OT: Pet peeves on the highway | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: Pet peeves on the highway

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Aug 26, 2011
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How boutn the folks who get on the highway at their speed, instead of accelerating to highway speed? Also, those that get to the end of the acceleration lane and stop?


Mommy to the Mini Mojo Keeper
Dec 2, 2011
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YES, the people who use the left lane and don't pass. Especially trucks. If it's going to take you 15 minutes to pass, just stay in the right lane so I can pass.

The people who ride my butt rather than pass, especially if I'm in the right lane.

High beams. My kid rides rear-facing. That light gets into her eyes when people come up behind me and it wakes her up and she starts crying. If there are other people on the road, turn those suckers off.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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First, I didn't say I do it, just posing a hypothetical ( and possibly ethical) question. Isn't the person speeding putting people at risk? If they lose control, or get into trouble, your being in the right hand lane is not going to save you. Why do they have speed limits?

Which brings up a real pet peeve: Tailgaters! On one lane roads, I tend to slow down for tailgaters. Hey, if you're going to rear end me, it's better at 20 mph than 40 mph. Call me a , but tailgating is dangerous. You have no idea why I might need to suddenly stop. Most if not all rear end collisions are the result of tailgaters....

hmmmm....dangerously close vs letting them by...I pick letting them by, and let the police police the road.

nuff said


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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First, I didn't say I do it, just posing a hypothetical ( and possibly ethical) question. Isn't the person speeding putting people at risk? If they lose control, or get into trouble, your being in the right hand lane is not going to save you. Why do they have speed limits?

Which brings up a real pet peeve: Tailgaters! On one lane roads, I tend to slow down for tailgaters. Hey, if you're going to rear end me, it's better at 20 mph than 40 mph. Call me a , but tailgating is dangerous. You have no idea why I might need to suddenly stop. Most if not all rear end collisions are the result of tailgaters....

I'll agree with your last point 100%. Speed on the highway isn't an issue as much as being unaware and too close. Highways are fluid, it's the outliers that cause problems. That's why they should stay to the right, where people expect the rate of traffic to be slower.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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How boutn the folks who get on the highway at their speed, instead of accelerating to highway speed? Also, those that get to the end of the acceleration lane and stop?

That's another one! They call it an acceleration lane for a reason.


Mommy to the Mini Mojo Keeper
Dec 2, 2011
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How boutn the folks who get on the highway at their speed, instead of accelerating to highway speed? Also, those that get to the end of the acceleration lane and stop?

Depending on the highway, it might not be the safest option. I drive I-80 at least once a week and there's a lot of truck traffic and more often than not, there will be 4-5 trucks all close together and I will stop (which might be why some entrance ramps have yield signs) before I'll accelerate and fight my way in when there's no room. :)
Aug 26, 2011
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Define "slow." Do you consider going the speed limit "slow?" Do you think the left lane is for people who want to go as fast as they want?

In a word? Yes!

Good rule of thumb -- always go faster than the cars to your right. If you're going the same speed as them, why tie up another lane? Just tuck in behind them and let traffic move. Safety is far more than just speed -- it's conditions and flow of traffic. If traffic is light enough that you can safely go 70/75/... what's the problem?

A long time ago I read a story about a study they did in Germany where they removed the speedometer from the cars and told people to drive at the speed they felt most comfortable (on the autobahn). The average? 72 mph.


Mommy to the Mini Mojo Keeper
Dec 2, 2011
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People driving on snow and/or ice as if the road is perfectly dry.

Having to drive on snow or ice period. This driver never figured out winter driving after so many years down south. ;)


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2011
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In a word? Yes!

Good rule of thumb -- always go faster than the cars to your right. If you're going the same speed as them, why tie up another lane? Just tuck in behind them and let traffic move. Safety is far more than just speed -- it's conditions and flow of traffic. If traffic is light enough that you can safely go 70/75/... what's the problem?

Have you ever successfully used this argument to get out of a Speeding Ticket?


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2011
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People who quickly pull out of a side street in front of you, then go slow. And you look in your rear view mirror, and there is no one behind you.

Also, people who get mad at people who pull out. I know I've done this more than once: I look both ways, see no one so that I can pull out, then when I am on the new road, someone appears right behind me, fuming. Hey, where did you come from? Probably speeding. I didn't see you! Don't take it personally.

Two similar, but very different situations...
Aug 26, 2011
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People who merge by stopping at the first possible point and create a traffic jam rather than finding a spot where you can actually merge. Happens to me every morning coming into Hartford.

The cell phone stuff is obviously an issue. Wish the technology existed to stop a driver from using their cellphone other than in a hands-free mode. Sort of like an alcoholic having to blow into a breathalizer before they can drive.

I also spend a lot of time on two lane highways. I'm not a big fan of the people who like riding in the passing lane while never passing anyone and then get mad when you pass them on the right.
Jul 13, 2013
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Here's another one of mine. People who haven't the foggiest idea of how to merge into traffic from the on ramp ! If there isn't a half mile of open lane, they're not moving.
On edit. I see SWHusky fan beat me too it
Aug 26, 2011
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Another merging irritation is drivers who don't merge when there is roadwork and lanes reduce. They try to pass as many cars as they can, then expect people to let them in when the lane ends.

Weirdest thing I ever saw was a man playing the saxophone while he was driving.
Aug 24, 2011
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Don't get me started WIN.

Slower cars who will not move over for faster cars.
Most of the time they are either eating, cell phoning, or texting.

Gosh that makes me ill !

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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First, I didn't say I do it, just posing a hypothetical ( and possibly ethical) question. Isn't the person speeding putting people at risk? If they lose control, or get into trouble, your being in the right hand lane is not going to save you. Why do they have speed limits?

Which brings up a real pet peeve: Tailgaters! On one lane roads, I tend to slow down for tailgaters. Hey, if you're going to rear end me, it's better at 20 mph than 40 mph. Call me a , but tailgating is dangerous. You have no idea why I might need to suddenly stop. Most if not all rear end collisions are the result of tailgaters....

As a retired person I drive like retired people, and so I enjoy feeling holier than thou when I'm tailgated. Get out of bed 5 minutes earlier,
you creeps!!!!! I'm in the gramma lane anyway.
Aug 26, 2011
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Have you ever successfully used this argument to get out of a Speeding Ticket?

Never needed to. Tickets I've gotten have all been in the lovely town of Manchester -- and I don't even live or work there.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cops speeding faster than the speeders.... why aren't they doing the limit and giving out tickets???? Seems they only work on holidays...:)

Work zones.... right lane closed.... except you never find it ahead.... :( maybe they were there yesterday????
Those cops still give out tickets no matter how fast they are going.
Aug 26, 2011
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YES, the people who use the left lane and don't pass. Especially trucks. If it's going to take you 15 minutes to pass, just stay in the right lane so I can pass.

The people who ride my butt rather than pass, especially if I'm in the right lane.

High beams. My kid rides rear-facing. That light gets into her eyes when people come up behind me and it wakes her up and she starts crying. If there are other people on the road, turn those suckers off.
Hope you drive a tank, otherwise that kid is overexposed to danger. If you get rear-ended they are toast.
Apr 7, 2012
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Tailgating. If I'm in the left lane, doint 5-10 OVER the speed limit...either put on your flashers to tell me that it's an emergency, or back off. DON'T flash your high beams at me, that just pi**es me off, and I will find a nice semi to drive alongside...
And of course, as many have already mentioned...texting. I once saw a guy texting ON A MOTORCYCLE! He (she?) was on a crotch rocket, with low cut sneakers, short shorts, tank top, and one of those full face, $700 helmets...


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh so many.

CT drivers in general.
CT signage, (really poor)
People who complain about tailgaters. People who do stupid things like tap on brakes when being tailgated or slow down. How stupid do you have to be to try to cause an accident???? If you are being tailgated, it's your fault. Get out of the way. Don't be an @ss.

Ah another one, drivers who are @sses. The point of driving is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible WHILE allowing everyone else to do the same. Anything that you do that prohibits this makes you a poor driver. And most people are poor drivers. If going to fast causes problems, or going too slow causes problems, or not using your signal (which always causes problems), or pulling out in front of someone, etc. etc. etc.

Speaking of using your signal (directional, blinker, whatever you want to call it), USE IT, EVERY F%#$ING TIME!!!!! Those of us who can drive will help you if we know what you are trying to do. (i.e. WHILE allowing everyone else to do the same). But if we don't know what you are trying to do, it makes it that much harder.

There's about a million more, but it's pissing me off just to write this. :mad:


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Cops speeding faster than the speeders.... why aren't they doing the limit and giving out tickets????
And on the phone.

I see it every day on Route 2. Not only do they pass me like I'm standing still, the roof is not lit up, and they are on the phone. If I didn't know any better (I probably don't) I'd say they are also playing Tetris or something on their on-board computer.

I was at the DMV in Norwich a few months back and I took a DOT survey on if I'm worried about being pulled over while on the phone. Of course I am not, but only because my SUV has a USB port which allows me to take calls as if I were listening to the radio. In the Other Comments Section I wrote that cops are the biggest offenders and I feel it's a hypocritical way to raise revenue. The survey taker said I was about the 5th person that morning to say something similar.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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First, I didn't say I do it, just posing a hypothetical ( and possibly ethical) question. Isn't the person speeding putting people at risk? If they lose control, or get into trouble, your being in the right hand lane is not going to save you. Why do they have speed limits?

Which brings up a real pet peeve: Tailgaters! On one lane roads, I tend to slow down for tailgaters. Hey, if you're going to rear end me, it's better at 20 mph than 40 mph. Call me a , but tailgating is dangerous. You have no idea why I might need to suddenly stop. Most if not all rear end collisions are the result of tailgaters....

The don't get all up in arms when you get passed at the next opportunity. ;) Those people suck. Route 16 between Colchester is a winding ananconda of a two lane, but the minimum posted speed is still 45 MPH and there are ample passing zones. I hate the person who goes 40 MPH and then flashes their high beams when they inevitably get passed.

Continuing through Marlborough,, Rte. 66 has a valley and hill with a passing lane on the upslope both ways. Pick a lane, don't straddle.


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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My pet peeve is people who feel the need to make eye contact with the person in the car with whom they are carrying on a conversation. That scares the living hell out of me.

I understand the dangers of a careless person on a cell phone but I personally can carry on a conversation while keeping my eyes on my mirrors and what's going on in front of me very easily.

The problems with a cell phones are: the fumbling for the phone to see whos calling which in my case if someone calls me while I'm driving going to go to voicemail, texting of course which is completely stupid, and having to look down to dial which is solved by using voice dialers.

I'm not strongly advocating the use of cellphones while you drive but in the case where it is an emergency and you have to make a call, pull over or if you have a voice dial set up then just speak and use a hands free device and keep your eyes on the road!!!

Not an artist, but I was suddenly struck by the thought your avatar could use pointier ears and a bushier tail...

I mean, for a music-loving UConn fan...


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh so many.

CT drivers in general.
CT signage, (really poor)
People who complain about tailgaters. People who do stupid things like tap on brakes when being tailgated or slow down. How stupid do you have to be to try to cause an accident???? If you are being tailgated, it's your fault. Get out of the way. Don't be an @ss.

Ah another one, drivers who are @sses. The point of driving is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible WHILE allowing everyone else to do the same. Anything that you do that prohibits this makes you a poor driver. And most people are poor drivers. If going to fast causes problems, or going too slow causes problems, or not using your signal (which always causes problems), or pulling out in front of someone, etc. etc. etc.

Speaking of using your signal (directional, blinker, whatever you want to call it), USE IT, EVERY F%#$ING TIME!!!!! Those of us who can drive will help you if we know what you are trying to do. (i.e. WHILE allowing everyone else to do the same). But if we don't know what you are trying to do, it makes it that much harder.

There's about a million more, but it's pissing me off just to write this. :mad:

don't want to start a flame war with one o' my favorite posters, but ..

Tailgating is illegal. Tailgating is aggressive. Tailgating, along with speeding, may be the leading cause of accidents.

The point of driving is to get from point A to point B safely and quickly - not just as quickly as possible. I'm not championing driving too slowly nor too cautiously, but nobody, except emergency vehicles, has the right to speed or tailgate. Driving right up somebody's @ss is trying to cause an accident - and, since it's their trunk, but, your hood, you're the one who's apt to suffer the most if they have to slow down unexpectedly.
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