I find the college game far more enjoyable, that said, I wouldn't be able to stomach sitting and watching 2 of the worst D1 teams face off, but its that caring that I think is different. I can't stand those college fans who sit and shout "THE NBA IS AWFUL THEY NEVER PLAY DEFENSE!!" because those people clearly haven't watched a game. Watching an NBA game exposes you to at least a dozen amazing athletic accomplishments that you just wont see as many of in a college game, but there's something that is missing. I think the past few years have seen that missing element diminish in the college game too, but its still there to a degree.
Even though the skill level is through the roof in the NBA, I think what I like more about college is that it is more relatable to actually playing live basketball. Personally the team pride and brotherhood you see in a lot of college teams reminds me of playing in my summer work league, guys want to succeed and win every possession, where in the NBA you get a lot of times where one team is dominating and the other appears content to let them get theirs for a few and try to strike back in the next quarter. In college every game counts, in the NBA if a team is being obliterated in the first half sometimes they just let it happen and begin focusing on the next one while they bench their starters
Different strokes for different folks, each league has its pros and cons I think