OT: my injury story if any doctors are on this board. | The Boneyard

OT: my injury story if any doctors are on this board.

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Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
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I've been hurt going on 8 months now.
not finding many answers anywhere.
so i figured if the right person sees my story maybe they will be able to shed some light.

I was lifting a 40 lb box at work.
I bent over and kinda jerked the box while picking it up.
I felt a tingling sensation in my right testicle as i was lifting the box from the floor to a cart.
couple hours later that day, i noticed a pain/heaviness in my stomach.
I went to the doctor and they diagnosed it as a sprained groin and a strained abdominal muscle.

I started doing physical therapy. didn't seem to help and seemed to get worse not better.
few weeks go by and i try lifting a similar box to see if i can.
this time i feel a popping sensation in my right testicle. no pain just a pop.

I tell all this to the doctors and they send me to a Urologist.
The Urologist has them do a ultrasound on my testicles.
the test shows nothing wrong and he says it is probably a hernia and refers me to a surgeon.

The first surgeon orders a CT Scan.
The ct scan shows nothing, no hernia, no nothing.
The surgeon says it's not a hernia and maybe it is just a sprain/strain.

I go see a 2nd surgeon.
The 2nd surgeon says maybe it's a sport's hernia and orders a MRI scan.
The mri shows nothing and the surgeon basically tells me,
whatever my problem is that he can't hep me and doesn't want to see me again or hear about my case.

I go back to the original doctor that I first saw and tell him everything that has happened in the past 4 months.
He isn't sure what to even say but he says his boss has been a doctor for 40 years and wants me to see him.
His Boss diagnoses me with a spigelian hernia.

I go back to the 1st surgeon i saw with this information of a spigelian hernia.
This surgeon doesn't agree with this new diagnosis but agrees to use a camera and go inside my stomach to see if he can find anything wrong.

I just had the surgery today.
My fear was to wake up and not be fixed and this has happened.
He told me that he saw no hernia anywhere but did notice that my Appendix
didn't look right. so he removed it.
He doesn't think my appendix was causing all of my pain but isn't sure.
I won't know if it helped until the anesthesia wears off.

This has really been an injury from hell.
been in bad to severe pain for the last 8 months.
anytime i lift something or do anything physical at all.
the pain just spreads to different areas and intensifies.
I'm kinda losing all hope.

since the doctors seem to have no answers for me.
i figured maybe someone on here maybe would.
at this point it can't hurt.

Thanks guys.
Oct 31, 2014
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I'm no doctor, but my thoughts are with you. Rough going. Hang in there, and I hope you find an answer. I never understood how debilitating chronic pain could be until I hurt my back and literally couldn't walk across a field to get home because the rough terrain was making my back explode. Took 2 months of zero activity to get better, with the 1st week being hell. Good luck.
Aug 25, 2011
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Hep C 2012
prostate cancer 2013
stroke 2014

I told my doctor she should schedule my next appointment at my funeral.

I hope you get an answer but its obvious you (like I) have great insurance. That alone can be a curse. Doctors are quick to examine, conduct MRIs, refer you to their 'friends', even perform surgery and still not fix the problem. My body has been invaded more in the last 2+ years than the 50 years prior. I am 'cured' but I observed the game first hand.

I will probably have shoulder surgery in 2015 for arthritis along with the number of tests, MRIs, probes, 2nd opinions, etc.. is alarming.

I can only suggest going to a homeopathic specialist as my diabetic wife has had much success there vs traditional doctors. At least they will diagnose without intrusion, and perhaps offer a fix.
Jan 26, 2014
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1. do not test icle selfy: No Lifting on experimental basis; just Forget it

2. increase sex activity and walking exercise regimen

3. see neurologist for nerve problems(fibromyalgia) or blue balls

4. if sex doesnt help, increase it and begin exercise program under auspices of physical therapist ( if she pretty, explain your situation to her and ask if sex would help)


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction Score
Hep C 2012
prostate cancer 2013
stroke 2014

I told my doctor she should schedule my next appointment at my funeral.

I hope you get an answer but its obvious you (like I) have great insurance. That alone can be a curse. Doctors are quick to examine, conduct MRIs, refer you to their 'friends', even perform surgery and still not fix the problem. My body has been invaded more in the last 2+ years than the 50 years prior. I am 'cured' but I observed the game first hand.

I will probably have shoulder surgery in 2015 for arthritis along with the number of tests, MRIs, probes, 2nd opinions, etc.. is alarming.

I can only suggest going to a homeopathic specialist as my diabetic wife has had much success there vs traditional doctors. At least they will diagnose without intrusion, and perhaps offer a fix.

happened at work, thankfully.
or i'd be about a mil in debt prolly.


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
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You need new doctors. Find a place familiar with sports injuries.

The internet, and especially this insane asylum, is not going to help.

hi Fishy. I've seen 6 different doctors so far and still have no answers.
it's like they'v never heard of anyone having the pain that i have been having.
pretty depressing since it's almost 2015.
Jan 26, 2014
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regarding appendix

I experienced near death with gangrene appendectomy(also: you may consider gallbladder wit gall stones size of golf balls-i had that and nearly died)

heres pain descript: as i waited for ambulance; i am rolling on floor in mega agony with pain sensation as if an archer wit cross bow was standing under me as i stood and released arrow into my groin

i hear emergency vehicle activity outside but its a hook and ladder fire truck because ambulance is not avail and they wish to show good faith

shortly after ambulance shows up and medics take me on stretcher/while enroute to hospital i am kicking like mule in death march and ding up and dent and damage alum walls inside vehicle

get to hospital and they dont know problem yet and pump me full of pain killers

2 hrs later a dr who is personal friend of family is called in by wife and he looks at me for 15 seconds and says i will see you in surgery in 1/2 hr

the poison was endemic but my immune system is fierce and i barely survived

2 months later i got viral pneumonia and almost died again/no antibiotics help this mega prob due to viral/in hospital 2 weeks and had to learn how to breath again with mechanical devices

back to gangrene scenerio: left hospital after 10 days/got home and felt like i was dying/looked out window to my garden about 20 yards away and it seemed like 2 miles in the condition i was in

priest brought in pronto for last rites: best dang last rites i ever had: next day i felt so strong & was so fired up i was shooting j's from 23 feet

i have had many other death defying moments: remind me to tell you the one about dude in sting ray corvette trying to cut me to ribbons at 100+mph


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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hi Fishy. I've seen 6 different doctors so far and still have no answers.
it's like they'v never heard of anyone having the pain that i have been having.
pretty depressing since it's almost 2015.

Get a seventh.

A lot of gyms have associated physical therapists - they're used to lifting injuries and such.

Make an appointment - your surgery likely qualifies you for therapy - and then see what the therapist thinks. If he thinks you need another doctor, he'll know who to send you to for an injury like that.
Sep 17, 2011
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Hi I'm a physical therapist. The top specialist in this area if your current sx doesn't work is Dr. Meyers in Philadelphia. He has a whole institute specializing in these type of injuries. vincerainstitute.com/vinceracorephysicians/ Good luck


Pessimistic idealist
Sep 6, 2011
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Sounds like this episode of House:


I have found House to be a horrible show in terms of real world medical issues. I suffer from cluster headaches, it is a very real condition that causes unbelieveable pain but is largely unknown by the general population. Seems like a perfect subject for the show to touch on, but they turned it into a complete mockery, conflating it with rage issues, violence, other maladies and the character who had it was a raging dick. People who saw the episode would just stay away from anyone who has the condition.

Maybe chap's story explains a few things. I have a painful sack story that would rival his, so perhaps it explains some things about me as well.

OP- have you considered the possibility of a back injury? Maybe a teste nerve is being pinched by a vertabrae herniation?


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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If the doctor told you he had to perform a senhorectomy, be afraid, be very afraid.


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction Score
Hi I'm a physical therapist. The top specialist in this area if your current sx doesn't work is Dr. Meyers in Philadelphia. He has a whole institute specializing in these type of injuries. vincerainstitute.com/vinceracorephysicians/ Good luck

thanks for that information.


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction Score
Hint: Stop lifting 40lb boxes.

ehh. i lift usually much heavier but i knew that box wasn't that heavy and was careless.
i've been paying for it ever since.

Playing basketball is my 1 true love even tho i suck at it.
haven't been able to play in 8 months.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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First...find a masseuse for some deep tissue massage. This is first and foremost.

If I was in same boat I would ask how my nuts are connected to my stomach. When I found out then I would ask a doctor. I can only assume that a nerve is involved.

Finally, I have to admit I kind of read your initial post as a try at humor.


Why So Serious ¿
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction Score
First...find a masseuse for some deep tissue massage. This is first and foremost.

If I was in same boat I would ask how my nuts are connected to my stomach. When I found out then I would ask a doctor. I can only assume that a nerve is involved.

Finally, I have to admit I kind of read your initial post as a try at humor.

when i saw my original's doctor's Boss. he told them to do deep tissue therapy.
but the pain is in a few different areas.
it did help a lil on one area but she tried to also do it where my organs are and that hurt like hell.
that's when the doctor diagnosed it as a spigelian hernia but also said this could be a nerve issue.
so your thoughts seem to be on the money.
Sep 16, 2011
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I have found House to be a horrible show in terms of real world medical issues. I suffer from cluster headaches, it is a very real condition that causes unbelieveable pain but is largely unknown by the general population. Seems like a perfect subject for the show to touch on, but they turned it into a complete mockery, conflating it with rage issues, violence, other maladies and the character who had it was a raging dick. People who saw the episode would just stay away from anyone who has the condition.

Maybe chap's story explains a few things. I have a painful sack story that would rival his, so perhaps it explains some things about me as well.

OP- have you considered the possibility of a back injury? Maybe a teste nerve is being pinched by a vertabrae herniation?
My brother has suffered from those for years, he thought they finally went away because he hadn't had them in a couple of years but boom they came on like crazy again a few months ago. He's not one to complain and he says they are completely debilitating and make tears stream down his face. It's so frustrating they can't pinpoint what causes them or how to treat them, wondering if you've found out any causes or suggestions for relief? There is a reason they are also called suicide headaches. Hope you've found some way over the years to alleviate some of the pain.
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