>> First , that is Bishop Fulton J. Sheen isn't it? (If not I will lurk back into the darkness from whence I came)
His T.V. show was, I believe, called "Life Is Worth Living" and was very popular. It had high ratings. The guy was a
dynamic, charasmatic person who was one of the greatest preachers ever. (A Catholic Billy Graham) He was seen
with many famous people of all denominations .
>> In his biography it is noted that in Europe, there is a rarely earned degree higher than a PhD. It is inter-institutional
and the final step in the process is an oral examination by several distinguished scholars of important colleges.
When its over you can tell how well you performed by the kind of beverage served at the post examination function.
After his examinaton . . . they served champagne!
>> He never became a Cardinal because he spilled the beans on Cardinal Spellman of New York who was stealing money
meant for charity to buy toys for himself. Spellman was forced to pay back the diverted funds and used his great power and
influence to make sure Sheen never got promoted. He saw to that Sheen's final posting was at a backwater New York location.
>> (Spellman's bio is worth reading. It was a best seller and incredible) B.T.W. re-runs of Sheen's old show appear regularly
on EWTN, the Catholc channel.