before I get into cancer there is something I need to say about nutrition...

The appearance of a fruit, gain, vegetable or nut (FGVN) has nothing to do with the nutrition it contains.

Farmers put back NPK only.

Minerals come from the soil. If it is not in the soil it's not in the FGVN.

Organic does not mean more nutritious. It means less chemicals - which is good - but not more nutritious.

Is there poof that the product you are buying is 'organic'? I would like to believe so... but until it's a clearer delineation.. I think in many cases it is marketing bullship.

come in 3 forms: metallic, chelated and colloidal and their absorption rates are as follows (3-5%, 40-45% and 97-98%) so just because something says 'calcium' does not mean you are getting that in nutrition. Let me give you an example.

Calcium carbonate (100 mg tablet) .. This is a metallic mineral.

So.. if you need 2000mg of calcium ach day... how many 100mg tablets do you need to take of the 100mg calcium carbonate?

The Egyptians (on walls of their pyramids) show them planting crops on riverbanks. They didn't know why... but when the river flooded it brought minerals up on the banks. The Egyptians were not stupid. They did not understood why.. but they knew it was better. Things that make you go... Hmmmm...
Aug 26, 2011
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Organic does not mean more nutritious. It means less chemicals - which is good - but not more nutritious.

I hope any food has plenty of chemicals, that's what makes it food! :)
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction Score
Before I get into cancer there is something I need to say about nutrition...

The appearance of a fruit, gain, vegetable or nut (FGVN) has nothing to do with the nutrition it contains.

Farmers put back NPK only.

Minerals come from the soil. If it is not in the soil it's not in the FGVN.

Organic does not mean more nutritious. It means less chemicals - which is good - but not more nutritious.

Is there poof that the product you are buying is 'organic'? I would like to believe so... but until it's a clearer delineation.. I think in many cases it is marketing bullship.

come in 3 forms: metallic, chelated and colloidal and their absorption rates are as follows (3-5%, 40-45% and 97-98%) so just because something says 'calcium' does not mean you are getting that in nutrition. Let me give you an example.

Calcium carbonate (100 mg tablet) .. This is a metallic mineral.

So.. if you need 2000mg of calcium ach day... how many 100mg tablets do you need to take of the 100mg calcium carbonate?

The Egyptians (on walls of their pyramids) show them planting crops on riverbanks. They didn't know why... but when the river flooded it brought minerals up on the banks. The Egyptians were not stupid. They did not understood why.. but they knew it was better. Things that make you go... Hmmmm...


I never appreciated plants until 20 years ago... when I realized that this was the only thing on the face of the earth that could mine minerals from the ground up into their tissues and the we are supposed to eat it - to obtain minerals in a colloidal form. (a similar way they can be found in the human body).

So... please appreciate plants... thank you.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
So, what is the cure? Is it something specific? Or the eating healthy/lifestyle thing?
Chick-o-stix man! Eat tons of Chick-o-stix!!

Google them.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score

***Early 2000s Boneyard reference.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I am not aware of your situation - but I have some information you might be interested in regarding AD.

First, AD did not really exist before 1970.

Second, it is not hereditary (One of the most famous doctor excuses).

It is a problem rooted in lifestyle and nutrition. Let me explain... in the late 60's and early 70's.. older folks were dying from massive coronaries and when they were autopsied they were finding goo/plaque/crud in the arteries of these people - and it contributed to their demise. They analyzed this and determined it to be cholesterol - as a result - cholesterol became the new 'boogie' man. Every doctor told his/her patients to eliminate cholesterol from their diets - not realizing what the role of cholesterol was playing in the human diet. Needless to say.. it is extremely critical and is as important everyday to the human race as any other vitamin, mineral, amino acid or fatty acid. When patient were deprived by their doctors of this necessary nutrient - a different health issue began to take shape. And in 1979 Gerhard Alzheimer and Harvard medical school - announced a new disease and called it Alzheimer's disease. The deprivation of cholesterol caused people with older physiologies to be impacted first - and subsequently they are the ones who - all of a sudden - could not remember who their children were. You see... cholesterol is needed every day. The body produces 10%
the other 90% MUST come from your diet. All cholesterol HDL (good) and LDL (bad - because it is easily purchased by the body) is processed in the liver and distributed to your spine and brain. Your brain by shear weight is 70% pure cholesterol (myelin sheath) and if you don't feed it... the brain shrinks. Taking it a step further.. it shrinks from the sides first. Now, if you know anything about the brain the temporal lobe is on both sides... and that primarily controls what? If you said memory - you are correct. My daughter nearing the end in med school (about 2 months ago) told me they were going to dissect a brain with a massive stem stroke and one with Alzheimer's. I explained to her what the brain with Alzheimer's would look like... and low and behold... I was right - and she couldn't believe it. I told her it wasn't magic - just that scientists (working with pigs) in the early 50's clinically created this situation and found the exact result - pigs went crazy - (could not eat or breed). They actually gave this condition a name... an atta' boy to the first person who can tell me what it was called. So they knew in the 50's that depriving bodies of cholesterol creates an unhealthy condition in the brain.

What is Alzheimer's disease? Answer (lay terms): brain shrinkage (the myelin sheath) ... from a poor life style and lousy nutrition. Big pharma doesn't want you to know this... because they want to hook you on a symptom controlling synthetic protein made in a petri dish - so they and your doctor cannot be your financial whores.

There is a culture in the world that essentially has no Alzheimer's disease and they live longer than us. Who can guess it? There cholesterol numbers are through the roof. How is this possible? Hint: Since all cholesterol is processed in the liver - distributed to spine and brain (good - high density).... Low density cholesterol (bad) is easily purchased by the body and contributes to many health issues. They have a diet high in all cholesterol and high in EFA (essential fatty acids) - which rids the body of the LDL and that is the secret. But make sure you are taking your cholesterol lowering drugs.. so you can kill yourself and pay your doctor's mortgage. Statin drugs are becoming popular - start with that crap. Doctor's receive (essentially) no training in nutrition - because they make no money trying to tell you how to eat or conduct your life. But they will lady start you on a drug so you can quit smoking - because they get a kickback for that.

I am not a doctor... most don't impress me...and I'm not here to make jokes about Holiday Inn express... because this involves peoples lives...but...

I have been involved with nutrition for 20 years. Nutrition is still measured in the infamous 91. (60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 fatty acids) along with cholesterol. So get this corrected and dramatically increase cholesterol intake - along with EFA intake - which will manage the LDL.

I had 3 strokes 15 months ago - due to an atrial septal defect along with a berry aneurysm on the primum flap (which has be corrected with an occluder - by going through the femoral artery with a catheter.) Than you Dr. Garas - that was brilliant work!! My wife watched it on the TEE.

Be very careful with Doctors.. the new healthcare laws have made these folks very self-serving. You see... I have no financial interest - or dog in the race. Doctors are becoming more like lawyers now.

For example... I dare you to ask your physician if there is a cure for all cancers? The answer is yes. But if it does not involve the CPB ...Cut (surgery) Poison (chemotherapy) and Burn (radiation) then your physician and oncologist don't make anything. And remember 98%+ of people starting this regiment will die within 5 years. So yes... there has been a cure for all cancers since the 80's...but there is no money in it for them - unless you are a CPB patient. So... I am not afraid of cancer the way most of you are. I will NOT donate a penny to these 'institutes' who try to solve problem bassackwards.

I'm sure there will be some folk who don't like me.. think I am crazy etc... or say I don't have a medical degree from some dumb-ass college, blah, blah, blah... Well I've been asked to speak at a medical symposium here in Florida and present my 12 step stroke plan - which truly can will help all who are touched by stroke - I've spent 15 months living this crap and the medical industry has only tried to kill me 3 times. Fortunately, I have some very skilled folks helping me - and we have avoided their health mismanagement. So yes... I will piss off a few folks - but I'm interested in the little guy and those less fortunate.

God bless you.. and change your nutritional diet. (cholesterol/EFA/the 91/nothing stupid like cigarettes and fried food)

I agree with everything you say. Doctors like everything else are ruled by the system and not ethics and morals. Obama care has made it worse and hospitals are a horrendous place to get well. The system is broke and the pharmaceutical companies don't care want any cures, if they cure cancer what happens to all the drugs they have developed? No one needs them anymore. There is no point in giving money to research that is not their goal.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score

***Early 2000s Boneyard reference.

I vaguely remember this. Someone on here liked them no? One of the Florida guys?
Sep 16, 2011
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Good luck to you diggerfoot, I've had some Alzheimer's in the family and a friend of mine runs an Alzheimer's non-profit, there is still not enough being done to fight this horrible disease. Sorry this thread was hijacked by Citrusdog, I remember him from the cesspool and pretty sure he's mentally ill.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll gently remind you all that this is a basketball board.

There are likely better places for our amateur efforts at medical research, so let's keep it to a minimum - the cure for cancer and the solution for peace in the Middle East should probably be released on a grander stage, so I encourage you to seek out that forum and leave us to our less-ambitious goal of obsessing over UConn basketball.


Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry that this took the turn it did. I really do have a sincere wish that others can benefit from my experiences and research in this matter. I was going to reply to comments, particularly one with a factual error, but if anyone has further interest in this you can pm me or check out the brain health page on my blog. Be well.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry that this took the turn it did. I really do have a sincere wish that others can benefit from my experiences and research in this matter. I was going to reply to comments, particularly one with a factual error, but if anyone has further interest in this you can pm me or check out the brain health page on my blog. Be well.
I appreciated your post and blog link, as I did your prior reports from your walking trip with your wife. We have a close family member suffering from early onset Alzheimer's. I read your blog post yesterday and then forwarded the link to her spouse, who immediately replied that it was very clearly written and informative.

It is a very cruel disease that has been a real eye-opener and unfortunate learning experience for our entire family, as it has clearly been for you. I appreciate your sharing of the information you have learned.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry that this took the turn it did. I really do have a sincere wish that others can benefit from my experiences and research in this matter. I was going to reply to comments, particularly one with a factual error, but if anyone has further interest in this you can pm me or check out the brain health page on my blog. Be well.

Nice work digger.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Interessing article on this in Dec issue of' Neurology Now'.
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