Don't take 8a Intro to Film in Von Der Mehden. You'll get there about 1 out of 3 classes, and even when you do, you don't have a prayer of staying awake in that warm theater when they kill the lights.
If you are broke, and spend hours collecting bags of cans so that you can afford 1/2 a 30 pack of keystone light, be careful bringing it into your dorm. Red Headed RA's in NorthWest like to pretend they are keying into the car next to you so they can jump out when you pop the trunk and make you dump out every one. The alcohol 101 class at the hart house, consequently, is not bad.
If a group of kids on your floor smash every ceiling tile and rip out a sink, you'll have to pay approximately 45 dollars in repairs, even if you had nothing to do with it.
You are one of the closest dorms to hunting lodge road, where the majority of off campus housing is and therefore the majority of debauchery. Be safe, stay out of the street. Use the "Rape Trail." Although chances are they are calling it something different these days if they are squashing "the jungle."