OT Mccaffrey to skip Sun Bowl to focus on draft | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT Mccaffrey to skip Sun Bowl to focus on draft

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Sep 3, 2011
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If he fails to play in 2016 Stanford Bowl game then he should be responsible for reimbursing school for his 2016 scholarship. It's a weak- move.
Sep 3, 2011
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if Stanford support Mac for not p,aging in the game then they should. Ot be allowed to play in the contest. WTF. College football is a cesspool.
Oct 19, 2016
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He's not quitting. He is making the move from amateur to professional. There is a big difference.
Aug 28, 2011
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If he fails to play in 2016 Stanford Bowl game then he should be responsible for reimbursing school for his 2016 scholarship. It's a weak- move.

Finally. The voice of reason. Stanford wouldn't be at the Sun Bowl without Mccaffrey, and they already agreed to pay him the lion's share of the $2.15 million they get for the Sun Bowl appearance.

Oh wait.
Aug 27, 2011
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15 years from now :

"Sorry kids, I know I could have provided you a comfortable life and college education. But at least I'm a man to some guy on a message board!"
Your response is not shocking. It's shows you don't even understand the concept. Being a person of character is a matter of personal integrity. It has nothing to do with pleasing a guy on a message board. It has everything to do whether your word means anything. Some times you make commitments that become really painful to keep and that's when your character is tested. The truth is without character, it doesn't matter how wealthy you are. You're diminished and no amount of money fixes that. But, understanding that is the difference between older generations and newer ones. The team plays to win as a team. There are kids on that team that played their hearts out that will never have a chance to play pro but still put their bodies on the line for that kid to be a hero. Why do they have to lose their best player and walk away with a loss so he doesn't have to risk being hurt? Why is he any better than the last player on that bench that showed up every practice to get the Shiite kicked out if him playing scout team? No, this is self centered materialism at its worst. The kid is a loser.
Oct 6, 2013
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Have to laugh at all the banter... he is moving to the next level, time to move on-he owes Stanford nothing at this point-...
Next man up, so the saying goes. Risk millions and a shot at playing on Sundays.....
To play in a meaningless bowl game, come on guys.

If a coach can move on to his next opportunity and job without any poop.... so can a player. Most of the bowl games are poop, anyway
Sep 3, 2011
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For C Mac to skip bowl game is disgraceful and an insult to the guys who blocked for him. He is a puuuu see.
Feb 13, 2014
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Your response is not shocking. It's shows you don't even understand the concept. Being a person of character is a matter of personal integrity. It has nothing to do with pleasing a guy on a message board. It has everything to do whether your word means anything. Some times you make commitments that become really painful to keep and that's when your character is tested. The truth is without character, it doesn't matter how wealthy you are. You're diminished and no amount of money fixes that. But, understanding that is the difference between older generations and newer ones. The team plays to win as a team. There are kids on that team that played their hearts out that will never have a chance to play pro but still put their bodies on the line for that kid to be a hero. Why do they have to lose their best player and walk away with a loss so he doesn't have to risk being hurt? Why is he any better than the last player on that bench that showed up every practice to get the Shiite kicked out if him playing scout team? No, this is self centered materialism at its worst. The kid is a loser.
I think his teammates realize him chasing his dream ASAP is more important than being the "Sun Bowl hero" actually they've already come out in support of his decision so...Lol at your scorching take


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Message board fogey judges character of kid he's never met before...classic.
Aug 27, 2011
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Message board fogey judges character of kid he's never met before...classic.
You judge by actions not talk, buddy... we "fogies" have been around the block and might know a few things, but you wiseguys have all the answers, right. It's clear I've got a few years of life on you.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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You judge by actions not talk, buddy... we "fogies" have been around the block and might know a few things, but you wiseguys have all the answers, right. It's clear I've got a few years of life on you.

I don't think there's much I can gain from "grunt grunt, be a man, kids today are such pansies, grunt grunt".
Oct 19, 2016
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One might also note that Christian McCaffrey is technically "quitting" school, although I suspect he will complete his degree at some point in the future. But in his case, that isn't really a problem. No one is going to jump on him for that decision because he is going to make good money in the NFL. That will allow him the luxury of completing his degree on his own schedule. Really what this is about is assuming a different set of responsibilities. He has chosen to put college behind him and move into the professional world. That means he has to put college responsibilities behind him.
Aug 26, 2011
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Reading this thread reminded me of some good news.

Only about 8 1/2 months until the 2017 season starts. Yay! :(


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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This is the value of a Stanford education.

Stanford is currently in 6th place in average earnings of graduates within 5 years of graduating - which is a huge selling point for any college's administration, especially in the upper tier. McCaffrey's earnings will help push that number up. So you could look at this as he actually is doing the school a favor.
Aug 29, 2011
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So if Kemba had decided to walk away after the Big East Tournement to preserve his health, or even better if Okafor who actually did have back issues, had said "I don't want to risk further injury that might hurt my draft place." and sat out the Tourney, all you guys would have been fine with that decision. Sure you would.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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So if Kemba had decided to walk away after the Big East Tournement to preserve his health, or even better if Okafor who actually did have back issues, had said "I don't want to risk further injury that might hurt my draft place." and sat out the Tourney, all you guys would have been fine with that decision. Sure you would.

Apples and Oranges. You can't compare the situation. Unless you say after the Big East Kemba decided not to play the NIT. Even still it's different because basketball is exponentially less physically taxing than a RB in football.

McCaffrey has nothing to play for it isn't like he is deciding to sit out a playoff game, it's to a random bowl game. Why do we even have all of these bowls games other than to make money for the sponsors/schools?
Aug 27, 2011
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In addition to all the obvious reasons already posted to why this makes sense for McCaffrey, the second tier bowl games are not beneficial to Seniors or kids leaving early for the NFL. Listen to any coaches explanation as to why they love bowl games and a vast majority of them are to get more practice time in the season to develop players. Those additional 3-6 weeks of practice are used to work with young players and get them live reps before Spring ball begins. McCaffrey has nothing left to prove in a meaningless game and would likely get very few reps during the teams additional practices to get better. This doesn't set a bad precident with future players because how many are in the situation where they will be a first round draft pick with literally nothing left to prove. He is not a top 10 draft pick, but his production in the Sun Bowl will not have any impact cone draft time. Anyone who is a boarder line first rounder or second rounder+ will play this game to try to enhance their stock.

And how many basketball players can be named by playing in one last game got hurt and jeopordized their draft position and future earnings because of injury? There are several we can name in football and unlike other sports, nothing is guaranteed in the NFL unlike other professional sports.

He is making a business decision in what has become a very business like sport, college football.
Oct 6, 2013
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So if Kemba had decided to walk away after the Big East Tournement to preserve his health, or even better if Okafor who actually did have back issues, had said "I don't want to risk further injury that might hurt my draft place." and sat out the Tourney, all you guys would have been fine with that decision. Sure you would.
Big difference between National championship tourney run and a meaningless bowl game.
If Stanford was in the National football playoff picture, the scenario changes dramatically.
IMO, you are confusing apples and oranges.
Aug 29, 2011
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Apples and Oranges. You can't compare the situation. Unless you say after the Big East Kemba decided not to play the NIT. Even still it's different because basketball is exponentially less physically taxing than a RB in football.

McCaffrey has nothing to play for it isn't like he is deciding to sit out a playoff game, it's to a random bowl game. Why do we even have all of these bowls games other than to make money for the sponsors/schools?
That's an excuse but the principal is the same.
Aug 27, 2011
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That's an excuse but the principal is the same.
Not an excuse at all, all but three bowl games are meaningless exhibitions. The team has literally nothing to play for besides a participation trophy. Kemba would be sitting out the culmination of his team's season where they actually have everything in the world to play for and it's an enormous showcase for his draft stock. Yes, you can help your draft stock in a bowl game, but it being one game instead of multiple like the NCAA tournament makes it much less impactful.
Aug 27, 2011
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Fournette is doing the same thing. And McCraffey isn't going top 10. Kiper has him at 28 and the 4th best RB. He should be a first round pick, maybe top 20. But most would be shocked if he went in the top 10.

I will be shocked if he goes in the first round. Strangely, I think his versatility may hurt him. Is he a Running Back, a Slot Receiver, or a utility guy? Is he Wes Welker or Darren Sproles? If his career matches either of those players he will have had a good career. But I doubt anyone would take Welker or Sproles with a first round pick if they could go back in time.

As for skipping the bowl game, I doubt I would do it....but I have no problem with him and Fournette doing so. Schools treat these kids like commodities. Can't blame them when they start acting like commodities. Coaches leave during bowl season all the time. Most scholarships are still one year deals. Why should the players be held to a higher standard?
Oct 10, 2016
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Personally, I don't see the bowls as meaningless. It's the only time that we get to see the high and mighty SEC play a non-con schedule that isn't cherry picked.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Personally, I don't see the bowls as meaningless. It's the only time that we get to see the high and mighty SEC play a non-con schedule that isn't cherry picked.

Well played.
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