Good questions. I use my Chase SW Rapid Rewards card as much as possible, for things as mundane as groceries, eating out, etc, and on big things like electronics though I don't buy many big ticket items.
As for traveling, it's usually domestic and SW fits the need. But I'm thinking of doing some international travel within the next few years and wouldn't mind points, or whatever, to go towards airfare and maybe even hotel. Though I do own a time share with my brother which I can bank as points or weeks to use for lodging overseas.
I just wonder if it's simply more cost effective to get cash back which can obviously go towards whatever future purchases, compared to earning points that might have restrictions. Also, I've always wondered if these points programs, the points sometimes expire over time.
I don't travel frequently so it's sort of a once or twice a year kind of thing.
I don't know if this information helps, but based on this, what would you recommend? I'm sure we all want to get the best bang for the buck, so what card would have the biggest bang, in light of fees, percentage cash back, points, least restrictions, etc.
Just doesn't seem there is an exact science to all this. Any help in narrowing it down, based on this additional info, is greatly appreciated.